Working Towards a Common Goal

Xiaoli Yang, Ph.D. - Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

September 19, 2018
Xiaoli Yang, Ph.D.

Empowering Lifelong Learners

Professor Xiaoli Yang’s main research interests are in the areas of virtual reality, visualization, software engineering, and digital education. She has published more than 60 papers in journals and refereed international conference proceedings, and one book by Springer. Professor Yang received a number of grants from NSF, Indiana Commission of Higher Education, and NSERC-Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. She has been successful in involving undergraduate and graduate students in research. Through these grants, Professor Yang was able to provide research opportunities for many students as well as bringing her research to the classroom.

She has devoted a great deal of time and efforts mentoring research projects ranging from senior design projects to MSE theses. Professor Yang has supervised more than 70 students on various engineering projects, and her students have co-authored more than 30 journal and conference papers. As a teacher and key faculty member in computer engineering, she enjoys holding a group of diverse learners to work together toward a common goal: learning how to learn. The deepest satisfaction, therefore, comes from the notion that she wants to empower students to lifelong learning after graduation.