What Can I Do with an English Degree?

March 5, 2024
A student in a light gray shirt and dark gray cardigan stands with their arms folded. They are looking off to the left and smiling.

Have you ever wondered how to translate your love for reading and writing into a career?

Majoring in English can open opportunities including and far beyond the well-known careers of teaching, publishing and authorship!

PNW’s English major allows you the flexibility to tailor your studies to your career interests. You can choose a concentration in Writing, Teaching and/or Literature.

Through courses in digital literacy, popular culture, creative writing and more, you will gain the professional and personal skills required to navigate today’s rapidly changing workplace.

Explore how PNW’s English degree programs can fuel your academic and career journey.

Are English Majors in Demand?

Yes, English majors are employed in fields such as medicine, law, business, teaching, publishing and beyond! Through PNW’s English degree, you will develop highly transferable skills in any field you might choose.

Potential jobs include:

Social media managers create engaging written and visual content for a company or organization’s social media accounts.

They need to have excellent writing skills, be able to manage analytics tools to track engagement and create exciting and eye-catching designs.

Video game writers create storylines, backstory details, dialogue and develop characters. They collaborate with designers and artists to achieve a story that aligns with the game.

Video game writers must also research game history, think creatively about the game’s goals and pay close attention to detail.

Grant writers are responsible for researching and applying for public and private grants. They write grants and often coordinate grant budgets.

These professionals can work in non-profit organizations, higher education and large corporations.

Public relations (PR) specialists are public-facing company representatives. They are responsible for writing and distributing press releases, newsletters, speeches, website content and other written communications.

PR specialists also act as a resource between media members and company representatives.

Copywriters craft persuasive content for advertisements, blog posts, newsletters and more. They are highly sought after by a variety of companies and organizations, playing an important role in writing the messaging of these organizations.

Successful copywriters have the ability to think creatively, collaborate effectively and analyze the audiences, purposes and contexts of their messages.

Adding a certificate in writing for interactive media or a minor in communication studies can help you build skills for this job.

Search engine optimization (SEO) specialists focus on improving web traffic to websites and services. This field combines marketing strategy with language to increase rank in Internet search engines.

Luke Bensing
My professors at PNW have made a huge impact on me as I take what I've learned from them and start applying that to my future students in my own classroom.

Luke Bensing, English – English Teaching

What Does It Mean to Study English?

A degree in English is valuable for students navigating today’s competitive job market, providing essential tools for success. As an English major, you will gain the necessary skills during your studies, including research, critical thinking, written communication, creativity, empathy, and persuasive communication.

While English is similar to the discipline of communication, English majors spend their studies diving into literature, composition and theory to analyze texts and craft arguments.

Studying English prepares you for your career or continuing your education in doctoral or professional programs, such as law or medical school.

Some of the sought-after skills that English majors gain are:

  • Critical Thinking – By analyzing literature and crafting thoughtful arguments, English majors enhance their critical thinking abilities and approach problems from various perspectives.
  • Communication – English majors must portray their thoughts, analyses and arguments through written and verbal communication. These practical skills are crucial in every profession.
  • Creativity – Through creative and academic writing and theory application, English majors build knowledge in innovative solutions, storytelling and expression.
  • Cultural Awareness – Literature reflects cultures around the world. Studying English allows you to reflect on and immerse yourself in diverse perspectives, cultures and historical contexts.
  • Research – Conducting research is a crucial part of being an English major. Strong research skills allow you to gather and analyze information, problem-solve and make data-driven decisions.
  • Empathy and Understanding – Studying literature allows you to experience the lives of diverse characters, which leads you to become more empathetic and deepen your understanding of human behavior.
  • Adaptability – Through working with different genres, periods and theories, English majors adapt well to new situations, topics and writing styles, which is valuable in careers where rapid change is typical.

A student in a long sleeve button up writes on a brown chalk board

Why Choose PNW for a Degree in English?

PNW’s flexible English curriculum encourages you to seek opportunities in and outside the classroom. As an English major, you will learn how to apply theory and skills to the world. Our English curriculum emphasizes project-based learning and experiences, including group work and hands-on projects such as developing and designing a blog, writing a screenplay or digitizing items for a library.

PNW’s three English concentrations allow you to focus on your area of interest:

The English literature concentration is the broadest option and focuses on carefully analyzing texts in their cultural, historical and formal contexts. You can customize your studies based on your interests.

Topics can include film, pop culture and classical or modern texts. You can also incorporate creative and professional writing.

Learn More About the Literature Concentration

The English teaching concentration is offered in coordination with the School of Education and Counseling and leads directly to preparation to teach English in middle and high schools.

You will learn through classroom and project-based learning experiences, including group work and hands-on projects.

Learn More About the Teaching Concentration

In the English writing concentration, you will learn the professional communication aspects to prepare for publishing, editing, writing and technical communication careers.

This flexible concentration also allows you to pursue a creative writing focus.

Learn More About the Writing Concentration

PNW also has minors in creative writing and English and a certificate in writing for interactive media, allowing you to tailor your studies to match your interests and career goals.

Visit the Department of English and World Languages

Amanda Beristain
As a first-generation college graduate, I owe my successes to the instructors and friends I’ve made at in my major. They changed my life and helped me make my dreams a reality.

Amanda Beristain, English – English Teaching

What Hands-on Experiences Are Available in English?

As an English student, you can register for an “Internships for Writing” course, which allows you to gain credit for your work. Courses such as “Grant Writing” and “Writing for Social Media” provide you with real-life scenarios and projects that transfer directly to a career path.

PNW has several clubs and work-study opportunities for English majors to get involved on campus! Our student literary journal, Furnace, is written, formatted and edited by students. The PNW Theater Organization provides an opportunity for English majors interested in writing or performing in plays. We are home to the Alpha Mu Pi chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English Honor Society.

Job opportunities on campus include the PNW Pioneer, our student newspaper, which offers positions in writing, photography, editing and ad sales, and the PNW Writing Center, which provides writing assistance to the campus community. There are also positions available within the library and other academic and administrative offices on campus where you can apply the skills you learn in the classroom.

See All PNW Student Organizations

A student in a black blazer sits on a bench outside

English at PNW

PNW offers a variety of undergraduate English programs. Whether you are looking to major or minor, there is a program for you!

Explore The Programs