Update on Recommendations of Westville Task Force to Senior Leadership Team

October 26, 2022
Students outside Westville building

The Westville Task Force has been meeting every other Friday during this semester to consider ways to build on the many strengths of the PNW Westville campus and the surrounding community. Below are the recent Task Force recommendations sent to SLT and approved. These recommendations are designed to intentionally gather people and create and promote events specific to the Westville campus community.

  1. Midday Break: As a pilot programin order to encourage student and department activities, a midday mingle time is set aside on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:30-1:45 P.M. for extracurricular and academic engagement for Spring 2023 and Fall 2023. At the end of the fall 2023 semester, there will be an assessment of the program’s effectiveness.
  2. Eports Arena Grand Opening: November 2 in LSF 1 at noon. Students, faculty, staff and the community are encouraged to stop by to experience the new facility.
  3. PNW Academic Majors Awareness Events: Events in November 2022 will connect students with academic programs and career opportunities.
  4. Calendar of Events: Specifically focused on events taking place at the Westville campus, the calendar will be viewable for PNW students, faculty and staff as well as the community. This is in development and is set for possible implementation in Spring 2023.
  5. Electronic Billboard:  Plans are being made for a new billboard on Rt. 421 to share news and events with the community.
  6. Expand and create community engagement events: New events as well as existing events like the Pride Stride and Academic Super Bowl will increase overall engagement with Westville and LaPorte County residents.
  7. Community Service Honor Roll: As a pilot program, this program will communicate to the PNW community opportunities for volunteering in the surrounding communities. Students participating in the program will be recognized for their engagement and efforts.

Thank you to the Task Force Members: Dave Feikes, Anne Gregory, Amy Hackstedt, Scott Iverson, Catharine Olsen, Scott Parsons, Meg Rincker, Anthony Sindone, Rachel Clapp Smith, Sandra Steele, Nicole Vaughn, Maria Watson and Don Babcock.



Don Babcock and Meg Rincker, Co-Chairs of the Westville Task Force