Upcoming Employee Engagement Survey

October 6, 2023
PNW Chancellor Thomas L. Keon

Purdue University Northwest will participate in an institution-wide employee engagement survey in the coming weeks. We do this on a periodic basis, as the data we receive from this survey will be helpful as we continue to create the best workplace possible, and it also enables us to fulfill the HLC mandate that “the institution’s administration uses data to reach informed decisions in the best interests of the institution and its constituents.”

Survey topics will include work quality, communication, management, workplace culture, benefits, and many other subjects. You will be able to access the survey wherever a computer is available, from campus or your home.

On October 16, the survey will be distributed to all employees; you will receive an email invitation with details about the survey and instructions about how to log on. This invitation will come from ModernThink.

When you receive the invitation, please take a moment to complete the survey.  This is a chance to make your voice heard, and a high response rate helps ensure an accurate representation of our university community. At the close of the survey, we will receive reports that summarize the organizational competencies and relationships that most directly impact and influence our institution.

The survey is voluntary and completely confidential; Purdue Northwest will not be able to trace results back to individuals.

Your survey will be processed by ModernThink LLC, an independent management consulting firm focusing on workplace quality in higher education.  They can be reached at (888) 684-4658 or at surveys@modernthink.net if you would like more information about the survey.

Please contact Rebecca Stankowski at 989-2239 or stankowski@pnw.edu if you have any additional questions.

Chancellor Thomas L. Keon and the Senior Leadership Team