Taxing, but rewarding: Meet PNW 2023 graduate Arti Patel

May 19, 2023
Arti Patel

Arti Patel, ’23, is graduating with a bachelor of science in Accounting.

Patel, a first-generation student from Chesterton, originally thought she would pursue a career in Pharmacy. After a high school chemistry class proved unenjoyable, Patel fell back on her love of mathematics. At Chesterton High School she was able to take an accounting class in which she saw a new way math could be applied in real-world scenarios.

During her time at Purdue University Northwest (PNW) she has served as a peer mentor in the Honors College and has been an active member in Finance and Accounting Club. Her academic career has helped her secure two different accounting internships served at Hospitality Services Group in Munster and the office of Terrence J. Bronowski, CPA in Merrillville.

Patel is currently applying for different jobs and plans to start a professional career in accounting, noting there are multiple roles she can fill with her degree. Eventually, she would like to return to school to complete a master’s degree in Accounting.

Were you involved in any student organizations or activities during your time at PNW?

“Finance and Accounting Club helped me a lot with networking. It’s a major skill in the business world. For example, if I’m in a public accounting firm, I’ll need my own network of clients, or need to network and find new clients.

Also, being in Honors College I’ve been able to be really involved with the community. I’ve been able to help with the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana and Habitat for Humanity, and it’s been eye-opening to see where in the community we can help.”

What did you like the most about PNW?

“The professor interactions were one of my favorite things. I feel asking professors for help can be intimidating, but PNW does a good job of facilitating those connections. I’ve been able to build those connections with professors and talk with them one-on-one about class and my career. I loved having the opportunity to go to office hours for help with assignments and having them recognize me.”

Did you have a pivotal experience while attending PNW?

“I would say it was taking John T. Eagan’s tax accounting class. We did an end-of-semester project involving a mock tax return. Although some of the scenarios were not typical, it simulated an actual tax return. In doing my internship where I am working on real tax returns, the class project was nearly spot on. It gave me a good introduction to what tax accounting would be like.”

What words of advice would you share with prospective students looking to attend PNW?

“Definitely get involved, and not only just within your specific college but with clubs outside of it too. It’s a great way to network.”

Was there anyone at PNW who inspired or encouraged you along the way?

John T. Eagan

John T. Eagan

Clinical Associate Professor of Accounting

“When I started during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was hard to make connections, but the one professor I got the closest with was Professor Eagan. He was able to provide support with projects when I needed help and he always gave great advice for internships and my future career. He also set up an accounting alumni mixer. Without that, I wouldn’t be at my current internship and getting valuable experiences.”

Janel Cornejo

Janel Cornejo

Undergraduate Advisor, College of Business

“She’s always been super helpful. She was responsive when I dropped in with a quick question. She was always encouraging and let me know I was doing a good job.”

Vanessa Del Real

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