System-wide forum to focus on student success and belonging

September 1, 2022
Students walk across Westville Campus

At PNW's Welcome Weeks, students enjoy free food, fun and giveaways on both the Hammond and Westville campuses.

All faculty and staff are invited to attend the 2022 System-Wide Virtual Forum, from 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. (CT) on Thursday, Sept. 29. This year’s theme is “Meeting students where they are: Promoting learner-centered success and belonging.”

The focus on learner-centered success and belonging aligns with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education’s three priorities to drive change (completion, equity, and talent) and offers an important lens in supporting the breadth,  diversity, and success of our current and future students in the Purdue University System.

The keynote speakers and their talks are:

  • Dr. Royel M. Johnson, associate professor of higher education in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California.
  • “State Perspectives on Success and Belonging” – A joint session with Karrah (Miller) Herring, Indiana’s First Chief Equity, Inclusion & Opportunity Officer and Chris Lowery, Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education.

Breakout sessions led by colleagues from all Purdue campuses will foster connections across the Purdue system and provide evidence-informed insights into helping our students find their place at Purdue.

Registration is now open. Visit the forum website for more program information.