Dalin McCully

Dalin McCully of Michigan City, IN is a goal-driven student who originally chose to attend PNW because of proximity to her community and Chicago.
“Thanks to the generosity of donors and by virtue of my hard work in high school, graduating salutatorian, I was offered the Chancellor’s Scholarship, which is a full-tuition award,” she said. “When I graduate it is so relieving to know that I will not have any student loans and can jump start my career.”
Her determination to succeed doesn’t end in the classroom. She is a member of various clubs/organizations and has found assistance with campus resources.
“The Career Center helped me choose my majors, and the COB (College of Business) Center for Career Management helped me with interviews and networking,” she added. “I received multiple interviews and/or offers for internships, including two “Big 4” public accounting firms.”