SGA Elections Code & Elections Packet
Purdue Northwest Student Government Association Elections Code 2025 – 2026
The Elections Code shall specify rules, regulations, and procedures for student elections. The Elections and Programming Committee in the Student Government Association is the primary source of judicial review for this code. Any other materials distributed by the Elections and Programming Committee are intended to facilitate the legal and fair execution of this election, but they are not to be thought of as substitutes for this code. In instances where materials distributed by the committee seem to be in conflict with the Elections Code or SGA Constitution, the Elections Code or SGA Constitution shall prevail.
A. Any person who wishes to become a candidate for office must complete and submit an official candidate application to the Student Government Association (SGA) office before the deadline specified in the Elections Schedule.
B. Candidates are expected to check for email at least once per day during the campaign and voting period. Candidates will be held responsible for abiding by the content of any communication via email regarding elections starting 24 hours after the electronic mail was sent.
C. All candidates for a position on the Executive Board are required to attend an election orientation set forth by the Elections and Programming Committee. Failure to attend may result in disciplinary action as outlined in section X.
D. A candidate’s application must specify which office they wish to run for, and a candidate may only run for one office.
E. Email shall be the official mode of communication of the Elections and Programming Committee.
F. All candidates must include their preferred names on the ballot for the election. No derogatory nicknames or references to affiliated groups will be allowed. The Elections and Programming Committee will determine the appropriateness of names on the ballot and inform the candidate of any problems before the election takes place.
G. All candidates and campaigns will be subject to Purdue University Northwest policies. Violation of any Purdue University Northwest policy by a candidate or campaign worker may, at the discretion of the Elections and Programming Committee, result in disqualification.
H. During the campaign period at least two (2) candidate forums shall be held.
I. Unless otherwise specified, the standard for the making of any decision by the Elections and Programming Committee shall be a majority vote of the seated membership of the committee.
J. Failure to abide by the regulations set forth in this document is not excused by ignorance.
A. Student Government representatives shall be elected during the Spring Semester.
- Senators shall be apportioned and elected from the various Colleges of Purdue University Northwest as follows:
a. 2 – College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences Senator
b. 1 – College of Engineering and Science Senator
c. 1 – College of Technology Senator
d. 1 – College of Business Senator
e. 1 – College of Nursing Senators
f. 1 – Honors College Senator
g. 1 – Graduate Studies Senator
h. 2 – Westville Campus Senators
2. Executive Board positions shall be apportioned as follows:
a. President and Vice President will be elected from the whole student body
b. Other Executive Board positions, excluding the President and Vice- President, shall be appointed by the Student Government.
A. Student Senate
- To be eligible for candidacy or to hold office a student must:
a. Remain a Purdue University Northwest student throughout said term of office,
b. Have a cumulative grade point average no lower than 2.5, as is stated in the Student Government Association Constitution.
c. Be in good standing as defined by the Office of the Dean of Students,
d. Comply with all regulations for elections and eligibility established by the Bylaws of the Student Government Association and with such regulations as may be established by the Student Senate,
e. Be a declared major, as defined by the Registrar, in the College they represent, and
f. Have completed at least one semester at Purdue University Northwest.
B. Executive Branch –
1. To be eligible to run for office, or to hold an office, a student must:
a. Remain a Purdue University Northwest student throughout said term of office,
b. Have a current and cumulative grade point average no lower than 3.0, as is stated in the Student Government Association Constitution, and
c. Comply with all regulations for elections and eligibility established by the Bylaws of the Student Government Association and with such regulations as may be established by the Student Senate.
d. Be in good standing as defined by the Office of the Dean of Students.
e. Have completed at least one semester at Purdue University Northwest.
C. No person may run for more than one position concurrently.
A. Student Senate
- Senators shall be elected by the Student Body.
- The candidates for Senator positions receiving the highest number of votes in an election will be elected to office.
- If a tie vote occurs, which prevents the occupation of any Senator position(s), a runoff of all candidates receiving the highest vote total for the position(s) will be held.
- If an initial runoff fails to produce a winner, a second runoff, subject to the same rules as the initial runoff, shall be held.
B. President and Vice President
- The Student Body President and Vice President shall be elected conjointly by a majority vote of the Student Body.
- They shall be elected during the Spring Semester and installed in office before the end of Spring Semester. All officers shall serve for a term of one year.
- If no candidate is elected, then a runoff between the two candidates with the highest vote totals and any other candidates tied with either shall be held. ‘No Votes’ will be counted as un-cast ballots.
C. Ballot
- All candidates will be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order by last name, the way the candidate’s name appears on the candidate application. Write-in candidates will not be allowed.
- Voters may vote for the Senator of the College they are currently enrolled in and for the offices of Student Body President and Vice President.
D. Election Results
- The results of elections not under review shall be announced within three (3) business days of the end of voting.
- If any election results are under review, that fact will be communicated publicly within two (2) business days of the end of voting.
E. Special elections by the Student Senate
- If a second runoff in any election fails to produce conclusive election results, a special election will be held by the sitting Student Senate at the regularly scheduled meeting immediately following the closing of polls in runoff elections.
- Special elections are the responsibility of the Student Senate.
- If there are no remaining regularly scheduled meetings in the semester, a special session for the purposes of conducting balloting shall be held.
- Special elections shall be held in the following case: a tie vote occurs which prevents the occupation of any representative position(s).
- Special elections may not be postponed.
- In special elections, candidates shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the current Senate.
- In the event that a tie prevents the occupation of any representative position(s), another round of balloting for that position(s) shall commence.
- No money may be spent on campaigning for a special election.
- The rules governing eligibility for candidacy in a runoff shall govern eligibility for candidacy in a special election conducted by the Student Senate.
- All appeals or accusations of violations must be made directly to the Rules and Internal Affairs Committee.
- Voting shall be conducted by named ballot; votes, however, shall not be made public.
A. Campaigning is defined as:
- The public distribution or posting of any material or information seeking votes for a candidate or candidates for office.
- Speaking before an organized group or in a public place with a purpose of seeking votes for a candidate or candidates for office.
- Any activity on the part of either a candidate or a representative of a candidate requesting the vote of a constituent for a specific candidate or candidates.
- Using electronic medium for the purpose of seeking votes for a candidate or candidates for office.
- The definition of campaigning shall not include the creation or design of campaign materials, the recruitment of direct campaign workers, the scheduling of speaking engagements, the discussion of campaign strategies, or other activities intended for the establishment of a campaign committee, as defined by the Elections and Programming Committee.
B. Encouraging voting in general, without specifying a particular candidate or group of candidates, is not campaigning.
C. It is the responsibility of the candidate to educate any and all campaign workers and affiliates as to the rules set forth by this Elections Code. Candidates will be held responsible for the actions of those designated by the candidate to assist with the campaign.
D. The use of any Student Government Association logo, letterhead, office equipment, office supplies, meeting space, or personnel is prohibited.
E. No campaign materials may display any logo of Purdue University Northwest, or any division thereof.
F. All materials of any form in a campaign must specify the person or campaign of origination.
G. Living areas:
a. No campaign material shall be distributed into, on, or under doorways or left hanging on doorknobs of residence halls or off-campus living areas. Such materials may be displayed only with the permission of one or more of the residents and in accordance with Housing and Residential Education Office policy.
b. No person engaged in door-to-door campaigning shall enter or remain in any room, suite, home, or apartment over the objections of any of the residents thereof.
c. No candidate or supporter shall knock on any door or attempt to enter any room if there appears in plain view a written notice stating “No Campaigning” or words substantially to that effect, such as “No Solicitors”.
d. No person shall engage in door-to-door campaigning without having received approval to do so from the Administration of the living area or the Housing and Residential Education Office.
H. A Student Government Association Official Voting Station is defined as any computer designated and maintained by the Elections and Programming Committee for the purposes of voting.
I. The distribution of any kind of campaign material, including electronic campaign material, is not permitted during the voting period.
J. Campaigning or any kind is not permitted within 50 feet of a Purdue University Northwest maintained computer cluster or a Student Government Association Official Voting Station during the voting period.
K. Candidates and ALL campaign workers are prohibited from maintaining a computer for the purposes of voting.
L. Materials distributed or intended for distribution by the Elections and Programming Committee or any individual or group of individuals acting on behalf of the Elections and Programming Committee may not be redistributed or edited by any party, other than designees of the committee.
M. No member of the Elections and Programming Committee may campaign for or endorse any candidate.
A. The definition of a sign includes posters, banners, flyers, and other printed materials.
B. Signs may be displayed in the following locations:
- Bulletin boards set up by Purdue University Northwest Facilities Services,
- Bulletin boards present in campus buildings and off-campus business establishments with appropriate permission,
- Residence Halls and other Purdue University Northwest living areas with the approval of and in accordance with the policies of the Housing and Residential Education Office to a limit of two (2) per hall, not including personal doorways, and
- Other locations approved by Facilities Services.
C. Signs are forbidden in the following locations:
- In campus bathrooms
- On trees
- On public glass doors and windows
- On traffic signs
- On the sides of public buildings or sculptures
- On cars or other property without the owner’s permission
- On public trash cans
- On roadways
- Attached to campus walkways
D. Candidates should adhere to the PNW Posting Policy
E. No sign of any campaign, except for President and Vice President, may exceed 8.5 x 11 inches in size.
F. Campaigns for President and Vice President may display up to two signs exceeding 8.5 x 11 inches in size and must let the Elections and Programming Committee know of their locations.
G. Campaigns are limited to one sign per face of any bulletin board, and one sign inside any classroom/lecture hall.
H. Writing on, chalking, soaping, or applying self-adhesive materials to Purdue University Northwest property (including sidewalks, roads, vehicles, and walls) is prohibited.
I. Campaigning on private property without permission of the owner is prohibited.
J. The placing of any sign in a way designed to obscure any other sign belonging to another campaign is prohibited.
K. Candidates will be responsible for taking down campaign materials within one week of the end of the voting period.
A. The use of the United States Postal Service and the Purdue University Northwest Postal Service is permitted.
B. Electronic forum campaigning, such as the use of bulletin boards, email, and social media sites, is permitted.
C. All candidates must comply with Federal, State, Purdue University Northwest, and Departmental policies concerning mass communication.
D. No campaign materials listing an electronic mail address and/or a URL address may utilize any Purdue University Northwest related resource other than the candidate’s Purdue University Northwest provided email account.
E. No candidate may, in any campaign materials, display their SGA email address, or that of any campaign affiliate.
F. Sending electronic mail to any list without the consent of the list administrator is prohibited.
G. The creation or use of groups or profiles on social media including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites prior to the beginning of campaigning or after the campaign period is prohibited.
H. The posting of a campaign website or social media page prior to the beginning or campaigning, or the failure to remove a campaign website or social media page prior to the end of the semester preceding the elections shall be prohibited.
I. Emails sent to any Purdue University Northwest administered list are prohibited, including the use of the all-student email list.
J. Emails sent to any list to which subscription is mandatory by virtue of a payment to Purdue University Northwest are prohibited.
K. Emails sent to any SGA maintained list are prohibited.
A. Candidates are required to keep a written record of all campaign expenses, including original receipts. Expenditures, including any in-kind donations, must be recorded at the price for which they are available to the general public, from the source from which they were obtained. Candidates must report any use of PaperCut printing credits for the printing of campaign materials at the dollar value given by the PaperCut system.
B. Candidates for President and Vice President may spend no more than $100 jointly during the general election.
C. Candidates for a Senator position may spend no more than $50 during the general election.
D. In the first runoff succeeding the general election, candidates for President and Vice President may spend no more than $50 jointly.
E. In each runoff succeeding the general election, candidates for a Senator position may spend no more than $15.
E. No money may be spent in campaigning for special elections conducted by the Elections and Programming Committee.
F. Exceeding the spending limits submitted by the Elections and Programming Committee will result in violation. Falsifying information in the campaign finance report will result in disqualification, permanent ineligibility from holding office in any branch of SGA, and referral for Purdue University Northwest disciplinary action.
G. None of these expenses shall be reimbursed by SGA.
H. None of these expenses shall be reimbursed by SGA.
I. The provision of any item of value to be used in the campaign or distributed to non- campaign affiliated parties shall be considered an in-kind donation, and must be reported at the full value of the item.
J. All shipping charges and any additional charges incurred should be included in the finance reports.
K. Expenditures by outside parties
- Any expenditure by any party on behalf of any candidate must be reported on the candidate’s campaign finance report.
- All such expenditures shall count toward the candidate’s spending limit.
- Failure to report such expenditures shall be considered falsification of a campaign finance report.
L. Candidates must submit the campaign expenditure report by the time designated by the Elections Schedule, even if no money is spent. The expense report should be turned in to the Student Government Association office. Failure to do so may result in violation. In the event of a runoff, candidates shall submit a supplementary campaign expenditure report.
M. Any joint expenditure by candidates will be counted as an expenditure for both campaigns. Joint expenditures must be shown in full on the expense report of each candidate.
N. All rules governing the size and number of signs or banners shall be in effect, both on and off of the Purdue University Northwest campus.
A. Upon the rendering of judgment in any matter concerning violations, the Elections and Programming Committee shall explicitly state the level of violation found, the specific section of the elections code under which the candidate was found guilty, the remedy mandated by the committee, and the timeline for the completion of the remedy.
B. Any person, including non-candidates, found guilty of tampering with the election process or results will be automatically disqualified, and forever be ineligible to hold office in any branch of Student Government Association at Purdue University Northwest, and will be subject to further disciplinary action. The definition of tampering includes but is not limited to:
- Framing a candidate to gain that person’s disqualification,
- Falsifying of vote results,
- Theft or destruction of property of another candidate,
- Forging of materials to give the appearance of origination from another person or campaign,
- Falsifying information in a campaign finance report, and
- The purposeful filing of deceitful violations against any candidate.
C. Major violations for which the candidate may be disqualified at the discretion of the Elections and Programming Committee include but are not limited to:
a. The violation of Living Area campaign rules as stated in Section V, Paragraph G, subparagraphs a-d.
b. Posting any slanderous material, as determined by the Elections and Programming Committee.
c. Exceeding the spending limits.
d. Failure to correct a violation as directed by the Elections and Programming Committee.
e. Election interference, as determined by the Elections and Programming Committee.
f. Failure to turn in a complete campaign finance report in the time specified by the Elections and Programming Committee.
g. Failure to follow Federal, State, Purdue University Northwest, and Departmental policies concerning mass communication.
h. Campaigning at a Purdue University Northwest maintained computer cluster or at a Student Government Association Official Voting Station during the voting period.
i. Posting materials of any form which do not indicate the campaign of origin.
j. Use of any Purdue University Northwest related resources other than the candidate’s Purdue University Northwest provided account.
k. The purposeful filing of frivolous or false violations against another campaign.
l. Other activities prohibited in this code.
m. Three (3) minor violations.
D. Minor violations for which the candidate may be subjected to penalties as decided by the Elections and Programming Committee include but are not limited to:
- The violation of Living Area campaign rules as stated in Section V, Paragraph G, subparagraph 1.
- Sign violations.
- Other violations of rules specified in this code.
E. Any student of Purdue University Northwest may submit an election violation charge against any candidate by submitting the charge in writing at the Student Government Association office or by email to Student Government Association or to the chair of the Elections and Programming Committee. These allegations will be handled according to the procedures given in section X.
- The chair of the Elections and Programming Committee shall review all election violation allegations and refer them to the Election Hearings Board to proceed with disciplinary proceedings as outlined in section X. as deemed necessary.
A. The body which shall investigate election violation allegations shall be the Election Hearings Board.
- The Election Hearings Board shall consist of three (3) members of the Elections and Programming Committee, including the chair, or their designees
B. The Election Hearings Board may, at its discretion, direct a campaign to take corrective action to remedy a violation, while declining to impose further sanctions or to officially record a violation.
C. The procedures hereby established shall be followed in all cases in which Student Government Association institutes disciplinary proceedings against candidates for violations of the rules of candidate conduct set forth in this document.
D. Disciplinary proceedings are those proceedings initiated by the issuance of a written notice of charges and are governed by the provisions of Section X A-E inclusive.
E. Election violation proceedings are informal investigations conducted by Student Government Association with a view to possible disciplinary action. A disciplinary penalty may not be imposed without first instituting disciplinary proceedings pursuant to Section X. If Student Government Association confers with the student in the course of proceedings, no statement made by the student during such conference shall be used against the student in any disciplinary proceedings which may thereafter be instituted.
F. Institution of disciplinary proceedings:
- Disciplinary proceedings shall be instituted by Student Government Association by the issuance of notice of charges.
- The notice of charges (and all other written notices given to students against whom disciplinary proceedings are initiated) shall be delivered to the student’s electronic mail address as it appears on the student’s submitted campaign packet at least 24 hours before the hearing. The notice shall inform the student of the rule or regulation allegedly violated, also fairly inform the student of the reported circumstances of the alleged violation, and request the student to appear before the Election Hearings Board for a hearing on the incident. A copy of these regulations shall accompany each notice of charges.
G. If the notice of charges requests the student to appear before the Election Hearings Board, and the student fails or refuses to appear, Student Government Association may, after such investigation as it may deem necessary, dismiss the charges or impose a disciplinary penalty. If Student Government Association imposes a disciplinary penalty, it shall notify the student, in writing, of such action, and the student may appeal such action to the Appeals Committee as provided in Section X. When it appears necessary to avoid undue hardship or to avoid injustice, Student Government Association may extend the time to enable a student to respond to the charges.
H. If the student appears in response to the written notice of charges for the purpose of a hearing of the alleged violation as provided in Section X-D, the Election Hearings Board shall advise the student as fully as possible of the facts concerning the alleged charges. The student shall also be advised that no response is required, that any statement made by the student may be used against the student, if the student remains silent, that silence will not be taken as an admission against the student, and that the student may advise the Election Hearings Board of any witnesses or evidence supporting the student’s position. The Election Hearings Board shall also advise the student that if any new information is discovered during an investigation, subsequent to the hearing, the student will have an opportunity to respond to such information.
I. After the hearing with the student and such further investigation as the Election Hearings Board deems necessary, the Elections Hearings Board shall proceed as follows:
- If the Election Hearings Board determines that the alleged violation is not supported by the evidence, the charges will be dismissed, and the student notified.
- If the Election Hearings Board is satisfied that the violation occurred as alleged and that a disciplinary penalty should be imposed, the Election Hearings Board shall so notify the student.
J. Each hearing shall be conducted before the Election Hearings Board, and although the hearing is informal in nature; it shall provide the student certain procedural safeguards. The student shall be given the opportunity to hear the evidence against him/her, rebut statements made by witnesses, present witnesses, evidence, or any relevant information in the student’s own behalf. The student shall have the right to an advisor or support person during the hearing. The student shall also be given the opportunity to respond to any new information gathered during an investigation subsequent to the hearing. The Election Hearings Board has the burden of proving the student responsible for the alleged violation, and the decision of the Election Hearings Board shall be based solely on information introduced at the hearing and obtained during subsequent investigations.
- The person bringing the charge may present their case before the Election Hearing Board. The person(s) charged with the violation or a designated representative of the accused must, in this case, be allowed to remain present during the presentation of the case.
K. Within three business days following the conclusion of the hearing and subsequent investigation, the Election Hearings Committee shall notify the student, in writing, of what action it will take. The decision letter shall contain a finding of responsible or not responsible for the violation by the student and a brief statement of the reasons for the decision, as well as any disciplinary actions being taken.
L. The student may appeal the decision of the Election Hearings Board to the SGA Appeals Committee by filing a notice of appeal with the SGA Appeals Committee through the Election Hearings Board or the chair of the Elections and Programming Committee. Such an appeal must be filed within three business days of the date on the notice from the Election Hearings Committee containing the decision, and the appeal must be personally signed by the student. The Election Hearings Committee will provide the SGA Appeals Committee with a copy of the notice of charges and the decision letter sent to the student.
- The appeal hearing shall be conducted by three members of the SGA Appeals Committee or their designees.
M. Severe cases of Elections Code violations may be referred to the SGA Internal Affairs Committee for action upon a majority vote of the Election Hearings Board.
N. Successfully prosecuted election violations (not violation allegations) will be made available to the public through the official Student Government Association website after the appeals process has been completed.
A. The elections for Student Body President and Vice President shall coincide with the elections for Senators.
B. The elections schedule shall be approved by the Student Senate to be in effect.
A. If an election is found to be fraudulent or found to have been held outside the bounds of the Student Government Association Constitution and/or Bylaws by the Elections and Programming Committee, then a new election, of the same type as that found to have been fraudulent, will be held no earlier than three (3) full business days after that decision has been made, and no later than six (6) business days after the ruling.
B. Any student believing that an election in which he or she was a candidate was fraudulent, or held outside to bounds of the Student Government Association Constitution and/or Bylaws, may request that the Elections and Programming Committee determine the necessity of an emergency election.
C. Emergency election requests must be made no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the official posting of election results.
D. Rulings of the Elections and Programming Committee regarding emergency elections shall be the same as those previously set for runoff elections.
A. Members of the Elections and Programming Committee shall serve until the installation of the next Student Body President.
B. An Elections and Programming Committee member who has an inappropriate interest in and/or relations to a particular campaign shall be removed by the chair from all hearing regarding that part of the campaign unless the member voluntarily removes himself or herself.
C. If a position on the committee becomes vacant for any reason an alternate shall be appointed by the Student Body President. These alternate appointees shall serve with the full powers of office unless the appointment is rejected at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Student Senate.
Elections Packet
Elections Packet 2025-2026
Enclosure: 2025-2026
Elections Schedule, Officer Positions, Duties of Office, Candidate Application
Spring 2025 Elections Schedule
- Feb 24: Election application becomes public
- February 26: Information Session at 2 p.m. in CLO 151 and via Zoom
- March 5: Information Session at 12:30 p.m. in LSF 077 and via Zoom
- March 6: Information Session at 1 p.m. in CLO 151 and via Zoom
- March 13: Deadline for campaign materials and elections packet at 11:59 p.m.
- March 17: Campaigning begins
- April 11: Distribution of campaign materials ends
- April 11: Campaign Financial Reports Due to
- April 14 – 17: Elections week
- April 22: Winners from election announced
- April 25: Senate meeting with new and existing terms
- Week of April 28: SGA Orientation
- May 5: Newly elected members start duties at 12 p.m.
A. Election Board
a. Elected Positions:
i. Student Body President
ii. Student Body Vice-President
b. Non-elected Positions:
i. Chief of Staff
ii. Chief Financial Officer
iii. Director of Communication
B. Student Senate
a. There will be 10 PNW Senators:
i. 2 – College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences Senators
ii. 1 – College of Engineering, Sciences Senators
iii. 1 – College of Technology Senators
iv. 1 – College of Business Senator
v. 1 – College of Nursing Senators
vi. 1 – Honors College Senator
vii. 1 – Graduate Studies Senator
viii. 2 – Westville Campus Senators
b. Senators shall be elected from currently enrolled Purdue University Northwest students.
c. Senators representing their college shall serve as the voice of the students for their own college.
A. President
a. The President of the Student Body shall be elected from currently enrolled Purdue University Northwest students. The ticket for President and Vice President shall be joint.
b. The office of Student Body President shall be a twelve-month position, starting officially at 12 noon CST on the first Monday of May.
c. Shall have completed one semester as a full-time Purdue University Northwest student, either at the Westville or Hammond campus, and must have a current and cumulative grade point average no lower than 3.0.
d. No person shall serve as Student Body President more than two (2) full terms.
e. Duties
i. Shall attend SGA orientation, as well as complete select required student organization training.
ii. Must complete at least twelve (12) outreach hours per month in total.
iii. Shall present at Student and/or Faculty Convocation.
iv. Shall represent the Student Government Association at all sessions of the Faculty Senate.
v. Shall attend Student Senate meetings and shall be prepared to give a report.
vi. Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of PNW Student Government Association.
vii. May create subsidiary committees to explore pertinent topics.
viii. May veto any legislation which they feel is unnecessary, improper, unconstitutional, or not in the best interest of the student body or the university.
ix. Will represent the University SGA at various meetings and committees, or designate another member on their behalf.
x. Shall be required to commute to both campus sites based on the designated scheduled events and meetings.
xi. Other miscellaneous duties as assigned.
B. Vice-President
a. The Vice-President of the Student Body shall be elected from currently enrolled Purdue University Northwest students. The ticket for President and Vice-President shall be joint.
b. The office of Student Body Vice-President shall be a twelve-month term, starting officially at 12 noon on the first Monday of May.
c. Shall have completed one semester as a full-time Purdue University Northwest student, either at the Westville or Hammond campus, and must have a current and cumulative grade point average no lower than 3.0.
d. No person shall serve as Student Body Vice-President more than two (2) full terms.
e. Duties
i. Shall attend SGA orientation, as well as complete select required student organization trainings
ii. Must complete at least twelve (12) outreach hours per month in total.
iii. Shall assume the duties of the Student Body President in his or her absence.
iv. Shall preside over the Student Senate in the Student Government Association.
v. Shall provide a reminder of all Student Senate meetings in advance of the meeting date.
vi. Shall forward all legislation requiring the Student Body President’s signature.
vii. Shall be interim Chair of any Senate Standing Committee that has a vacant Chair.
viii. Shall be responsible for appointing any vacancies in the Student Senate.
ix. Shall be responsible for representing the Legislature at University and community functions.
x. In the event of a tie vote of the Senate, the Student Body Vice-President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.
xi. Other miscellaneous duties as assigned.
C. Senator
a. Officials of the Student Government Association must maintain a current or cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher. Members are not allowed
b. to currently be on academic and/or disciplinary probation and must not have been deemed ineligible to run or be appointed to office by legislative decree.
c. Senators shall be elected from currently enrolled Purdue University Northwest students.
d. Duties
i. Senators representing their College shall serve as the voice of the students for their own college.
ii. College Senators shall meet regularly with the Dean of their respective college.
iii. Senators representing open positions will be subject to miscellaneous duties that will be assigned to their individual campus.
iv. Shall serve on OR chair at least one of the Senate Standing Committees.
v. Must attend Senate meetings and other scheduled meetings discussing student needs.
vi. Shall complete required eight (8) outreach hours per month.
vii. Shall serve on various University Committees
viii. Other miscellaneous duties as assigned.
Student Government Association – Election’s Candidate Application
All instructions and regulations concerning this form must be followed, or the form shall be considered invalid and your candidacy will be voided. Please remember candidates may only run for seats they are eligible for, and the Board of Elections will move all candidates to the appropriate seat unless documentation otherwise is provided.
All candidates must submit a completed candidate application with a short bio and a photo of themselves in order to be processed. This form is due Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 11:59pm CST.