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Student Life Highlights
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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S Sun
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4 events,
Kitty Cuddle Party – Westville
Kitty Cuddle Party – Westville
Need a break from all of the studying? Join us to take a break from studying and visit with adoptable cats from the Michiana Humane Society.
Play Day (Westville)
Play Day (Westville)
We are hosting Play Days for students to unwind and relax as the semester ends.
Pancake Study Break – Hammond
Pancake Study Break – Hammond
Need a meal to help you study more efficiently? Come out to the Pride Cafe for a cozy pancake study break for a delicious recharge before studying again.
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3 events,
Senior Design Poster Session
Senior Design Poster Session
Come view the PNW Engineering students showcasing their experience in the process and practice of engineering design!
College of Business Movie Night
College of Business Movie Night
Join us for a holiday movie, treats and hot cocoa! Rest and relax before finals!
2 events,
Senior Design Oral Presentation
Senior Design Oral Presentation
Come view the PNW Engineering students showcasing their oral presentations!