SGA Minutes September 22, 2023

September 22, 2023

Eighth Session

I. Call to Order, Roll Call (2 minutes); Time: 04:30 p.m.

i. David Motions

ii. Carlos Second Motion


  • President: Bolton
  • Vice President: Belford
  • Chief of Staff: Marcano
  • President Pro Temp: Buggs
  • Chief Financial Adcisor: Aujla
  • CEST Senator H: Harvey
  • CON Senator H: Elizondo
  • COB Senator: Vickers
  • Honors College Senator: Pabey
  • Senator-At-Large: Huske
  • Advisor: Rupp

II. Approval of the Agenda (2 minutes)

A. Motion: Senator Pabey

B. Second: Senator Vickers

C. Measure: Pass

IV. Executive Board (2 minutes per)

  1. David Bolton, President
    1. Payment discrepancies
      1. No payment
      2. Lesser amount
    2. Notice of information (Problems from students)
      1. Some students have come out speaking on issues with a professor.
      2. Currently being resolved
    3. Social Media
      1. Six more followers on Instagram
      2. Students are becoming more and more aware of SGA
    4. ASGA Chicago Conference
      1. Deadline is Oct 6, 2023
      2. Conference is Oct 28, 2023
    5. Collaborations with student organizations
      1. Going to meetings and collaborating with organizations that you are a part of or aware of on events (hosting/co-hosting, etc.)
      2. Alpha Psi Lambda
      3. Honors College
      4. Indian Student Union
  2. Chloe Belford, Vice President
    1. Committee Assignments
      1. Need to redo committees
    2. Update on ASL Requirements
      1. Information from Dr. Rupp’s meeting with the Dean has been sent via email to Chloe
  3. Harbir Aujla, Chief Financial Officer
    1. Payment discrepancies are being resolved
  4. Joshua Buggs, Pro-Tempore
    1. Important Events
      1. Immigration: Conflict, Climate and Consequences September 28 @ 11:00 am – 9:00 pm
        1. Good to have a presence there seeing we are both political groups
      2.  PNW Festival Fireworks – September 30
        1. Trying to make it annual
      3. Ice Hockey Tailgate – October 6
      4. Drag Show – October 20
    2. Outreach Hours
      1. If you are having trouble with outreach hours, please contact Buggs
  5. Dr. Richard Rupp, Faculty Advisor
  6. Scott Iverson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Housing and Student Life
  7. Raven Chant
    1. Comments on executive board – can be spoken on in an executive board meeting
    2. Only eight days left to get outreach hours completedUpdated new Zoom link for the Nov 3, 2023 meeting in the doc
  8. Resolutions
    1. S.R. 23-02 – Senator Harvey’s Quote of the Week
      1. Senator Harvey is going to make quotes himself every week
      2. Wants to post them on our social media and place fliers around the campus to give support to everyone
      3. Senator Vickers and Senator Elizondo co-sponsors
        1. Senator Vickers motions to approve
        2. Senator Pabey Seconds
        3. Motion passes
    2. S.R. 23-03 – Supplemental Instruction Audit
      1. Students have been complaining that there are no supplemental instructors for upper-level classes
      2. If there is a solution then this is to find it and resolve the issue
      3. Senator Elizondo co-sponsors
    3. S.R. 23-04 – Student Service Fund Allocation Audit
    4. S.R. 23-05 – Hammond Local Transportation
      1. The purpose is to find a solution for on-campus transportation for students to have for necessities and recreational
      2. Looking into partnering with different transportation services for students
        1. On-campus bikes (rentals)
        2. Internal or external sources
        3. Gary bus transportation
        4. East Chicago Transit
        5. South Shore train

V. Added Business/Concerns (5 minutes per)

  1. Senator Vickers moves to motion the continuation of the meeting
    1. Chief of Staff Marcano Seconds the Motion
    2. Motion passes
  2. Senator Elizondo: Meet and Greet on Hammond Campus with SGA is this Monday, September 25, 2023.
  3. Senator Pabey: Honors Mentorship
    1. First-semester honors students are under peer mentorships.
    2. Interviewing both current and previous mentors in the mentorship program
    3. A survey will come before a resolution is created
  4. Senator Elizondo: SGA Banner
    1. A resolution is soon to come after connecting with the Dean of Marketing
      to make sure that the idea is viable

VI. Open Comments from Student Senate (5 minutes per)

  1. Senator Vickers: How would committees and their assignments work?

VII. Open Comments from Student Body (5 minutes per)

  1. None

VIII. Meeting Adjourned (1 minute); Time: 3:44pm

A. Motion: Senator Vickers

B. Second: Senator Pabey

C. Measure: Pass