SGA Senate Meeting Minutes November 6, 2021
Sixth Session
I. Call to Order, Roll Call (2 minutes); Time: 07:35 am
- President Oriana White
- Vice President Jake Dyrkacz
- Chief of Staff Aneri Patel
- Faculty Advisor Dr. Richard Rupp
- CES Senator (H) Savannah Yamat
- CES Senator (H) Mya Methner
- CON Senator (H) Mason Cook
- COT Senator (W) Braden Regier
- COB Senator (H) Leo Winders
- Honors College Senator (H) Megan Granados
- Honors College Senator (W) Saige Addison
- Graduate School Senator (H) Evan Fus
- CHESS Senator (H) Emily Feliciano
II. Approval of the Agenda (2 minutes)
A. Motion: Senator Fus
B. Second: Senator Cook
C. Measure: Pass
III. Approval of Minutes (1 minute)
A. Motion: Senator Addison
B. Second: Senator Fus
C. Measure: Pass
IV. Executive Board (2 minutes per)
A. Oriana White, President
1. Webclock Tutorial
a) Walk through procedure for webclock
(1) PNW portal → employee → webclock
(2) Two hours per week for senators
(3) Three hours per week for Executive Board members
2. 5/75 Funding Request
a) Students organizations get 5/75 funding
(1) Academic celebration
(2) engaging /enhancing student experience
b) Submit a proposal (wording is important) by Nov.15
(1) Why are you proposing the event, how the event is going to be executed, and how does it support 5/75?
c) Could get partial or full funding
B. Jake Dyrkacz, Vice President
1. Period 2 Review
a) Overall, great job obtaining 2 hours per week
b) Halloween Bash was great
c) Focus more on respective colleges
C. Aneri Patel, Chief of Staff
1. Executive Board Report
a) Executive board met and discussed 5/75 funding as well as the EB initiatives and project
2. Community Garden Updates
a) All of the garden cleaning is done for the 3 beds
b) Planting will begin in late February/early March
c) Please send ideas if there are any for the types of vegetables & herbs
D. Megan Granados, President Pro-Tempore
1. None
E. Mason Cook, Chief Financial Officer
1. Budget Update
a) Current budget: $1800
2. Resolution Funds Process
a) Please CC CFO Cook when submitting the resolutions to PPT Granados
F. Dr. Richard Rupp, Faculty Advisor
1. PNW Radio Show
2. Student for a committee about diverse enrollment
3. Opportunities for One Book/One Community committee (one student representative)
4. 5/75 time capsule (aspirational through the next 10-15 years)
V. Senator Transition (5 minutes)
A. CHESS Hammond seat is open
B. Vote on: Senator Feliciano transitioning from Senator at Large to CHESS Hammond Senator.
C. Motion: Senator Addison
D. Second: Senator Cook
E. Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
F. Senator Feliciano is voted in as the CHESS Hammond Senator.
VI. Event Overview (5 minutes)
A. Halloween Bash
1. Things that went well: participation from SGA members, great turnout overall, approximately 30 people participated in the costume contest, and QR code worked great for voting
2. Things that can be improved: decide on a specific time for the contest, communication with the DJ, and QR participation number limit needs to be increased
VII. Legislative Items (10 minutes per)
A. S.R. 21-03 Student Concerns Table
1. Details:
a) Listen to faculty concerns such as communication
b) Obtain proper information (name, major, year, and concern) to input into excel
c) Cost: $15 for fruit snacks
d) Do it in an interview form
2. Vote on: S.R. 21-03
3. Motion: Senator Addison
4. Second: Senator Regier
5. Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
6. S.R. 21-03 passess
B. S.R. 21-04 Holiday Wishes Act
1. Details:
a) Indoor trees (holiday neutral)
b) Tuesday 12/7 @Westville in LSF
c) Wednesday 12/8 and Thursday 12/9 @Hammond in SULB
(1) Time for both campuses is 12pm – 6pm
d) Cost: $335 for 2 trees, lights, etc.
(1) 3 polaroids = 120 pics
(a) Students can pick up the pictures after the holiday season in the SGA offices.
2. Vote on: S.R. 21-04
3. Motion: Senator Yamat
4. Second: Senator Methner
5. Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
6. S.R. 21-04 passes.
C. S.R. 21-05 Game and Pizza Night (Pt. 2)
1. Details
a) Partner with Circle K (bring board games)
b) Monday 11/29 @Westville
c) Wednesday 12/1 @Hammond
d) Have trivia for Jeopardy (prize: SGA t-shirt)
2. Vote on: S.R. 21-05
3. Motion: Senator Cook
4. Second: Senator Addison
5. Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
6. S.R. 21-05 passes
D. S.R. 21-06 Cram Jam
1. Details:
a) Monday 12/6 – Friday 12/10
(1) 11am – 3pm on both campuses
b) Paws to De-Stress @12pm – 2pm
c) Snack bags & hot chocolate
d) 5/75 funding requested
2. Vote on: S.R. 21-06
3. Motion: Senator Fus
4. Second: Senator Methner
5. Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
6. S.R. 21-06 passes.
VIII. Committee Updates (3 minutes per)
A. Rules & Internal Affairs, President Pro Tempore Granados
1. Did not meet – no need yet
B. Budget Committee, Chief Financial Officer Cook
1. Did not meet – no resolutions
2. Will meet as 4 resolutions were passed
C. University Policy, Senator Addison
1. Senator Edington & Senator Addison scheduled a tabling event
D. Academic Affairs, Senator Addison
1. Will find out concerns during tabling event
E. University Affairs, Vice President Dyrkacz
1. Access data for preferred parking (through Jacob Lenson)
2. Sustainability committee will be meeting on November 15th
F. Resident Life, President Pro Tempore Granados
1. Senator Winders joined the committee
2. Have not met – no need yet
G. Student Service, Senator Methner
1. Did not meet – no need yet
2. Plan on meeting to represent SGA for tabling
H. Elections & Programming, Chief of Staff Patel
1. Have not met – no need yet
I. Appeals, Advisor Dr. Rupp
1. Not in attendance
J. Bylaws, Vice President Dyrkacz
1. House of Representatives (reword & clarification)
a) Vote: House of Representatives
b) Motion: Senator Cook
c) Second: Senator Addison
d) Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
e) The House of Representatives will be reworded and clarified for the Bylaws.
2. Outreach Hours (for President Pro-Tempore)
a) Officially from 10 hours to 12 hours a month
b) Vote: Outreach Hours for President Pro-Tempore
c) Motion: Senator Regier
d) Second: Senator Fus
e) Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
f) The Bylaws will be amended to state that the President Pro-Tempore must complete 12 hours a month.
3. Outreach Hours (for Senate)
a) Senators must complete 2 hours out of the 8 per month through events/work for their respective colleges.
b) Vote: Outreach Hours for the Senate
c) Motion: Senator Methner
d) Second: Senator Cook
e) Measure: Pass
M.G. M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
f) The Bylaws will be amended to state that the Senate must complete 2 out of their 8 required outreach hours a month through their respective colleges.
K. Director of Communications, Senator Methner
1. DOCC met this week
2. Discussed instagram takeovers, QR codes on the SGA office doors, and the bios
3. Dress nice on 11/20 as SGA will be taking a picture for social media
IX. Added Business/Concerns (5 minutes per)
A. None
X. Open Comments from the Dean of Students (5 minutes per)
A. None
XI. Open Comments from the Student Body (5 minutes per)
A. None
XII. Open Comments from Student Senate (5 minutes per)
A. Senator Fus: will be resigning at the end of the Fall 2021 semester
B. Senator Methner: working on an open forum for CES (will have hot chocolate and cookies) on December 9th
1. Received funding from CES for $150
XIII. Meeting Adjourned (1 minute); Time: 9:20am
A. Motion: Senator Yamat
B. Second: Senator Methner
C. Measure: Pass