SGA Senate Meeting Minutes March 25, 2022
Sixth Session
I. Call to Order, Roll Call (2 minutes); Time: 04:30 p.m.
- President Oriana White
- Vice President Megan Granados
- Chief of Staff Aneri Patel
- CHESS Senator (H) Emily Feliciano
- CES Senator (H) Savannah Yamat
- CES Senator (W) Mya Methner
- CON Senator (H) Mason Cook
- Honors College Senator (H) David Bolton
- Honors College Senator (W) Saige Addison
- Faculty Advisor Dr. Richard Rupp
- COB Senator (H) Leo Winders
- Graduate Studies Senator (W) Daniel Gyekye
II. Approval of the Agenda (2 minutes)
A. Motion: Senator Addison
B. Second: Senator Bolton
C. Measure: Pass
III. Approval of Minutes (1 minute)
A. Motion: Senator Cook
B. Second: Senator Bolton
C. Measure: Pass
IV. Executive Board (5 minutes per)
A. Oriana White, President
1. RideShare Update
a) The app is ready and will be demoed
b) Will be completely ready for the next academic year
2. Shaq Opportunity
a) Concert is on April 8th
b) SGA will have an opportunity to meet Shaq
c) Please email President White if you are interested and have bought your ticket
B. Megan Granados, Vice President
1. Student Organization Carnival
a) Tuesday, March 29th in Westville (11am – 1pm)
(1) 4 organization tables
b) Wednesday, March 30th in Hammond (11am – 1pm)
(1) 7 organization tables
c) Outreach hours opportunity if you are working the SGA table
C. Aneri Patel, Chief of Staff
1. Executive Report
a) Executive board met and discussed the following: Paws to Destress, Club Carnival, Cram Jam, Prayer Room (SULB 344C), and the elections poll
2. Community Garden Update
a) John Bachmann has ordered the seeds and Butch Zandstra will plant and grow them until they are ready to be planted in mid-May
D. Mya Methner, President Pro-Tempore
1. Paws to Destress + English Students
a) 5 students from an English class will be there (11am-1pm)
2. Outreach Hours
a) Only 6 hours are required this month for Senate, but 8 hours will be required in April
E. Mason Cook, Chief Financial Officer
1. Stipends Checkin
a) Make sure you are being paid. If not, please contact CFO Cook
F. Dr. Richard Rupp, Faculty Advisor
1. Not present
G. Dr. Colin Fewer, Dean of Students
1. PNW Fight Song
a) Not present
V. Legislative Items (10 minutes per)
A. S.R. 21-14 Spring 2022 Cram Jam
1. April 25th – 29th in the library (10am – 2pm)
2. $250 requested (snacks leftover from past events will be utilized)
3. Monday and Tuesday will be Hammond; Wednesday and Thursday will be Westville
4. Students will need to sign waivers to pet the animals for Paws to Destress
5. Sign up sheets are in the shared drive and should be filled out by April 18th
6. If you vote yes, you have to contribute
7. Vote on: amending the resolution to take out “equally”
8. Motion: Senator Cook
9. Second: Senator Feliciano
10. Measure: Pass
M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.F. L.W. S.A. D.G. D.B.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y A Y
11. The amendment passes.
12. Vote on: S.R. 21-14
13. Motion: Senator Methner
14. Second: Senator Addison
15. Measure: Pass
M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.F. L.W. S.A. D.G. D.B.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y A Y
16. S.R. 21-14 passes.
VI. Current Items (10 minutes per)
A. Student Concerns Table
1. Monday in Hammond (9am -11am)
2. 3 slots, 2 locations (CLO and SULB)
3. Meeting outside of the SGA office beforehand
B. Kahlo Karnival
1. Went very well and volunteers did great
2. Good response overall, a lot of community members came out
C. Yard Party Idea
1. Event will be in Westville
2. Social work club obtained 5.75 funding
3. Sign up by April 14th
4. Volunteers will be appreciated from the Honors College and SGA
5. Vote on: S.R. 21-15
6. Motion: Senator Addison
7. Second: Senator Bolton
8. Measure: Pass
M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.F. L.W. S.A. D.G. D.B.
Vote Y Y A A A Y A Y
9. S.R. 21-15 passes.
VII. Added Business/Concerns (5 minutes per)
A. None
VIII. Open Comments from the Student Senate (5 minutes per)
A. Club Carnival sign-up sheet will be in the drive
B. Senator Methner/Yamat: came up with an idea that students can submit ideas/topics for senators to discuss with their Deans
1. Lunch breaks for students (set times for no classes)
IX. Open Comments from Student Body (5 minutes per)
A. None
X. Meeting Adjourned (1 minute); Time: 5:05pm
A. Motion: Senator Cook
B. Second: Senator Feliciano
C. Measure: Pass