SGA Senate Meeting Minutes November 20, 2021
Sixth Session
I. Call to Order, Roll Call (2 minutes); Time: 07:33 am
- President Oriana White
- Vice President Megan Granados
- Faculty Advisor Dr. Richard Rupp
- CHESS Senator (H) Emily Feliciano
- CES Senator (H) Savannah Yamat
- CES Senator (W) Mya Methner
- CON Senator (H) Mason Cook
- COT Senator (H) Luis Gamble
- COT Senator (W) Braden Regier
- Honors College Senator (W) Saige Addison
- Graduate Studies Senator (H) Evan Fus
- Graduate Studies Senator (W) Daniel Gyekye
- Chief of Staff Aneri Patel
- COB Senator (H) Leo Winders
II. Approval of the Agenda (2 minutes)
A. Motion: Senator Addison
B. Second: Senator Cook
C. Measure: Pass
III. Approval of Minutes (1 minute)
A. Motion: Senator Fus
B. Second: Senator Cook
C. Measure: Pass
IV. Executive Board (2 minutes per)
A. Oriana White, President
1. Change in Executive Team
a) Previous Vice President Dyrkacz stepped down. Vice President Granados has stepped into that position
b) President Pro-Tempore position is open for self-nominations
2. Webclock
a) Going well, continue logging in 2 hours per week (Senators) and 3 hours per week (Executive Board)
B. Megan Granados, Vice President
1. Aluminum Letters
a) SGA is creating a PNW Sculpture for Hammond
b) Met with Jacob Lenson and an architect
c) PNW sign is to plan campus culture
d) Updates to come
2. December Outreach Hours
a) Will provide feedback halfway through the month
b) 6 outreach hours for December
C. Aneri Patel, Chief of Staff
1. Executive Report
a) Executive board met after the last meeting and discussed the following: aluminum letter, IUN Collaboration, trans equity survey, and Dean of Student housing meeting
2. Sustain PNW Committee
a) The committee met on Monday, November 15
b) 2 student representatives from each college (reach out to Deans and inform them of this)
c) Time commitment: one 1-hour monthly meeting
(1) Subcommittee work: 2-4 hours a month
(2) As available for event season (Oct. and April)
D. Mason Cook, Chief Financial Officer
1. Budget Update
a) Budget for second semester = $945
E. Dr. Richard Rupp, Faculty Advisor
1. None
V. President Pro-Tempore (15 minutes)
A. Discussion
B. If you’ve made it this far in the meeting minutes (thank you!) and please direct message President Pro-Tempore Methner your favorite animal emoji through GroupMe.
1. Duties:
a) Running the Senate meetings, creating agenda, looks over resolutions
b) Acts as a bridge between E-board and Senate
C. Nominations & Voting
1. Nomination: Senator Methner, CES Westville Senator
2. Discussions were held
3. Vote on: Senator Methner for President Pro-Tempore
4. Motion: Senator Yamat
5. Second: Senator Addison
6. Measure: Pass
M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y
7. Senator Methner is voted in as the President Pro-Temp by the Senate.
VI. Interview (30 minutes)
A. Position: Graduate Studies Senator for Westville
1. Candidate: Daniel Gyekye, Masters in Reading and Communications studies
2. Discussions were held
3. Vote on: Daniel Gyekye for Graduate Studies Westville Senator
4. Motion: Senator Fus
5. Second: Senator Feliciano
6. Measure: Pass
M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote A Y Y Y A Y Y Y
7. Daniel Gyekye is voted in as Graduate Studies Westville Senator.
B. Position: College of Technology Hammond Senator
1. Candidate: Luis Gamble
2. Discussions were held
3. Vote on: Luis Gamble for College of Technology Hammond Senator
4. Motion: Senator Addison
5. Second: Senator Cook
6. Measure: Pass
M.C. M.M. S.Y. E.Fl. L.W. E.Fu. B.R. S.A.
Vote Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y
7. Luis Gamble is voted in as College of Technology Hammond Senator.
VII. Event Overview (3 minutes per)
A. Student Concerns Table
1. Only were able to do the event at the Westville campus because of logistics
2. Could have promoted it more
3. Good to have President White and other SGA members there
4. Senator Methner and Senator Addison will be meeting after the Senate meeting to discuss further steps
VIII. Current Items (3 minutes per)
A. Holiday Wishes Act
1. Sign-up sheet is posted and available (google sheet in the drive)
2. Materials are in the SGA office
B. Game & Pizza Night (Pt.2)
1. Prep is going well, met with Circle K yesterday
2. Trivia (teams of 5), will have SGA giveaways
3. Circle K will do the decorations and bring games
4. NILS 302 for Hammond – room request is done
5. Will do budgeting and buying with CFO Cook
C. Cram Jam
1. Meeting w/ Humane Society on Monday (November 22)
2. Have to get table reservations
3. Schedule a meeting with CFO Cook for food & money
4. Different days will have different snacks
IX. SGA Spring Schedule (10 minutes)
A. Three options were offered for Fridays: 9am-11am, 12pm-2pm, and 2pm-4pm
B. Discussions were held
C. Spring meeting times: Fridays @1pm – 3pm
X. Added Business/Concerns (5 minutes per)
A. None
XI. Open Comments from the Student Body (5 minutes per)
A. David Bolton – could possibly run for Honors College Hammond Senator
XII. Open Comments from Student Senate (5 minutes per)
A. Senator Yamat
1. Student concerns about Duo Mobile
2. Idea for Christmas gifts swap (take new items and exchange them)
a) Set up in SULB and CLO (as a pop-up event)
3. Free little library (working on it)
B. Senator Feliciano
1. Speed dating (2/3/22) – emailed Diane regarding food & beverages in Alumni Hall
XIII. Meeting Adjourned (1 minute); Time: 9:23am
A. Motion: Senator Cook
B. Second: Senator Feliciano
C. Measure: Pass