Student Resources for Spring 2020

Dear PNW students,
Since we are moving to online learning for the rest of the Spring 2020 semester, here are some resources for student support: please check your email and often for updates and additional information on services at PNW. Office hours listed below may change.
For general help, the student advocates in the Dean of Students office are available.
Dean of Students
The office in Hammond (SULB 313) remains open with reduced hours, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The office in Westville remains open with reduced hours from Monday to Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Staff will be available during these hours to answer calls or in-person questions and schedule appointments, but Dean of Students appointments will be conducted by phone or video only.
Phones will be answered from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Call 989-5230 for Westville and 989-4141 for Hammond or if you need immediate assistance. In an emergency, call campus police at 2220.
You may also email Dean of Students staff at any time at or visit the website to fill out a complaint or concern form.
Technical Support
Technical issues can be resolved through the PNW Customer Service Center. Please email Daniel Bruhn at or email Additional information about online access is available through PNW’s online student learning guide.
Problems with your course can be resolved by first contacting your instructor by email or by phone if your instructor has shared contact info. If you need additional assistance with academic issues, please contact the department chair (listed at the bottom of this post) for the department that offers your course. The Dean of Students office can also help you find the right person to contact.
Disability Access Center
Disability Access Center staff will be operating remotely from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday. Please call 219-989-2455 or email We will respond promptly to all contacts. Appointments will be by phone or video chat only.
The Disability Access Center wants to ensure that students are supported throughout this time. If you feel that you need different accommodations due to the switch to online classes, or if an issue is negatively impacting your PNW experience, please contact the center. Accommodations can be set up at any time throughout your PNW experience.
Counseling Center
Counseling center staff will be working remotely with reduced hours until further notice. Students are asked not to come in person to counseling offices, but staff will be available for 15-minute phone consultations to assess and refer students to resources.
We anticipate being able to offer full counseling services via video and phone soon: please watch your email for updated information as those services become available.
Phone lines at 219-989-2366 will be open Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Non-emergency consultations will be offered Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Regional Health Systems Health Clinic at Hammond
The on-campus health clinic, located at 2250 173rd street, will be open the following hours:
- Monday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 7 pm.
- Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Private insurance is not required to receive care at the clinic, as the clinic will assist patients in signing up for the Healthy Indiana program. Call (219) 989-8680 for more information.
Veteran Services
Veteran Services staff will be working remotely. Calls to (219) 989-2727 will be answered during normal business hours, and you can also email The veteran lounge in DSAC 1002 on the Westville campus is closed for as long as DSAC remains closed. The Hammond veteran lounge, SULB 335, is open and available for veteran students to use.
Career Center
The Career Center team is working remotely until further notice. Students may still request career-advising appointments via their Handshake account, by logging in and scheduling an appointment under the Career Center drop-down menu. Students can also contact us at (219) 989-2600 if they wish to schedule an appointment via phone.
Still need help with your resume/cover letter, job search-strategy questions or Handshake? We are still holding drop-in advising (Monday to Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m.) starting March 23.
Learn More About Drop-In Advising
For information about online writing center support and tutoring, please watch your email.
Department Chairs to Contact for Course Issues
College of Business
- Godwin-Charles Ogbeide, Hospitality and Tourism Managment,
- Rachel Clapp-Smith, Mangerial Studies,
- Lin Zhao, Quantitative Business Studies,
College of Engineering and Sciences
- Vijaya Devabhaktuni, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
- Nesrin Ozalp, Mechanical and Civil Engingeering,
- Robin Scribailo, Biological Sciences,
- Purna Das, Chemistry and Physics,
- Nicoleta Tarfulea, Math, Stats and Computer Science,
College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
- Anne Gregory, Education and Counseling,
- Lee (Mike) Johnson, Behavioral Sciences,
- Thomas Roach, Communications and Creative Arts,
- Kathleen Tobin, History and Philosophy,
- Paul Hecht, English,
- Marisa Garcia-Verdugo (Interim), Political Sciences, Economics and World Languages,
- David Pick, Psychology,
College of Nursing
- Patti Ludwig Beymer, Grad Studies,
- Cheryl Moredich, Online Programs,
- Karen O’Brien, Undergrad Studies,
College of Technology
Athula Kulatunga, Engineering Technology,
Keyuan Jiang, Computer Information Technology and Graphics,
Chandra V. Chandramouli, Construction Sciences and Organizational Leadership,
Honors College
Jonathan Swarts, Dean,