Strategic Planning: PNW Values and Open Forum Sessions

January 30, 2025
PNW students sit by a lion sculpture in front of the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building

On behalf of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, we thank you for your engagement and feedback throughout the process. We are excited to share with you updates from the Committee, including the latest draft of the strategic plan, which was distributed via email to the Faculty-Staff list and are now available on the Strategic Planning website.

Both the Mission Statement and Vision Statement are now finalized, after multiple rounds of feedback, revisions and approval. The four PNW values are Respect, Innovation, Student Centric and Excellence (RISE).

See the Draft Documents (Requires Sharepoint Login)

In the coming weeks, we will launch an open contest (with prizes!) for designing a logo for the values. The goals teams are continuing their hard work at developing strategic activities and associated metrics for objectives embedded in each of the goals.

Immediate Next Steps

During the week of February 2 to 8, we are hosting three Open Forum sessions that will provide additional opportunities for you to discuss the latest draft of the strategic plan documents and provide feedback. There is no RSVP required, just plan to attend (in-person or virtually).

Open Forum dates (In-Person and Zoom)

1. Monday, February 3 (Westville) – LSF 144; 1 to 2 p.m.

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 985 3824 7351
Passcode: 669253

2. Wednesday, February 5 (Hammond) – SULB 321; 1 to 2 p.m.

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 985 3824 7351
Passcode: 669253

3. Thursday, February 6 (Hammond) – Gyte 002; 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 985 3824 7351
Passcode: 669253


Becky Stankowski, Co-Chair

Yu Ouyang, Co-Chair