Pau Aran
The School of Engineering is #PNWEngineeringProud of Pau Aran. He is a Computer Science student who will graduate in May 2023 with his bachelor’s degree.
September 19, 2022
Name: Pau Aran
Hometown: Barcelona, Spain
High School: Colegio Inglés Playa del Carmen, Class of 2018
PNW Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, with minor in Statistics, May 2023
Why did you choose PNW?
I chose to attend PNW for the opportunity to play soccer at the Division II level and because of the course catalog of Computer Science.
Summer 2022 internship: Hiberus Tecnologia in Zaragoza, Spain
Hiberus is one of the main Spanish technology companies, specializing in business consulting services, technological development, digital transformation and outsourcing. They provide services to public and private organizations and help them to meet their business needs.
During June and July of 2022, I worked in one of Hiberus’ divisions called Afición 360, an online fan-oriented platform, which offers them the possibility to purchase tickets for matches and renewing their subscription easily. They help football clubs to position their products close to their target audience, facilitating the sale of tickets linked to events, help to retain buyers through marketing actions and increase the bond with the club.
My role at Afición 360 was to develop a project to help the team map football stadiums efficiently and fast. I had to create a component that was able to move seats and place them in the correct coordinate.
I chose to attend PNW for the opportunity to play soccer at the Division II level and because of the course catalog of Computer Science.
PNW activities/organizations/teams
Member of the PNW Men’s Soccer Team.
What are your plans after graduation?
My plan after graduation is to stay in the USA and find a well-placed job in the computer industry.