Auburn Dodd-Golston
Purdue Northwest is proud of Auburn and all our Spring 2020 graduates as they Power Onward toward a bright future. We celebrate your grit, determination and drive!
Communication/Broadcasting, 2020
May 20, 2020
Hometown: Chicago, IL
PNW degree: Bachelor of Arts in Communication/Broadcasting, May 2020.
Why did you choose PNW?
Purdue Northwest offers numerous opportunities within the communications department. Each professor has experience within their field of study. The faculty and staff at PNW is extremely hands on and most importantly, each professor cares about their students’ future.
Why did you choose this major?
The communication department is like a big family. Everyone is friendly. PNW has provided me with numerous opportunities, experienced staff, and useful resources.
Do you have a favorite faculty member?
A faculty member that has had an impact in my life is Mary Beth O’Connor. Each class she gives motivational speeches which ensures I can do whatever I set my mind to.
What is your most memorable experience on campus?
My most memorably experience here at PNW would have to be being a part of the production team of the “Roundtable Perspective.” I was able to get hands on training with TV production equipment.
What would you tell prospective PNW students?
PNW offers a countless amount of majors, resources, and future opportunities.