Self-Care and Support During Final Exams

Dear PNW students,
Final exam week is here! Congratulations on finishing another semester in your journey to success at PNW. As we end classes and move into the potential stresses of final exams and projects, I want to remind you to take care of yourselves and each other and to be aware that student services are here to support you!
Prioritize your mental health and well-being by balancing study time with self-care. Sleep is especially important: our recent NCHA study showed that over half of PNW students don’t get enough sleep at night, and 81% reported feeling “tired or sleepy” at least three days per week. Avoid those all-nighters, take time to eat healthy and connect with friends and classmates.
PNW’s Counseling Center, which is free and anonymous, currently has no wait time to schedule an appointment. You can reach out for mental health support on either PNW campus and via telehealth (video) by calling 219-989-2366. (Please remember to call ahead; we are currently not able to take walk-in clients.) If you’re feeling overwhelmed by final exams and other responsibilities, talking it out can help you feel better.
The Office of the Dean of Students is also here to help! If your car breaks down on the way to exams, your computer crashes, or you just need a friendly face to listen and support you, call us at 219-989-4141 (Hammond) or 219-785-5230 (Westville). You can also book an appointment with our friendly staff directly from our web page.
Good luck and Power Onward!
Colin Fewer
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students