Secure Wireless Communication
Shuhui Grace Yang - Associate Professor of Computer Science

Pride in Student Partnership
Professor Yang’s research interests include wireless communication, mobile computing, parallel and distributed systems, wireless security and privacy, cloud and green computing, and social network applications. She had more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings and journals. Her research work is funded by National Science Foundation.
She is the guest editor for the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special issue on Wireless Network Security. Professor Yang was the general chair of the 3rd and 4th National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems (REUNS); registration and finance chair of the 14th and 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS); general chair of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Big Data and Cloud Applications (BDCloudApp 2016).
Professor Yang involves her students in her research work. She has supervised more than 50 students on their research projects and has published more than 6 papers in conferences and journals, coauthored with her students. Her recent National Science Foundation sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduate students (REU) program with the research topic of “Sustainable Wireless Communication” is the first REU site on the PNW campuses.