Undergraduate Research Office
Research can be an essential part of academic development. PNW provides hands-on opportunities for students to explore their research interests.
Undergraduate Research Grants
PNW undergraduate students in all fields of study are eligible for this grant. This grant will fund research expenses up to $500 for individual projects and up to $1,000 for group projects. Due to a College cost-sharing budget model, Dean approval for each project is required. The deadline to apply for the Spring 2025 funding cycle is February 19, 2025.
Application Process: Applications will be submitted via InfoReady.
PNW undergraduate students in all fields of study are eligible for this award. The award will cover costs for a research project or academic engagement expenses, which can include student stipends or travel for academic engagement purposes. Funds will be provided by the student’s College, so submission requires Dean and Faculty Mentor approval. This is an open-call award with a deadline of May 31, 2025.
Application Process: Applications will be submitted via InfoReady.
This grant is available to support undergraduate and graduate students presenting projects and/or research at conferences or competitions. The grant will cover costs up to $400 for a presentation or competition, subject to funding availability. This is an open-call award with a deadline of May 31, 2025.
Application Process: Applications will be submitted via InfoReady.
In order to receive the grant funds, all students engaged in the project must provide evidence that they completed required Responsible Conduct of Research training. Evidence may be a copy of the confirmation page after completion. All submissions will be verified.
Here is the list of RCR modules. The first box includes the ones that undergraduate students have to complete: https://www.purdue.edu/research/regulatory-affairs/docs/PurdueCITI_RCRModulesbyCourse.pdf (plagiarism, data management, research misconduct, conflicts of interest).
A minimum score of 80% is required to pass the assigned core RCR online course. Materials can be reviewed multiple times and quizzes can be repeated until a passing score is attained.
Detailed guidance for completion of the general online RCR training requirement is available here. Abbreviated versions of the guidance tailored to a researcher’s circumstances are available below.
Faculty Fellow for Undergraduate Research

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
(219) 989-2491
Hammond, NILS 340L