Information and guides for students and faculty related to courses, grades and student records.
Need assistance? Contact the Office of the Registrar at (219) 989-2210 (Hammond) or (219) 785-5342 (Westville). Please provide your email address when leaving a voicemail message.
For in person assistance, visit the Office of the Registrar in Lawshe Room 130 (Hammond) or Schwarz Room 120 (Westville).

FERPA and Directory Information
Passed by Congress in 1974, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) grants students specific rights regarding their education record.

Register for Classes
Students register for classes through the myPNW portal. For undergraduate students, taking at least 15 credit hours per semester will keep you on the path to graduation.

Change Your Major
The Change of Degree Objective (CODO) process is used to update a student’s major or other curriculum data in PNW’s student-information system.

Academic Catalog
Your go-to reference for everything from programs of study and degree requirements to academic policies and regulations.
Student Resources

Follow the steps to commencement, from applying to graduate to purchasing your cap and gown and getting your guest tickets.

See the process for granting a parent or guardian access to view your student information.

Get answers to your frequently asked questions about registration, enrollment and graduation.
Faculty Resources

Faculty and instructors must certify attendance of all enrolled students within the first two weeks of each semester.

Final grades for spring 2025 are due on Tuesday, May 13, by 5 p.m. (Central). Review the updated instructions for assigning grades!