Recipient of the 2020 Warner Mini-Lectureship Award

March 2, 2020
Magesh Chandramouli

Magesh Chandramouli, Associate Professor of Computer Graphics Technology, was recently named as recipient of the 2020 Warner Mini-Lectureship Award. This award is issued by Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT), the leading international honor society for technology, for exemplary international leadership and contributions within the professions of Technology.

Dr. Kevin Howell, Executive Director of EPT, said, “The William E. Warner Awards program is centerpiece of the Epsilon Pi Tau Annual Breakfast. Every year, we like to highlight the best and brightest members of the EPT community. I am so honored to present Dr. Magesh Chandramouli with the 2020 Warner Lectureship Award. This award is given annually to the nominee who most exemplifies the ideals of Epsilon Pi Tau; Skill, Research and Professional Proficiency. Dr. Chandramouli has represented Epsilon Pi Tau so well for many years and has been a recipient of the Warner Professional Practice Award earlier. It is my extreme pleasure to recognize him for his continuing dedication to what we do, and doing so with great skill, passion, and commitment.”

Dr. Chandramouli added; “Ever since I was inducted into the International Honor Society for Technology, Epsilon Pi Tau, I have been inspired by the society’s ideals and values. EPT truly exemplifies the spirit of technology by guiding, stimulating, and recognizing students, faculty, and practitioners in technology for more than 90 years. As a doctoral student when I was inducted into the society, my association with EPT allowed me to appreciate and understand the various aspects of technology.  EPT awarded me the Warner Award as a doctoral student in 2010 and the Professional practice award as a faculty in 2018.

At Purdue University Northwest, experiential learning is of critical importance. The students from our courses are a valuable asset in advancing research in the university. By integrating teaching and research a symbiotic relationship results, wherein both the faculty and students learn from each other.

I would like to thank the EPT for honoring me with the Mini-Lectureship award.  I am truly humbled by this recognition and I will strive to continue to uphold the values of EPT. I would like to add a special note of thanks to Dr. Kevin Howell, for his outstanding leadership of the EPT and to all the EPT administrators and staff members. I’d like to thank Purdue University Northwest, the college of technology, and my department for the support. A big thanks to my family, friends, teachers, colleagues, and students. ”