Self-Defense Training

Fight Like a Girl – Self-Defense Training

Let us teach you how to stay out of dangerous situations and defend yourself if you’re forced into one.

Two people spar during a "Fight Like a Girl" training.Our “Fight Like a Girl” classes are taught by Hammond and Schererville Police Officers and are held on the PNW campuses.

We will teach you physical and non-physical tactics that will help keep you safe. This training is realistic and crucial to protecting yourself.

It is open to all ages, regardless of strength or fitness and we always have a space for you!

The program is called “Fight Like A Girl” and has been taught throughout Lake and Porter counties. Many PNW campus members participated in this important training in 2022 and 2023.

The program has been incredibly well received, and we are pleased to offer it once again. In our training session, participants are given suggestions on how to avoid dangerous situations and also how to get away from an attacker.

Class Information

Classes are 2 hours long and take place in one evening.

Classes will be announced via email, at least once per semester.

The training is free and the first campus members that respond to the announcement email will be registered.

Classes are expert instructors who have training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and other martial arts. They currently provide in-service training in self-defense to the Hammond and Schererville Police Departments.

Other Self-Defense Class Information

During the academic year, we offer PNW Safety Briefings on how to respond to an active shooter incident and other dangerous scenarios. PNW also cohosts seminars on domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Learn about trending topics from this nation’s top experts.

Attendees pose together during a "fight like a girl" training.