Emergency Guide – Westville

Purdue University Northwest has current emergency response procedures and communication plans in place. Should an emergency occur on or near the campus, the Campus Emergency Resource Team (CERT) is prepared to put emergency plans into action to protect the campus community. The PNW website and other media outlets will be used to keep you informed in the event of an emergency situation.

See our 2020/2021 Guide

For any campus emergency on the Westville Campus:

  • Cell phone users should dial (219) 989-2222 for campus emergencies, or from any on-campus telephone extension 2222. We suggest you program this number in your cell phone. Report location, nature, and details of the emergency.
  • Give your name and phone number.
  • Be a good witness: Don’t place yourself in danger.

Emergency Phones

Emergency phones connected directly to the Campus Police are located in:

  • All campus elevators
  • James B. Dworkin Student Services and Activities Complex (DSAC) 2nd floor east wall by big screen TV
  • Schwarz Hall (SWRZ) Outside Room 38
  • Library-Student-Faculty Building (LSF) Inside North main entrance and basement hallway by locker rooms
  • Technology Building (TECH) Inside northeast doors

Medical Emergencies

In the event of an injury to a student, employee or visitor:

  • Report emergency immediately by dialing 911 for Campus Police from any on-campus telephone.
  • Cell phone users should dial (219) 989-2222 for campus emergencies. We suggest you program this number in your cell phone.
  • Explain the exact location of the injured person and the type of injury.
  • Campus Police will respond to the scene and provide assistance.

Fire Emergency Evacuations

The fire alarm is a steady pulsating sound from the horns located on all floors of all buildings. If a fire alarm is activated, evacuate the building via the nearest exit in a quiet and orderly fashion. Close all doors, but leave them unlocked.

Once outside, proceed directly to the nearest designated assembly area listed below:

  • James B. Dworkin Student Services and Activities Complex Building (DSAC) Parking Lot 6 Northwest corner (Lot located West of TECH)
  • Library-Student-Faculty Building (LSF) Parking Lot 1/Northeast corner (lot located north of LSF and SWRZ
  • Schwarz Hall (SWRZ) Parking Lot 4/Northwest corner (lot located west of SWRZ)
  • Technology Building (TECH) Parking Lot 6 Northwest corner (Lot located West of TECH)

Keep streets, fire hydrant areas and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. DO NOT return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by Emergency personnel.

Persons using wheelchairs should proceed to the nearest stair landing. Emergency Personnel will assist with evacuations. Persons with mobility impairments who are able to walk independently may be able to negotiate stairs in an emergency with minor assistance. The individual may choose to wait until the heavy traffic has cleared before attempting the stairs.

Tornado Warning Procedure

A tornado warning means a funnel cloud has been observed in the vicinity and building occupants should seek shelter.

When a warning is received, an external and internal alert siren will be sounded. An alert will consist of a THREE-MINUTE WARNING on the external siren and activation of the internal Emergency Public Address System speakers. An announcement that there is a tornado warning for our area will be heard inside buildings. When the alert is given, all classes and campus operations will CEASE IMMEDIATELY.

All students, faculty and staff should proceed to the following areas:

  • James B. Dworkin Student Services and Activities Complex (DSAC) All restrooms and locker rooms main floor, west corridor 1H04, Corridor 1069 and east rooms, Athletic Training room.
  • Library-Student-Faculty Building (LSF) Lower Level Inside Corridor (between rooms 51 and 69)
  • Schwarz Hall (SWRZ) Lower Level Center Hall (between rooms 33 and 38)
  • Technology Building (TECH) Lower Level Southeast Corner (between rooms 55 and 83)

Campus Police will monitor information sources to determine when to issue the ALL CLEAR. As soon as the ALL CLEAR status is confirmed, an ALL CLEAR announcement will be made in each building. It is strongly recommended that everyone remain in designated shelter areas until Campus Police announce the ALL CLEAR.

Person Trapped in Elevator

An emergency telephone is located in the control panel of each elevator. If the elevator stops or the door won’t open, pick up the handset. The telephone is a direct line to Campus Police. You do not need to dial any number. You will be given instructions on what to do at the time.

If the telephone does not work, push the emergency alarm located on the control panel. Do not attempt to leave the elevator via the emergency hatch.

Campus Police and Physical Plant personnel are the only persons authorized to restart an elevator or remove persons from an elevator. If you have any questions regarding emergency procedures please call the Campus Police at (219) 989-2222.

Snow Emergencies

Heavy Snowfall – Purdue University Northwest makes every attempt to remain open during the snowy winter months. However, it may be necessary to close the University due to severe weather conditions.

  1. Email – A school closing email will be sent to your PNW email address. Please be aware that in the event of a power outage, university computer servers will be inoperable.
  2. On the web – School closings will be posted directly on the web through cancellations.com. Visit www.cancellations.com put in the Westville Campus zip code (46391), click the “find posting” button.
  3. Radio – The area radio stations listed below will be notified by 6 a.m. if the campus is to be closed that day. If you do not hear that PNW Westville Campus is closed when the stations make their early morning announcements, you can assume that the campus will be open. The stations are asked to repeat the closing announcement during the day.

Station Information

  • Knox WKVI – 1520 AM, 99.3 FM
  • La Porte WCOE – 96.7 FM, WLOI-1540 AM
  • Michigan City WEFM – 95.9
  • South Bend WSBT-960 AM, SUNNY 101.5 FM
  • Valparaiso WAKE-1500 AM, WLJE 105.5 FM, Z 107.1 FM

Lockdown Procedure

In an Active Shooter situation, decide: Run, Hide or Fight? For background information, view the six-minute video Surviving an Active Shooter and attend ALICE (Alter, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training when offered.

If it becomes necessary to lockdown campus, please do the following:

  1. Report emergency immediately by dialing 911 for Campus Police from any on-campus telephone.
  2. Cell phone users should dial (219) 989-2222 for campus emergencies. We suggest you program this number in your cell phone.
  3. Provide the nature of the incident, location, if medical assistance is needed, and a description of the person(s) involved.
  4. Campus Police will notify the campus community on the Emergency Notification System with the following message: “ATTENTION ALL BUILDINGS. LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES ARE NOW IN EFFECT.” The message implies present and imminent danger to students and staff.
  5. When the message is heard, students and staff will remain in their present locations pending further instructions and follow these steps:
  • Close and lock doors. Stay away from all windows and doors. Turn off all lights and remain silent. Do not use cell phones except for emergency notification to Campus Police at (219) 989-2222.
  • Move to a location in the room on the same wall as the door, but at the opposite end which is not visible to someone looking through the door. Everyone should be on the floor if gunshots are heard.
  • Students and staff in hallways or other open areas must proceed immediately to a classroom or office where they can safely be locked in. If a classroom or office door is locked, go to the next closest available room to take shelter.

Emergency Text Message System

PNW offers a voluntary emergency text message system to all students and university employees. A university-issued username is needed in order to subscribe. This service will be used exclusively for closing announcements and campus emergency alerts.

Text messaging adds another important layer to the university’s emergency notification processes. All members of the campus community who own text-enabled electronic devices are strongly encouraged to participate.

Sign Up for Alert Me

Additional Resources

Shelter in Place

The order to shelter in place is a precaution directive aimed to keep you safe while remaining indoors.

Campus Lockdown

The purpose of a lockdown is to minimize accessibility to rooms/buildings on campus to reduce the risk of injury or danger to faculty, staff, students or visitors.

Community Emergency Response Teams

This trained pool of personnel helps the university respond to emergency events.

Medical Emergency

In the event of a personal injury or serious illness the following procedure is to be followed