Protocol for Warrants and Government Subpoenas

February 21, 2025
A lion statue on PNW's Westville campus

Dear Colleagues:

We have received questions from faculty, including through the Faculty Senate, regarding the protocol to follow should you be presented with a warrant or receive a government subpoena.

Please follow the protocol below.

  1. Remain calm and professional.
    • If you are sent a subpoena, refer to the PNW website at:­ubpoenas/ for instructions.
    • If you are served a subpoena, please inform the individual that you are not obstructing their process, but that the University’s Office of Legal Counsel must review all government subpoenas. Then follow the process outlined on the website.
    • If you are presented with a search or arrest warrant, the agent will announce their purpose and affiliation.  Do not attempt to physically block or interfere with any law enforcement officer or agent.
    • In most instances, our PNW Police Department will have received prior notification of the warrant and will accompany the agents to the scene.  If PNW Police are not present, contact them immediately at (219) 989-2222.
  1. Maintain student privacy as required by federal laws, including FERPA and HIPAA.
    • Please do not accept documents or provide personally identifiable information until a review by the Office of Legal Counsel has been completed.  Examples of personally identifiable information may include contact information, class lists, class schedules, etc.

We thank everyone for their thoughtful questions regarding the protocol.


Marie Mora

Marie T. Mora

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs