Power Onward Conference highlights employee resources, best practices

September 23, 2022
Nathan Elizalde stands with a tablet in his hand. There is a screen behind him that reads "The Delightful Skill of Celebration"

Nathan Elizalde, transfer specialist, leads his session, “The Delightful Skill of Celebration” during the 2022 Power Onward Conference.

Purdue University Northwest (PNW) faculty and staff exchanged helpful information and tips about the various on-campus and digital resources available to them and students during the second annual Power Onward Conference.

The conference, which was hosted in a hybrid format and sponsored by Information Services, is meant to foster collaboration by bringing together PNW units to share and learn from each other. From informative talks to healthy reminders, the Power Onward Conference tries to ensure a sense of belonging for all PNW employees, foster teamwork, and advise on best practices to support contemporary student needs.

“When faculty and staff can come together to share and learn from each other, we are really fulfilling our mission as part of the university and Powering Onward together,” said Katie Brown, senior educational technologist in the Office of Instructional Technology in Information Services. “The variety of session options from diversity and wellness to technology and teaching truly help support all students at PNW.”

Over 200 PNW employees registered and attended various events at the conference. The conference had 35 concurrent presenters over two days as well as 29 tables at its employee resource fair. Topics such as technology in the classroom, intersectional pedagogy for student success, diversity and equity, and mental health and wellness were discussed.

“This conference creates space and opportunities for members of the PNW community to interact with each other and feel a collective sense of rejuvenation,” said Emily Hixon, professor of Education and director of the Center for Faculty Excellence. “We know that lots of good ideas are generated when we get together people from different parts of the university who bring different perspectives. Hopefully, the conference can serve as a catalyst for discussions that will continue and ultimately benefit the institution, and most importantly, our students.”

Looking Back at the Power Onward Conference

A group of people stand together. Left to right: Neeti Parashar, Angela Schooley, Emily Hixon, Manisa Baker, Christina Nevill, and Debbie Bachmann

The Power Onward Conference was planned by several committee members, including, from left, Neeti Parashar, professor of Physics and director of the Center for High Energy Physics; Angela Schooley, associate professor of Nursing; Emily Hixon, professor of Education and director of the Center for Faculty Excellence; Manisa Baker, assistant professor of Nursing; Christina Nevill, administrative assistant in the Center for Faculty Excellence; and Debbie Bachmann, administrator of Honors Student Leadership and Programming in the Honors College. Not pictured are Katie Brown, senior educational technologist in the Office of Instructional Technology in Information Services, and Jason Williams, managing director of the Society of Innovators at Purdue Northwest.

Neeti Parashar stands in the front of a class room talking.

Neeti Parashar, professor of Physics, helps lead a research roundtable during the 2022 Power Onward Conference.

Neeti Parashar stands left of Nathan Elizalde. There is a podium and screen behind them.

Neeti Parashar, left, professor of Physics, introduces Nathan Elizalde, transfer specialist, before a presentation at the 2022 Power Onward Conference.

Faculty and staff walk around Alumni Hall where there are tables from departments and resources on campus

Faculty and staff visit tables at a resource fair during the 2022 Power Onward Conference.