August 21, 2020
PNW Completes State-of-the-Art Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building
Years of planning, months of construction and countless hours of work are finally coming to fruition this fall semester as PNW celebrates the opening of the Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building.
August 12, 2020
GLIAC Council of Presidents Votes to Suspend All Sports Competition
Following a thorough evaluation of all COVID-19 risks and safety protocols the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Council of Presidents and Chancellors voted unanimously on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 to suspend all sports competition until January 1, 2021
August 3, 2020
College of Business Congratulates SAP Student Recognition Award Recipients
The SAP Student Recognition Award is issued to students who complete three required courses that include significant hands-on experience using SAP software.
July 24, 2020
Preparing for Fall Semester 2020
As we prepare to welcome you back to the Purdue Northwest campuses and classes, Provost Kenneth C. Holford is pleased to share important information that will help you get ready for the fall semester.
July 8, 2020
New Criminal Justice Major Coming Soon to Purdue University Northwest
Students at PNW will soon have the option to major in criminal justice. The new program is designed to prepare students for entry into a wide variety of careers.
June 26, 2020
Chancellor Keon Video Update: Keep the Future in Mind
Speaking from the brand-new Nils K. Nelson Bioscience Innovation Building, Chancellor Keon shares how the building's bright future mirrors PNW's plans for fall learning.
May 18, 2020
College of Business Recognizes 2020 Graduates Online
While the coronavirus might have halted our ability to celebrate together on campus, the College of Business wanted to do something special for our students. That's why we released a series of virtual graduation ceremonies for each one of our majors.
May 8, 2020
We are proud of the PNW Pride and your ability to Power Onward through adversity! Even as we feel your absence from campus, we celebrate your grit, determination and drive—particularly our spring 2020 graduates.
May 6, 2020
Support Students in Need: Show “We Care”
Show PNW students in need that "We Care." Make a gift today to the Dean of Students Emergency Assistance Fund!
May 2, 2020
Purdue Northwest Announce Winners for The PNW Big Sell
The Purdue University Northwest College of Business and the College of Technology successfully held the final pitches in The PNW Big Sell competition live on May 2, 2020, where the top three winners were announced.