PNW Students Interested in Education Abroad

January 25, 2023
Education Abroad

Dear PNW Students,

I am pleased to announce that PNW is re-establishing its education abroad operations and offerings. To that end, as we develop and implement a wide range of sustainable structures, systems, processes, and procedures over the coming months, the following individuals will be providing remote education abroad advising and services directly to PNW faculty and students, including working with faculty on program development and advising students regarding program offerings:

  • Whitney Strickler | Education Abroad Advisor | | PNW Program Portfolio: London; PWL programs (Lima, Peru; Stockholm, Sweden; Korea)
  • Elizabeth Shuman | Education Abroad Advisor | | PNW Program Portfolio: Paris and Toulouse, France; Caceres and Madrid, Spain
  • Rachel Fitzgerald | Education Abroad Advisor | | PNW Program Portfolio: Wolfenbuttel, Germany

In addition, PNW will be hosting four study away options during Maymester. They are as follows with the faculty contact information:

  • May 8 through May 19, Wofenbuttel, Germany. Faculty contact Athula Kulatunga, (This trip is full)
  • May 15 through June 6, Caceres and Madrid, Spain. Faculty contact Herlinda Ramirez-Barradas,
  • May 16 through May 30, London England. Faculty contact Mita Choudhury,
  • May 22 through June 3*, Paris and Toulouse, France. Faculty contact Ceren Turedi,

* Updated

If you are interested in an education abroad program for Maymester 2023, Summer 2023, or beyond, please feel free to reach out to Whitney, Elizabeth, or Rachel via They will also be available, starting Monday, January 23, 2023, for online walk-in advising hours Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7-8 PM (CT) at this link. You may also email to request a one-on-one online appointment.

Thank you,

Raida Abuizam, Ph.D.

Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs