PNW student group earns system-wide Focus award

July 29, 2022
Two people stand on a hill and hold hands. There is a kite flying in the sky and many other people standing in the background.

The Purdue University Northwest (PNW) student organization Students Helping Ignite Needed Esteem (S.H.I.N.E.) recently earned a Purdue system-wide Focus award recognition for its efforts to promote disability awareness, accessibility, and diversity on campus.

S.H.I.N.E. was honored for its “Your Day to Shine!” event, which was co-hosted with the PNW Accessibility Center. The event sought to honor students with disabilities by offering them the choice to wear different colored ribbons to represent their disabilities. In addition, pamphlets were distributed to help raise awareness of various disabilities.

The Purdue system-wide Focus recognitions are awarded annually by Purdue’s Office of Institutional Equity to organizations, students, faculty, and staff who further the university system’s commitment to disability accessibility and diversity.