PNW Events Management Staff Honored at NAACP Conference

November 15, 2023
A circular glass award that reads "The Indiana State Conference of the NAACP presents The Corporate Award to Ashely Gerodimos and Purdue University Northwest - Westville for their support, flexibility, exceptional service and professionalism. Barbara Bolling Williams, Esq., State President. Doris McDougal, State Secretary. November 4, 2023. The NAACP logo is centered at the bottom of the award.

Dear Campus Community,

Please join me in congratulating Ashley Gerodimos and Events Management staff members Michael Purchla and Todd Hill for being honored with The Corporate Award at the conclusion of the Indiana State Conference of the NAACP held recently in the Great Hall at Westville.

According to President Barbara Bolling, this is the first time the NAACP has ever recognized a venue or service provider during their awards ceremony.  A photo of the appreciation plaque they presented is attached.

We were excited to have the opportunity to host such an important event.  Through their extraordinary efforts, Ashley and her team impressed our guests and elevated PNW’s reputation throughout the State of Indiana.

Stephen Turner
Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration
Purdue University Northwest