PNW Community Emergency Response Team Training

September 27, 2022
Members of the PNW community emergency response team take part in a disaster-response drill.

Members of the PNW community emergency response team take part in a disaster-response drill.

Campus Members, the Purdue Northwest Public Safety Department and Lake County Homeland Security will be hosting a free, three-day Community Emergency Response Team (CERTS) training course. The CERT program allows members of the PNW Campus Community an opportunity to learn hands-on disaster response techniques and lifesaving skills to utilize in their own homes and neighborhoods.

CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations, where campus members may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference. While people will respond to others in need without the training, one goal of the CERT program is to help them do so effectively and efficiently without placing themselves in unnecessary danger.

In the CERT training, team members learn to:

  • manage utilities and put out small fires
  • treat the three medical killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding and treating for shock
  • provide basic medical aid
  • search for and rescue victims safely
  • organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective
  • and collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts

Why Do the CERT Training?

Well, it’s like paying for car insurance. You might never need either; you’d hope not to. But if the occasion arises, having the CERT training, just like having car insurance, means you’re as ready as you can be to help yourself, your family and your community.

Class Details

November 2, 3 and 4, 2022

Classes will start at 8:30 am each day and end at 4:30 pm.

After the classroom training you will also be asked to participate in a Hands-on Mock Disaster Drill. Once you complete the course you will also receive a FEMA certification and a free CERT equipment bag with all disaster-response essentials and lifesaving first-aid equipment.


Schneider Avenue Building (SAB) Conference Room G90 (Hammond Campus).

How to Apply

If you are interested in participating please fill out the application below and email it to

Fill Out the Application (Doc)

The final day to register is October 21, 2022.

We hope to see you in class!

Logo: Community Emergency Response Team