PNW College of Nursing professor authors new edition of textbook

October 19, 2022
Julia Rogers

The latest edition of McCance and Huether’s Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children was authored by Julia L. Rogers, assistant professor in the College of Nursing at Purdue University Northwest (PNW). The ninth edition of the textbook is an updated and comprehensive overview of disease, disease etiology and disease processes.

“My goal for the book was to make the material readable and understandable,” explains Rogers. “The subject matter can be hard to grasp and if the material is overwhelming to students they stop reading and learning. I wanted the book to be manageable so students would be excited and engaged in learning about the body and the diseases they’ll be treating.”

Pathophysiology is the study of what happens inside the body when it isn’t functioning properly due to a condition or disease. According to Rogers, her textbook lays the groundwork for students to understand every disease they will likely see in their careers.

“The book is designed to follow the progression of disease processes,” says Rogers. “It starts with the etiology, followed by signs and symptoms, lab tests associated with diagnosis and the course of the treatment.”

New to this edition is a section on COVID-19 and Emerging Science boxes which highlight current research and clinical developments on specific diseases. The updated edition also includes more than 1,300 color illustrations and photographs, algorithms and flowcharts for guiding patient care, sections specific to pediatrics, aging, geriatrics and the global impact of disease due to global warming.

Rogers fellow faculty members in the College of Nursing, Corinne Djuric, clinical instructor, and Jodi Allen, assistant professor and Family Nurse Practitioner program coordinator, each contributed chapters to the book.

Rogers is working on another book entitled, Pathophysiology Notecards, which will feature cartoon drawings and simplified information on notecards. That book is due out in December 2022.

McCance and Huether’s Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, 9th Edition is published by Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing, and can be purchased from Elsevier and Amazon.