Contemporary Labor Issues Bibliography
For a list of all of Kim Scipes’ publications since 1984–both in the most recent published form and by specific subjects–please visit Dr. Scipes’ publications. (This includes the entire free manuscript of Dr. Scipes’ 1996 book, KMU: Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994.)
Latest update: December 27, 2023.
NOTE: Since early 2024, I have been overwhelmed with my own work and I have QUIT updating this web page in general. Anything added has been because of my idiosyncratic tastes, which are definitely not systematic.
There are two main sections to this website:
General Labor Information, with highlights information/articles/resources of interest to me; and the official Contemporary Labor Issues Bibliography, which includes the most detailed collection of rank-and-file focused material in existence and is organized by subject.
(It is not complete: additions requested to make it more complete.) Please feel free to share and pass it on.
Before the Contemporary Labor Issues Bibliography, there are two sections of importance:
- Collections Referred to Herein
- Overall Global Social Context
Within the Contemporary Labor Issues Bibliography, there are three sections:
- SECTION 1, Changes in the US Labor Movement
- SECTION 2, Effects of Industrial and Economic Restructuring on Labor and Working People
- SECTION 3, Workers around the World, with information on workers of a number of countries
General Labor Information
These are issues of interest to me and are idiosyncratic (to say the least). I’ve kept older issues alive here, just in case someone seeks to find something online. There’s a lot to think about here, should you be so interested.
Books Written, Edited or Compiled by Kim Scipes
New Book Compiled by Dr. Scipes:

KMU: Building Global Labor Solidarity: Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States (2021)
This is a series of articles written by Dr. Scipes between 1985 and 2020, and joined in this book to present his research and thinking in one accessible volume. Some were published in obscure, no longer available journals; some were published only on the internet; and some have never been published.
2016. New book edited by Dr. Scipes:

Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization (2016)
Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization
With contributions from David Bacon, Bruno Dobrusin, Jenny Jungehuelsing, Katherine Nastovski, Timothy Ryan, Kim Scipes and Michael Zweig.
2010. New book written by Dr. Scipes:

AFL-CIO’s Secret War Against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? (2010)
AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage?
A historically-based analysis of the AFL and later AFL-CIO’s foreign policy program, beginning in the very late 1800s-early 1900s. It brings things up to 2007 and provides case studies of AFL-CIO’s regional organizations and their operations in Chile (the early 1970s), the Philippines (late 1980s), and Venezuela (early 2000s).
Includes a discussion of efforts within the labor movement to end these operations, as well as a discussion of how the US government has incorporated them into its larger foreign policy.
Two extremely important books, not by Dr. Scipes, but highly recommended:
- Alfred W. McCoy. 2017. In the Shadow of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power. Chicago: Haymarket Books. Excellent analysis! Scipes’ review online.
- Nick Turse. 2013. Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam. New York: Metropolitan Books. I have read this entire book, and it is the best book that covers the war in general that I have ever read. Highly recommended! Scipes’ review online.
Bass, George Nelson III. 2012. “Organized Labor and US Foreign Policy: The Solidarity Center in Historical Context.” Department of Political Science, Florida International University. Available free online. (Go to this page and then click on “download.”) This examines the Solidarity Center’s work, in line with traditional AFL-CIO foreign policy practices, and argues well that AFL-CIO foreign policy practices have continued under the Solidarity Center.
Smith, Jordan Michael. 2013. “The US Democracy Project.” The National Interest, May 1. This is a critical article in a conservative journal that talks about US efforts to promote “democracy” around the world–in reality, elite, top-down, CONSTRAINED, polyarchal democracy–that is worth a read.
For more details on the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), see my 2010 book, “AFL-CIO’s Secret War Against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage?” (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books: 96-105.) The section on NED in my book was originally published in 2005 as “An Unholy Alliance” and remains pertinent today.
- 2012. “Globalization from Below: Labor Activists Challenging the AFL-CIO Foreign Policy Program.” Critical Sociology, Vol. 38, No. 2 (March): 303-323.
- 2012. (March 5). “Kim Scipes on AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage?” 57 min. Video interview by Steve Zeltzer of Labor Video Project of San Francisco.
- Cock, Jaclyn.
- 2011. “Labour’s Response to Climate Change.” Global Labour Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3: 235-242.
- 2014. “The ‘Green Economy’: A Just and Sustainable Development Path or a ‘Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’?” Global Labour Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1: 23-44
- Coles, Dave. 2013. “Can Labor Help Shape an Effective Climate Crisis Strategy? Yes, Canada’s Largest Energy Union Says No to the Keystone Pipeline.” January 17 at the City University of New York.
- McKibben, Bill. 2012. “Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math: Three Simple Numbers that add up to Global Catastrophe–and that makes clear who the real enemy is.” Rolling Stone, August 2.
- Scipes, Kim.
- 2013. “Three Legs of Needed Social Change: US Empire, US Capitalism, and Global Climate Change.” Z Net, February 27.
- 2017. “Addressing Seriously the Environmental Crisis: A Bold ‘Outside the Box’ Suggestion for Addressing Climate Change and other Forms of Environmental Destruction.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, Article 2.
- ** 2022. “The Only Commonality is Uncommonality: Progressive Protest from the Mid-1980s, Globalization from Below, Environmental Devastation, Climate Change, and Questioning Industrial Civilization.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 10, Issue 1, Art. 4.
- 2023. “Climate Change is Real and It’s Happening Now,” Northwest Indiana Times, January 8: B-1 and B -7, and is online at and (Behind paywall and not available for free.)
- + 2023. “Sociology: Guide to Analysis or to Action in the Global Climate Crisis? A Call for Action by the Social Sciences and the Humanities.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 11, Issue 1, Article 6.
- 2023. “Making Sense of the Latest IPCC Report (2023).” Z Network, April 3.
- 2023. “The Growing Crisis of the Colorado River: A Sign to Us All.” Green Social Thought, April 23.
- 2023. “Organizing to Save the World: Building Organizations from the Ground-up.” Green Social Thought, October 23.
- 2023. “Adam Aron’s The Climate Crisis: Science, Impacts, Policy, Psychology, Justice, Social Movements.” Z Network, December 26.
Baden, Ben. 2011. “15 Stunning Statistics About the Jobs Market.” US News & World Report, September 28.
Bronfenbrenner, Kate. 2009. “No Holds Barred: The Intensification of Employer Opposition to Organizing.” Economic Policy Institute and American Rights at Work Education Fund, Briefing Paper #235, May 20.
Duhigg, Charles and Keith Bradsher. 2012. “How the US Lost Out on iPhone Work,” New York Times, January 21, 2012. VERY IMPORTANT ARTICLE ABOUT THE DEMISE OF MANUFACTURING IN THE US.
Early, Steve. 2010. “SEIU’s Mega-Local Meltdown: Size Matters, But Members Matter More.” Working in these Times, March 1.
Greenhouse, Steven. 2008. “The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker.” NY: Alfred A. Knopf.
Gupta, Arun. 2012. “What Occupy Taught the Unions: SEIU and Others are Embracing the Movement That Has Succeeded as They Have Failed.”, February 2.
Lafer, Gordon. 2012. “What ‘Right to Work’ Means for Indiana’s Workers: A Pay Cut.” The Nation, January 11.
Roth, Zachery. 2011. “Only 55 percent of young Americans have jobs, lowest since WWII.” Yahoo! News, September 22.
Scipes, Kim.
— 2011. “Open Letter to the Occupy Wall Street Movement: Beware of Labor Leaders Bearing Gifts.” Z Net, October 12.
— 2009. “An Alternative Perspective for the Global South–Neoliberal Economic Policies in the United States: The Impact of Globalization on a ‘Northern’ Country.” Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 2, No. 1, January-June: 12-47. Best read while listening to James McMurtry’s “Can’t Make It Here Any More” on YouTube.
Shaw, Randy. 2010. “SEIU’s Post-Andy Stern Future.” Beyond Chron, April 14.
Tucker, Jerry. 2008. “Interview with Jerry Tucker, former UAW Official, on the US Auto Industry in Crisis.” MR on Line, November 23.
Uchitelle, Louis. 2008. “The Wage That Meant Middle Class.” New York Times, April 20.
Labor Underutilization Problems of US Workers Across Household Income Groups at the End of the Great Recession: A Truly Great Depression Among the Nation’s Low Income Workers Amidst Full Employment Among the Most Affluent, by Andrew Sum and Ishwar Khatiwada. February 2010. THIS GIVES A DETAILED LOOK AS TO WHICH AMERICAN WORKERS ARE SUFFERING IN THE GREAT RECESSION–this is the study referred to in Bob Herbert’s New York Times column, Worst of the Pain on February 9, 2010: A-23. WELL WORTH A LOOK!
“Behind the Kitchen Door: The Hidden Costs of Taking the Low Road in Chicagoland’s Thriving Restaurant Industry” is a recent report (February 9, 2010) by the Restaurant Opportunities Center Chicago that examines this industry. Among other findings: “Although the national restaurant industry employs 12.7 million people throughout the country, the national median wage at restaurants is only $8.59 per hour or $12,868 per year.” Full report can be found here. The executive summary can be found here. To contact the national restaurant workers’ organization in Chicago, please visit here.
Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake and Immanuel Ness, eds. 2018. Choke Points: Logistics Workers Disrupting the Global Supply Chain. London: Pluto.
Ashby, Steven K. and C.J. Hawking. 2009. Staley: The Fight for a New American Labor Movement.Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Bacon, David. 2014. “Building a Culture of Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 153-176.
Bardacke, Frank. 2011. Trampling Out the Vintage: Cesar Chavez and the Two Souls of the United Farm Workers. NY: Verso.
Brenner, Aaron, Robert Brenner and Cal Winslow, eds. 2010. Rebel Rank and File: Labor Militancy and Revolt from Below During the Long 1970s. NY: Verso.
Carew, Anthony. 2018. American Labour’s Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Detente, 1945-1970. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: AU Press.
Chan, Jenny, Mark Selden, and Pun Ngai. 2020. Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn, and the Lives of China’s Workers. Chicago: Haymarket Books.
Cole, Peter. 2018. Dockworker Power: Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area. Chicago and Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Dean, Amy B. and David B. Reynolds. 2009. A New New Deal: How Regional Activism Will Reshape the American Labor Movement. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
Dobrusin, Bruno.
— 2014. “South-South Labor Internationalism: SIGTUR and the Challenges to the Status Quo.” Special issue on global labor solidarity, edited by Kim Scipes. Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 155-168.
— 2016. “Labor and Sustainable Development in Latin America: Re-building Alliances at a New Crossroads” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 103-120.
Early, Steve.
— 2009. Embedded with Organized Labor. NY: Monthly Review.
— 2011. The Civil Wars in US Labor: Birth of a New Workers’ Movement or Death Throes of the Old? New York and London: Verso.
— 2017. Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City by Steve Early. Boston: Beacon Press.
Fletcher, Bill, Jr. and Fernando Gapasin. 2008. Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and A New Path Toward Social Justice. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Ganz, Marshall. 2009. Why David Sometimes Wins: Leadership, Organization, and Strategy in the California Farm Worker Movement. NY: Oxford University Press.
Jungehülsing, Jenny. 2016. “Building Bridges Between the Labor Movement and Transnational Migration Research: What Potential for International Solidarity” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 79-102.
Kumar, Ashok and Jack Mahoney. 2014. “Stitching Together: How Workers are Hemming Down Transnational Capital in the Hyper-Global Apparel Industry.” Special issue on global labor solidarity, edited by Kim Scipes. Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 187-210.
McAlevey, Jane F. 2016. No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age. New York: Oxford University Press.
Nastovski, Katherine.
— 2014. “Workers Confront Apartheid: Comparing Canadian Labor Solidarity Campaigns against South African and Israeli Apartheid.” Special issue on global labor solidarity, edited by Kim Scipes. Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 211-238.
— 2016a. “Worker-to-Worker: A Transformative Model of Solidarity—Lessons from Grassroots International Labor Solidarity in Canada in the 1970s and 1980s” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 49-77.
— 2016b. Towards Transformative Solidarities: Wars of Position in the Making of Labour Internationalism in Canada. Ph.D. Thesis, York University, Toronto.
— 2021. “Transnational Labour Solidarity a Transformative Practice: Reframing the Role of Labour Transnationalism.” Global Labour Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2: 113-130.
— 2022. Labor History.
Ness, Immanuel. 2016. Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class. London: Pluto Press.
Nowak, Jörg. 2019. Mass Strikes and Social Movements in Brazil and India. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
O’Brien, Robert. 2019. Labour Internationalism in the Global South: The SIGTUR Initiative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ovetz, Robert, ed. 2020. Workers’ Inquiry and Global Class Struggle: Strategies, Tactics, Objectives. London: Pluto Press
Pawel, Miriam. 2009. The Union of Their Dreams: Power, Hope and Struggle in César Chavez’s Farm Worker Movement. NY: Bloomsbury Press.
Rahman, Zia and Tom Langford. 2014. “International Solidarity or Renewed Trade Union Imperialism? The AFL-CIO and Garment Workers in Bangladesh.” Special issue on global labor solidarity, edited by Kim Scipes. Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 169-186.
Ryan, Timothy. 2016. “It Takes More Than A Village: A Case Study of Worker Solidarity in Bangladesh” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 121-138.
Scipes, Kim.
— 1996. KMU: Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994. Quezon City: New Day Press. (On-line, in entirety, for free on my publications page.)
— 2009. “Neo-Liberal Economic Policies in the United States: The Impact of Globalization on a ‘Northern’ Country.” Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 2, No. 1, January-June: 12-47. Online at
— 2010a. AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. (Hardcover published in 2010; paperback in 2011.)
— 2010b. “Why Labor Imperialism? AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Leaders and the Developing World.” Working USA, Vol. 13: 46-479.
— 2012a. “Globalization from Below: Labor Activists Challenging the AFL-CIO Foreign Policy Program.” Critical Sociology, Vol. 38, No. 2: 303-323.
— 2012b. “A Look Back at the Wisconsin Uprising: A Review Essay of It Started in Wisconsin: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the New Labor Protest, ed. by Mari Jo Buhle and Paul Buhle; Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics of Protest, from Madison to Wall Street by John Nichols; and Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back, ed. by Michael D. Yates.” Z Net, July 18. [Republished February 16, 2017, and online at
— 2014a. “Theoretical Reflections on the Emergence of Global Labor Solidarity.” Special issue on global labor solidarity, edited by Kim Scipes. Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 145-154.
— 2014b. “American Labor’s Global Ambassadors: The International History of the AFL-CIO During the Cold War by Robert Anthony Waters, Jr., and Gert van Goethem: A Review by Kim Scipes.” Special issue on global labor solidarity, edited by Kim Scipes. Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 283-288.
— 2016a. “Introduction” to Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 1-22.
— 2016b. “Multiple Fragments–Strengths or Weakness? Theorizing Global Labor Solidarity” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 23-48.
— 2016c. “Building Global Labor Solidarity Today: Learning from the KMU of the Philippines” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 139-152.
— 2018a. “I Read the News Today, Oh Boy!” Z Net, August 4. Online at
— 2018b. “Another Type of Trade Unionism IS Possible: The KMU Labor Center of the Philippines and Social Movement Unionism.” Labor and Society, Vol. 21: 349-367.
— 2020a. “The AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Program: Where Historians Now Stand.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, Article 5. Online at
— 2020b. “Regional Aspirations with a Global Perspective: Development in East Asian Labour Studies.” Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 52, No 11: 1214-1224.
—2021. Building Global Labor Solidarity: Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- ++ 2021. “Review of Peter Cole’s Dockworker Power: Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area.” Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. 62, No. 2 (April): 171-173. Online at
- 2021. “Review of Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and the Lives of China’s Workers by Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai. Counterpunch, September 29.
- 2022. “‘As Workers Win Victories in Mexico, It’s Important to Remember Past Machinations Against Them’: A Review of El Golpe: US Labor, the CIA, and the Coup at Ford in Mexico by Rob McKenzie (with Patrick Dunne). February 28.
- ** 2022. “The Only Commonality is Uncommonality: Progressive Protest from the Mid-1980s, Globalization from Below, Environmental Devastation, Climate Change, and Questioning Industrial Civilization.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 10, Issue 1, Art. 4.
- 2022. “Labor Activists Launch New Organization to Challenge AFL-CIO Foreign Policy.” Covert Action Magazine, June 3.
- 2022. “Review of Our Veterans: Winners, Losers, Friends, and Enemies on the New Terrain of Veterans Affairs by Suzanne Gordon, Steve Early, and Jasper Cravens.” Stansbury Forum, October 17.
- 2022. “The Union Makes Us Strong: Understanding Trade Unionism in a Global Context.” Z Net, December 1.
- 2023. “A Response to Jeff Schuhrke’s ‘From Solidarity to Shock Therapy: The AFL-CIO and the Fall of Soviet Communism” (and reaction from Schuhrke.) LAWCHA (Labor and Working Class History Association) Online, January 4.
- 2023. “Making Sense of the Latest IPCC Report (2023).” Z Network, April 3.
- 2023. “We STILL Don’t Get It: It’s an Empire, Folks.”, April 20.
- ++ 2023. “White Malice: The CIA and the Recolonization of Africa by Susan Williams (Public Affairs Press, 2021. A Review Essay.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 11, Issue 1, Article 5, April.
- 2023. “Organizing to Save the World: Building Organizations from the Ground-up.” Green Social Thought, October 23.
- 2023. “The International Trade Union Movement: Where It’s Been, Where It’s Going.” Solicited article for special issue on “The International Trade Union Movement: Past, Present, Future.” International Union Rights, Trade Union Centre of London. Online at
- 2023. Special History Series: “40 Years of the United States in the World, 1981-2023.” Z Network, August 22.
- 2023. “Review by Kim Scipes of “If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution.” Z Network, November 20.
- 2023. “Adam Aron’s The Climate Crisis: Science, Impacts, Policy, Psychology, Justice, Social Movements.” Z Network, December 26.
Scipes, Kim, ed. 2016. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books.
Shaw, Randy. 2009. “Review of Early: ‘Early’s Provocative Assessment of the U.S. Labor Movement.'” June 10.
Shields, Randy. 2008. Beyond the Fields: Cesar Chavez, the UFW and the Struggle for Justice in the 21st Century. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Street, Paul. 2011. “A Betrayal of the Highest Order: Reflections on Kim Scipes’ Important New Book on U.S. Labor Imperialism.” Z Net, April 23. No longer available.
Turner, Lowell and Daniel B. Cornfield, eds. 2007. Labor in the New Urban Battlegrounds: Local Solidarity in a Global Economy. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
Yates, Michael D. 2010. “The Rise and Fall of the United Farm Workers: A Review of Miriam Pawel, The Union of Their Dreams: Power, Hope, and Struggle in Cesar Chavez’s Farm Worker Movement(New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2009).” Monthly Review, May.
Young, Kevin and Diana C. Sierra Becerra. 2014. “How ‘Partnership’ Weakens Solidarity: Colombian GM Workers and the Limits of UAW Internationalism.” Special issue on global labor solidarity, edited by Kim Scipes. Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 239-260.
Zweig, Michael. 2016. “Working for Global Justice in the New US Labor Movement” in Kim Scipes, ed. Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization. Chicago: Haymarket Books: 177-198.
– A look at race and class issues.
NOTE: The September-October 2006 issue of World Watch Magazine, titled “Katrina: The Failures of Success,” is a detailed look at these and related issues. It can be obtained at
Joseph, Pat. 2005. “Interview with Robert Bullard: ‘Race and Class are Out of the Closet–Hurricane Katrina exposes the wounds of environmental injustice.”
Quigley, Bill. 2006. “Robin Hood in Reverse: Corporate and Government Looting of the Gulf Coast”
Bor, Jonathan. 2006. 654,000 Deaths Tied to Iraq War. Baltimore Sun, October 12. (Refers to Burnham et al. study below.)
Burnham, Gilbert, Shannon Doocy, Elizabeth Dzeng, Riyadh Lafta, and Les Roberts. 2006. The Human Cost of the War in Iraq: A Mortality Study, 2002-2006. Published by the Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and the School of Medicine, Al Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, in cooperation with the Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. For responses by co-author Les Roberts to criticisms of the study, see Media Lens, 2006, below.
Cockburn, Alexander. 2005. “The Revolt of the Generals.” ZNet, December 7. No longer available.
Cogan, James. 2007. “US Occupation Turns 3.7 Million Iraqis Into Refugees.” World Socialist Web, January 24.
DiMaggio, Anthony. 2006. “Damage Control: American Corporate Media Disregards the Lancet Report…Again.” No longer available.
Dreyfuss, Robert. 2006. “The Iraq Study Group: A Fatal Flaw.” The Nation, December 7.
Engelhardt, Tom
— 2005. “How (Not) to Withdraw from Iraq.” ZNet, December 2. No longer available.
— 2006. “How to Stay in Iraq: The Iraq Study Group Rides to the Rescue.” ZNet, December 4. No longer available.
Fisk, Robert.
— 2006. “The Iraq War: Three Years On.” The Independent, March 22.
— 2006. “This was a Guilty Verdict on America as Well.” The Independent, November 6. No longer available.
— 2006. “The Empire Is Falling.” The Independent, December 8.
Kuhnhenn, James and Jonathan S. Landay. 2005. “In Challenging War’s Critics, Administration Tinkers with Truth.” Knight Ridder Newspapers, November 16. Examines the Bush Administration’s recent claims and debunks key ones.
Lobe, Jim. 2006. “Iraq, Overstretched Army Bring Bush New Grief.” Inter Press Service, September 26.
Media Lens. 2006. “Media Alert: Lancet Report Co-Author Responds to Questions.” No longer available. This is a response to criticism of the article (Burnham et al., above) listing 650,000 dead in Iraq since the beginning of the US invasion.
Monbiot, George. 2005. “The US Used Chemical Weapons in Iraq–and then lied about it.” The Guardian (UK), November 15.
Moore, Michael. 2006. “Cut and Run, The Only Brave Thing to Do.”, November 28.
Nasser, Nicola. 2007. “US-Tailored Iraqi Oil Alarm For Producers, Consumers.”, January 24.
Paulinson, Pauline. 2006. “Depleted Uranium, Another Gift from the Imperialists.”, November 16.
Reuters. 2005. “Leading House Democrat Urges Withdrawal From Iraq: ‘It’s Time to Bring Them Home.” Includes full text of statement by US Congressperson John P. Murtha.
Scheer, Robert. 2005. “Lying with Intelligence.” The Nation, November 21.
Schwartz, Michael. 2006. “Seven Facts You Might Now Know About the Iraq War.” TomDispatch, August 21. No longer available.
Scipes, Kim. 2005. “It’s the Beginning of the End–For the Empire, Not Just the War.” ZNet, December 1.
Seidman, Derek. 2005. “‘We’ve Seen the Inner Workings and Felt the Consequences’: Iraq War Vet Pat Resta Speaks Out About the War and Occupation.” MR Zine, November 14.
Street, Paul. 2006. “‘It’s About the Oil’: Not-So-Candid Comments from Ted Koppel.” Z Net, February 25. No longer available.
Thompson, Doug. 2006. “No Way Out Soon in Iraq, Rove Tells GOP Faithful.” The Morning News (local news for Northwest Arkansas), October 11.
Whalen, Richard J. 2006. “Revolt of the Generals.” The Nation, October 16.
(Find more by putting “Saddam Hussein CIA” in Google):
Morris, Roger. 2003. “A Tyrant 40 Years in the Making.” New York Times, March 14. [Roger Morris served on the President’s National Security Council.]
Nimmo, Kurt. 2003. “Saddam Hussein: Taking Out the CIA’s Trash.” Dissident Voice, August 2.
Sale, Richard. 2003. “Exclusive: Saddam Key in Early CIA Plot.” United Press International (UPI) Intelligence Correspondent, April 10.
Shaikh, Mohamoud A. 1997. “How West Helped Saddam Gain Power and Decimate the Iraqi Elite.” Multimedia, August 16-31.
Solomon, Norman. 2006. “Saddam’s Unindicted Co-Conspirator: Donald Rumsfeld.” November 8.
Contemporary Labor Issues: Introduction
This labor bibliography was developed while developing a course on “Contemporary Labor Issues” that I had hoped to teach during the Summer Semester of 2005 at Purdue University North Central in Westville, Indiana, but I did not get sufficient enrollment to have the course. This course was going to focus on issues I believe are central to the revitalization and growth of the US labor movement. Interestingly, as word has spread about the existence of this online labor bibliography, I have had to reorganize the website somewhat to accommodate at least some of the references/suggestions I’ve received. I also include work on workers around the world. This web page has continued on and off since 2005. It was pretty strong until about 2012/13, then slowed down. Again, I hope to keep it updated fairly often over time. Please check back periodically for the latest!
As I noted before, this bibliography also grew out of an incredible frustration with labor academics—even self-identified “progressive” labor academics—who are writing on contemporary labor but who rarely examine, much less use, writings by labor activists, whether rank and filers, staff members, or leaders. I’ve tried to locate and incorporate as many of these activists’ writings as possible and make them available on a website so academics can no longer ignore them. This, however, is not complete. I have also sought to include works by academics who work with the labor movement on an ongoing basis. I ask each of you reading this to send me suggestions for other items to include—and yes, you can include your own work. Please send them to me at (Please keep them post-1995, unless you have very specific reasons why you think older material should be included, and send this with your suggestions. Also, it would help if you would suggest the subject heading under which they are placed and, if they are available on a website, the specific URL.)
For a listing of union members as a percentage of the workforce and additional data for 2004, visit here.
Ongoing publications where you can find writings by activists (along with engaged academics) include Class, Race & Corporate Power, Global Labour Journal, Labor Notes, Journal of Labor and Society [formerly known as Working USA], Labor Studies Journal, and New Labor Forum. There are specific labor-related websites, including those of the AFL-CIO, the Association for Union Democracy (AUD), the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), the Illinois Labor History Society, the International Labor Communications Association, Labor: Studies in Working Class-Class History of the Americas; Labour Again (from the International Institute of Social History focusing on labor in Latin America); the Labor Heritage Foundation; Labor Start; Multinational Monitor, the National Labor Committee; the Northland Poster Collective; Nurses and Unions: Brownson’s Nursing Notes; (a wonderful site about public education policy edited by a long-time labor activist in Chicago); Union Communications Services (excellent source of material for union stewards!); US Labor Against the War; and Wisconsin Labor History Society (and will add more as they become available). The AFL-CIO lists some international labor support organizations and international labor research institutes can be found here, but you have to scroll down toward the bottom of the page. For listings of labor websites, see this one by David Millar of the University of Victory (Canada).
A website for working-class movies.
Several organizations in the US and worldwide are organizing around sweatshops and low-wage workers in general, often in the garment and textile industries. Below are some that I now know about–more will be listed as I learn about them. Noted are their names and short descriptions, usually supplied by the group/organization itself, but sometimes summed up by me: Behind the Label (Network for Local Actions Against Sweatshops); Campaign for Labor Rights (Grassroots Mobilizing Department for the US Anti-sweatshop Movement); Committee for Asian Women (a network of 30 network members in 13 Asian countries); Clean Clothes Campaign (a European network for improving conditions in the global garment industry); Global Unions (major institutions of the global trade union movement); Jobs with Justice (Campaign for Labor Rights); Labour Start (Global labor news on a daily basis); Maquiladora Solidarity Network; Asian Workers Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Institute (a project of Global Unions); Sweatshop Watch (focuses on low-wage workers globally and nationally, but especially in California); United Students Against Sweatshops (the name says it all!); and UNITE-HERE (the major union in North American hospitality and garment industries). And don’t forget to visit the aforementioned National Labor Committee, whose slogan is “Putting a Human Face on the Global Economy.” For a fascinating–and excellent–comparison between the development of United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) of the 1960s, written by one heavily involved in SDS who looks for similarities and differences in the development of the two organizations, see the 2004 article by Robert J.S. Ross, “From Antisweatshop to Global Justice to Antiwar: How the New Left is the Same and Different From the Old New Left.”
For a collection of linked articles on the various Proposals for Restructuring the Labor Movement, including articles on the New Unity Partnership, see the Labor Notes collection here. For the best single analysis of the overall problems of the labor movement–not just a discussion about restructuring and/or dues remittances to unions organizing–see Jerry Tucker’s piece dated March 21, 2005, and titled “U.S. Labor in Crisis: The Current Internal Debate and the Role of Democracy in Its Revitalization.” (See my new section on the Chicago Convention in July 2005 and AFTERMATH to look at outcomes of the split in the AFL-CIO.)
Regarding the entries, I have not read all of them as of now, although I have read many. I’ve included sources if I’m familiar with that author’s other works and think anything by that author is worth considering. I’ve included material that I’ve seen cited favorably by others who I respect. And some simply looked interesting to me and worth checking out. Each should be read critically.
Contemporary Labor Issues
(The actual bibliography)
I have grouped materials by general subject, although I imagine some folks might quibble with placement. In any case, I have changed this bibliography to allow me more leeway in what I can include. I now have three categories, with most of the works on the first two pertaining to the US: (1) Changes in the US Labor Movement, (2) the Effects of Industrial Restructuring on Labor, and (3) Workers around the world.
Note that I do not generally refer to the Industrial Relations literature—my focus is activism from a rank and file empowerment perspective—and I do not focus on labor law: these are areas that others know much more about and focus on more intently. Also, while I do include a few historical sources, in general it is only because I think there is something specific, we can learn from the past that might be worth considering today.
NEW ADDITION: In light of the split in the AFL-CIO at and around the Chicago Convention in July 2005, I have added a number of new entries that discuss this, either in anticipation or as part of an analysis of ramifications
AFL-CIO Foreign Operations
Ancel, Judy. 2000. “On Building an International Solidarity Movement: A Response to Kim Scipes.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer: 26-35. [Posted in English on LabourNet Germany.]
Andrews, Gregg. 1991. Shoulder to Shoulder? The American Federation of Labor, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1924. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Armbruster-Sandoval, Ralph. 2013. “Review of AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage?” Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 42, No. 4, July: 614-615.
Armstrong, Robert, Hank Frundt, Hobart Spaulding and Sean Sweeney. 1988. Working Against Us: The American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD) and the International Policy of the AFL-CIO. New York: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA).
Banks, Andy. 1998. “New Voice, New Internationalism” in Mort, ed.: 286-303.
Barker, Michael. 2011. “AFL-CIO: Solidarity or Sabotage? An Interview with Kim Scipes.” Swans Commentary, September 12. This is an e-mail interview with me about my book.
Barry, Tom and Debra Preusch. 1986. AIFLD In Central America: Agents as Organizers. Albuquerque, NM: The Resource Center.
Bass, George Nelson III.
— 2017. “Review: Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization by Kim Scipes.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, Article 7.
— 2012. Organized Labor and US Foreign Policy: The Solidarity Center in Historical Context. Department of Political Science, Florida International University. Available free.
Batay Ouvriye Labor Center (Haiti). 2006. “On Sprague’s Alleged Smoking Gun.” January 10. No longer available.
Battista, Andrew. 2002. “Unions and Cold War Foreign Policy in the 1980s: The National Labor Committee, the AFL-CIO, and Central America.” Diplomatic History, Vol. 26, No. 3, Summer: 419-451.
Berger, Harry W. 1967. “American Labor Overseas.” The Nation, January 16: 80-84.
Bernstein, Aaron. 1985. “Is Big Labor Playing Global Vigilante?’ Business Week, November 4: 92-94.
Blain, Mike. 2001. “Union Delegates Call on AFL-CIO to ‘Come Clean’ on International Activities.” Posted on the website of the Boston Independent Media Center.
Boyer, Sandy. 1986. “Here’s Who the AFL-CIO is Funding in South Africa.” Labor Notes, December: 4.
Brogi, Alessandro. 2013. “The AFL and CIO between ‘Crusade’ and Pluralism in Italy, 1944-1963” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds.: 59-83.
Bronstein, Phil and David Johnston. 1985. “US Funding Anti-left Fight in Philippines.” San Francisco Examiner, July 21: 1+.
Buehl, Paul. 1999. Taking Care of Business: Samuel Gompers, George Meany, Lane Kirkland, and the Tragedy of American Labor. New York and London: Monthly Review Press.
Busch, Gary K. 1983. The Political Role of International Trade Unions. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Cantor, Daniel and Juliet Schor. 1987. Tunnel Vision: Labor, the World Economy, and Central America. Boston: South End Press.
Carew, Anthony.
— 2018. American Labour’s Cold War Abroad. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Athabasca University Press.
— 1999. “The Origins of CIA Financing of AFL Programs.” Covert Action Quarterly, No. 67, Spring-Summer: 56-60.
— 1998. “The American Labor Movement in Fizzland: The Free Trade Union Committee and the CIA.” Labor History, Vol. 39, No. 1: 25-42.
Chenoweth, Eric. 2013. “AFL-CIO Support for Solidarity: Moral, Political, Financial” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds.: 103-119.
Ciment, James and Immanuel Ness. 1999. “NED and the Empire’s New Clothes.” Covert Action Quarterly, No.67, Spring-Summer: 65-68.
Collier, Robert. 2004. “Old Relationships Die Hard: A Response to Stan Gacek’s Defense of the AFL-CIO Position on Venezuela.” New Labor Forum, Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer.
Correa, Larissa Rosa. 2013. “Democracy and Freedom’ in Brazilian Trade Unionism during the Civil-Military Dictatorship: The Activities of the American Institute for Free Labor Development” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds.: 177-199.
Cox, Ronald W. and G. Nelson Bass. 2012. “The Foreign Policy of Organized Labor in the Context of Globalization” in Ronald W. Cox, ed., Corporate Power and Globalization in US Foreign Policy. London and New York: Routledge: 56-78.
Dower, Barrett. 2013. “The Influence of the American Federation of Labor on the Force Ouviere, 1944-1954” in Waters and Van Goethm, eds.: 85-101.
Eckstein, Enid. 1986. “What is the AFL-CIO Doing in the Philippines?” Labor Notes, July: 5.
Eisenhower, Kay. 1991. “AFL-CIO Agency Offers Cash to Filipino Union Leader for Vote on US Bases Treaty.” Labor Notes, November: 1, 6.
Ellner, Steve and Fred Rosen. 2002. “Crisis in Venezuela: The Remarkable Fall and Rise of Hugo Chavez.” NACLA Report on the Americas, July/August.
Field, Jr., Thomas C. 2018. “Transnationalism Meets Empire: The AFL-CIO, Development, and the Private Origins of Kennedy’s Latin American Labor Program.” Diplomatic History, Vol. 42, No. 2: 305-334.
Filipelli, Ronald L. 1989. U.S. Labor in Italy, 1943-1953. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Frutiger, Dean. 2002. “AFL-CIO China Policy: Labor’s New Step Forward or the Cold War Revisited?” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3: 67-80.
Gacek, Stan.
— 2005. “A Rejoinder to ‘Revolution and Counter-revolution’ by Lee Sustar.” New Labor Forum, Vol. 14, No. 3.
— 2004b. “Stanley Gacek Replies” [to Robert Collier]. New Labor Forum, Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer.
— 2004a. “Lula and Chavez: Differing Responses to the Washington Consensus.” New Labor Forum, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring.
Garver, Paul. 1989. “Beyond the Cold War.” Labor Research Review, No. 13, Spring: 61-71.
Gill, Tim. 2020. “Newly Revealed Documents Show How AFL-CIO Aided US Interference in Venezuela.” Jacobin, August 5.
Gill, Tim and Rebecca Hanson. 2019. “How Washington Funded the Counterrevolution in Venezuela.” The Nation, February.
Hanson, Rebecca and Tim Gill. 2019. “Venezuela at Another Crossroads.” North American Congress on Latin America, January 24.
Hirsch, Fred.
— 2012. “Colombia, the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, and AFL-CIO Foreign Policy.” January 27. No longer available.
— 2005. “AFL-CIO Foreign Policy in Venezuela.” ZNet, June 18.
— 2004. “Venezuela: A People Firm Against Empire.” Social Policy, Fall. No longer available.
— 2004. “Build Unity and Trust with Workers Worldwide.” (Includes Resolution No. 6 from 2004 California State AFL-CIO Biannual Convention.)
— 2003. “Report on AFL-CIO International Affairs Meeting.” Posted on October 23 on Labor Net.
— 2002. “Eyewitness to Nightmare: Unions Under Siege in Columbia, With US Aid.” The Progressive Populist, July.
— n.d. An Open Letter to the Labor Movement: The AIFLD, International Trade Secretariats and Fascism in Chile. San Jose, CA: self-published.
— 1974. An Analysis of Our AFL-CIO Role in Latin America or Under the Covers With the CIA. San Jose, CA: self-published.
Hirsch, Fred and Virginia Muir. 1987. “A Plumber Gets Curious About Exporting McCarthyism” in Ann Fagan Ginger and David Christiano, eds., The Cold War Against Labor (2 volumes). Berkeley: Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute: 723-768.
Howard, Stuart. 1985. “In Our Name–AIFLD in Central America.” International Labour Reports, No. 12, November-December 11-14.
Hoyt, Katherine. 2002. “Concerns Over Possible AFL-CIO Involvement in Venezuela Coup Led to February Picket.” Labor Notes, May.
Hughes, Quenby Olmsted.
— 2013. “The American Federation of Labor’s Cold War Campaign against ‘Slave Labor’ at the United Nations” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds.: 23-38.
— 2011. “In the Interest of Democracy”: The Rise and Fall of the Early Cold War Alliance Between the American Federation of Labor and the Central Intelligence Agency. Oxford: Peter Lang.
International Labour Reports.
— 1989. “National Endowment for Democracy: Winning Friends?” May-June: 7-13.
— 1987. “Central America.” May-June: 7-14.
— 1986b. “Africa.” May-June: 19-22.
— 1986a. “France.” January-February: 7-10.
— 1985. “Central America.” November-December: 11-14.
— 1984. “CIA in New Zealand.” January-February: 7.
Jordan, James. 2012. “US AID Grants $3 Million to Solidarity Center’s Bogotá Office–Unionists Want to Know Why.” Alliance for Global Justice, June 25.
Kelber, Harry. 2004. “AFL-CIO’s Dark Past,” a six-part series. No longer available.
— — “Meany Hired a Former Top Communist to Run AFL-CIO’s International Affairs.” November 8. No longer available.
— — “AFL is Funder for Covert Activity by CIA In Long-standing Ties with Spy Agency.” November 15. No longer available.
— — “US Labor Secretly Intervened in Europe, Funded to Fight Pro-communist Unions.” November 22. No longer available.
— — “US Labor Reps. Conspired to Overthrow Elected Governments in Latin America.” November 29. No longer available.
— — “Kirkland Built a Secret Global Empire with US Funds to Control Foreign Labor.” December 6. No longer available.
— — “Do Solidarity Center’s Covert Operations Help American Labor on Global Problems?” December 13. No longer available.
Kelber, Harry.
— 2005. “Is AFL-CIO’s International Solidarity Center a Subsidiary of the US State Department?” “Labor Talk of November 9,” The Labor Educator.”
— 2005. “90% of Solidarity Center’s Annual Budget Comes from Payoffs by US Government.” “Labor Talk of June 29,” The Labor Educator.
Kwitney, Jonathan. 1984. “The Corruption of Domestic Organizations: The AFL-CIO” (Chapter 20) in Endless Enemies. New York: Congdon and Weed.
LaBotz, Dan. 1998. “Sweeney in Mexico: A New Direction in AFL-CIO Foreign Policy.” Labor Notes, March.
Larson, Simeon. 1975. Labor and Foreign Policy: Gompers, the AFL and the First World War, 1914-1918. Cranbury, NJ: Associated University Presses.
Latin American Solidarity Coalition. 2005. “Call for Support for ‘Build Trust and Unity with Workers Worldwide’ Resolution.” No longer available.
Lee, Siu Hin. 2005. “Labor’s China Syndrome: AFL-CIO, Solidarity Center, NED and the Neocons–The Unholy Alliance.” Action LA, June.
Lens, Sid. 1967. “Labor and the CIA.” The Progressive, April: 25-39.
Leopold, Les. 2007. The Man Who Hated Work and Loved Labor: The Life and Times of Tony Mazzocchi. New York: Chelsea Green Publishing.
Luff, Jennifer. 2016. “Labor Anticommunism in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, 1920-49.” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 53, No. 1: 109-133.
Luhan, J. Michael. 1986. “AIFLD’s Salvadorean Labor Wars.” Dissent, Summer: 340-350.
Maas, Peter. 1986. “Selling Out: How an Ex-CIA Agent Made Millions Working for Qaddafi.” The New York Times Magazine, April 13: 26-32.
Morris, George. 1967. CIA and American Labor: The Subversion of the AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy. New York: International Press.
Morrison, Alastair. 1983. “Unions Linked to the CIA.” New Zealand Times, October 30: 1+.
Nack, David. 1999. “The American Federation of Labor Confronts Revolution in Russia and Early Soviet Government, 1905 to 1928: Origins of Labor’s Cold War.” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of History, Rutgers University.
Newman, Jamie and Charles Walker. 2002. “Cloaks and Daggers: The ‘AFL-CIA’ and the Venezuelan Coup.” Washington Free Press, No. 58, July/August.
Newsletter of International Labour Studies. 1989. “USA: Beyond Trade Union Imperialism.” Newsletter of International Labour Studies, No. 40-41, January-April.
Quaccia, Jon. 2005. “The AFL-CIO and the NED: National Endowment for Death Squads?” Agenicia Latinamericano de Informacion y Analisis-Dos (Alia2). (Posted on-line at in English.)
Rachleff, Peter. 2000. “Rupture or Continuity?” New Politics, Vol. 7, No. 4, New Series, Whole Number 28, Winter.
Radosh, Ronald. 1969. American Labor and United States Foreign Policy. New York: Random House.
Rahman, Zia and Tom Langford. 2014. “International Solidarity or Renewed Trade Union Imperialism? The AFL-CIO and Garment Workers in Bangladesh” in Kim Scipes, ed., special issue on Global Labor Solidarity in The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 17, No. 2: 169-186.
Richards, Yevette.
— 2013. “Marred by Dissimulation: The AFL-CIO, the Women’s Committee, and Transnational Labor Relations” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds. 39-55.
— 2004. “The AFL-CIO and South Africa,” Chapter 9 in Conversations with Maida Springer: A Personal History of Labor, Race and International Relations. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Robinson, William I. and Jonah Gindin. 2005. “The Battle for Global Civil Society.” ZNet, June 13. No longer available.
Rodriquez Garcia, Magaly. 2013. “The AFL-CIO and ORIT in Latin America’s Andean Region from the 1950s to the 1960s” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds.: 137-163.
Romauldi, Serafino. 1967. Presidents and Peons: Memories of a Labor Ambassador in Labor America. New York: Funk and Wagnals.
Romero, Federico. 2013. “Transnational Labor Politics in the Global Cold War” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds..: 269-282.
Ruiz, Alberto.
— 2012. “Democrats and US Labor: Delusional About Latin America.” Counterpunch, September 4.
— 2012. “The AFL-CIO and Colombia: The Wikileaks Revelations.” Counterpunch, January 9. No longer available.
— 2011. “The AFL-CIO’s Covert Ops in Venezuela.”, December 22. No longer available.
— 2004. “The Question Remains: What is the AFL-CIO Doing in Venezuela?” No longer available.
Schmidt, George N. 1978. The American Federation of Teachers and the CIA. Chicago: Substitutes United for Better Schools. (Classic study).
Schuhrke, Jeff.
— 2020. “Land, Labor and ‘Free’ Trade Unionism: Agrarian Reform and the AFL-CIO’s Cold War in El Salvador.” Diplomatic History. Vol. 44, No. 4 (September): 527-553.
— 2020. “Reckoning With the AFL-CIO’s Imperialist History.” Jacobin, January.
— 2019. “‘Comradely Brainwashing’: International Development, Labor Education, and Industrial Relations in the Cold War.” Labor Studies in Working-Class History, Vol. 16, No. 3: 39-67.
Scipes, Kim.
— 2022. “Labor Activists Launch New Organization to Challenge AFL-CIO Foreign Policy.”, June 5.
— 2021. “As Workers Win Victories in –Mexico, It’s Important to Remember Past Machinations Against Them,” a review of Rob McKenzie’s El Golpe: The US Labor Movement, the CIA, and the Coup at Ford in Mexico. Covert Action Magazine, February 28.
—2020. “The AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Program: Where Historians 0Now Stand.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 8, No. 2, Article 5.
— 2018. “American Labour’s Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Detente, 1945-1970 by Anthony Carew: A Review Essay.” Class, Race and Corporate Power, Vol. 6, No. 2, Article 8.
— 2016. “Labour Imperialism” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-imperialism, edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope. London: Palgrave Macmillan: 1294-1304.
— 2014. “Review Essay: American Labor’s Global Ambassadors: The International History of the AFL-CIO During the Cold War, ed. by Robert Anthony Waters, Jr., and Geert van Goethem.” Working USA, Vol. 17, No. 2, June: 283-288.
— 2012. “Globalization from Below: Labor Activists Challenging the AFL-CIO Foreign Policy Program.” Critical Sociology, Vol. 38, No. 2 (March): 303-323.
— 2012. “Fighting Labor Imperialism in the AFL-CIO.” Z Net Blog, February 2. No longer available.
— 2011. “Book Review: “In the Interest of Democracy”: The Rise and Fall of the Early Cold War Alliance between the American Federation of Labor and the Central Intelligence Agency by Quenby Olmsted Hughes.” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 14, No. 4, December: 634-638.
— 2010. “Why Labor Imperialism? AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Leaders and the Developing World.” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 13, No. 4, December: 465-479.
— 2010. AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. (Published in paperback in 2011.)
— 2007. “The AFL-CIO Foreign Policy Program and the 2002 Coup in Venezuela: Was the AFL-CIO Involved?” Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Vol. X: 133-147.
— 2007. “Is Cosatu Playing with the Devil? Investigating the AFL-CIO and Its Solidarity Center.” South African Labour Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 5.
— 2006. “Open Letter to Institute of Policy Studies: It’s Time to Take Off the Halloween Masks.” SolidarityInfoServices, November 2. No longer available.
— 2006. (With Jeb Sprague). “Reverse Solidarity: The Reactionary Role of US Labor in Haiti and Venezuela.”
— 2006. “A Specter is Haunting the AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Program: The Worker to Worker Solidarity Committee,” MR on Line, June 2, 2006.
— 2006. “Worker-to-Worker Solidarity Committee to AFL-CIO: Cut All Ties with NED.” MR online, April 29.
— 2006. “Workers’ Rights ARE Human Rights–Not Just in the USA, but around the World.” MR online, January 25.
— 2005. “Reinserting ‘Details’.” Z Net, August 22.
— 2005. “AFL-CIO Foreign Policy: Final Report from the Convention.” Z Net, August 2.
— 2005.” Democracy Now!” “Unholy Alliance: The AFL-CIO and the National Endowment for Democracy in Venezuela.” July 26.
— 2005. “Head of AFL-CIO International Affairs Department Refuses to be on Amy Goodman’s ‘Democracy Now!’ Program with Labor Activists Kim Scipes and Fred Hirsch.” Chicago Indymedia Center, July 26.
— 2005. “‘Takes on the World,’ radio program out of Philo, CA, hosted by Jeff Blankfort and carried on KYCX Radio, conducts a live interview with Kim Scipes on ‘AFL-CIO’s International Operations.’” July 20. No longer available.
— 2005. “Free Labor from the Empire: Breaking the NED-Solidarity Center Connection.” MR online, July 19.
— 2005. “‘Labor Express’ radio program from Chicago, hosted by Jerry Mead and carried on WLUW Radio, conducts a live interview with Kim Scipes on ‘The Fight to Transform AFL-CIO Foreign Policy.” No longer available.
— 2005. “An Unholy Alliance: The AFL-CIO and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Venezuela.” ZNet, July 10.
— 2005. “Key Recent Articles on AFL-CIO Foreign Policy.” Chicago Indymedia Center, July 10. No longer available.
— 2005. “Background Information to AFL-CIO Foreign Policy Operations in Venezuela.” VHeadline, July 6. No longer available.
— 2005. “Are AFL-CIO Foreign Policy Leaders Engaging in Dirty Tricks? Foreign Policy Efforts Being Challenged.” ZNet, June 23.
— 2005. “Response To Ray Scannell.” Portside, June 5. No longer available.
— 2005. “Labor Imperialism Redux? The AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy Since 1995.” Monthly Review, Vol. 57, No. 1, May: 23-36. (References are in on-line version only.)
— 2005. “AFL-CIO Foreign Policy Leaders Help Develop Bush’s Foreign Policy, Target Foreign Unions for Political Control.” Labor Notes, March.
— 2004. “Grass-roots Trade Unionists Rein in America’s ‘AFL-CIA’.” Red Pepper [London], No. 123, September: 16.
— 2004. “California AFL-CIO Rebukes Labor’s National Level Foreign Policy Leaders.” Labor Notes, September: 14.
— 2004. “AFL-CIO in Venezuela: Déjà vu All Over Again.” Labor Notes, April: 5.
— 2004. “AFL-CIO Refuses to ‘Clear the Air’ on Foreign Policy, Operations.” Labor Notes, February: 2.
— 2002. “AFL-CIO and Venezuela: Return of Labor Imperialism, or a Mistaken Reaction?” Z Net, May 2.
— 2000. “Building International Labour Solidarity: Escalating the Struggle Within the AFL-CIO.” No longer available.
— 2000. “It’s Time to Come Clean: Open the AFL-CIO Archives on International Labor Operations.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer: 4-25. [Posted on-line in English by LabourNet Germany.]
— 1998. “CIA, AFL-CIO and Pinochet.” December 2.
— 1997. “What is the AFL-CIO Doing in the Third World?” NACTA Voice, Fall. No longer available.
— 1996. Chapter 5, “Organization in Cebu,” in Kim Scipes, KMU: Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994. Quezon City, Metro Manila: New Day Publishers.
— 1993. “Book Review: Workers of the World Undermined: American Labor’s Role in US Foreign Policy by Beth Sims.” Z Magazine, November: 61-62.
— 1989. “The AFL-CIO Meddles in the Philippines.” The Progressive, November: 33.
— 1989. “Trade Union Imperialism in the U.S. Yesterday: Business Unionism, Samuel Gompers and AFL Foreign Policy.” Newsletter of International Labour Studies [Institute of Labor Education, Research and Information, The Hague, The Netherlands], Nos. 40-41, January-April: 4-20.
— 1987. “Picketers Challenge AFL-CIO’s Foreign Policy.” Labor Notes, May: 12.
— 1987. “AFL-CIO’s International Bulletin is Sophisticated Misinformation.” Labor Notes, January: 15.
Scott, Jack. 1978. Yankee Unions Go Home! How the AFL Helped the US Build an Empire in Latin America. Vancouver, B.C.: New Star Books.
Sears, John Bennett. 2010. “Peace Work: The Antiwar Tradition in American Labor from the Cold War to the Iraq War.” Diplomatic History, Vol. 34, No. 4 (September): 699-720.
Shailor, Barbara. 1998. “A New Internationalism: Advancing Workers’ Rights in the Global Economy” in Jo-Ann Mort, ed., Not Your Father’s Union Movement: Inside the AFL-CIO. London and New York: Verso: 145-155.
Shailor, Barbara and George Kourpias. 1998. “Developing and Enforcing International Labor Standards” in Mantsios, ed.: 277-285.
Shorrock, Tim.
— 2005. “Labor’s Foreign Policy Heads in a New Direction.” Foreign Policy in Focus, August 11.
— 2003. “Labor’s Cold War.” The Nation, May 19.
— 2002. “Toeing the Line? Sweeney and US Foreign Policy.” New Labor Forum, Vol. 11, Fall/Winter: 9-19.
Shorrock, Tim and Kathy Selvaggio. 1986. “Which Side Are You On, AAFLI?” The Nation, February 15: 170-173.
Siegel, Lenny. 1975. “AFL-CIA” in Steve Weissman, ed. The Trojan Horse: A Radical Look at Foreign Aid (Revised 1975 ed.) Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press: 117-135, 248-249.
Sims, Beth. 1992. Workers of the World Undermined: American Labor and the Pursuit of U.S. Foreign Policy. Boston: South End Press.
Sklar, Holly. 1989. “Washington Wants to Buy Nicaragua’s Elections Again: A Guide to US Operatives and Nicaraguan Parties.” Z Magazine, December: 49-60.
Slaney, Dave. 1988. “Solidarity and Self-Interest.” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 22, No. 3, May/June: 28-36.
Smith, Jordan Michael. 2013. “The US Democracy Project.” The National Interest, May 1. This is a critical article in a conservative journal that talks about US efforts to promote “democracy” around the world–in reality, elite, top-down, CONSTRAINED, polyarchal democracy–that is worth a read. For more details on the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), see my 2010 book, AFL-CIO’s Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books: 96-105.
Smyth, Frank.
— 1987. “AFL-CIO is Spanish for Union Busting.” The Washington Monthly, September: 24-27.
— 1987. “Duarte’s Secret Friends.” The Nation, March 14: 316-318.
Spalding, Hobart, A., Jr.
— 1992. “Two Latin American Foreign Policies of the US Labor Movement: The AFL-CIO Top Brass Vs. Rank and File.” Science and Society, Vol. 56, No. 4.
— 1988b. “US Labour Intervention in Latin America: The Case of the American Institute for Free Labour Development” in Roger Southall, ed., Trade Unions and the New Industrialization of the Third World. London: Zed; Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press; and Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press: 259-286.
— 1988a. “AIFLD Amok” in NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 22, No. 3, May/June: 20-27.
— 1984. “U.S. Labour Intervention in Latin America: The Case of the American Institute for Free Labour Development (AIFLD.” LABOUR, Capital and Society, Vol. 17, No. 2, November: 136-172.
Sprague, Jeb.
— 2006. “Failed Solidarity: The ICFTU, AFL-CIO, ILO, and ORIT in Haiti.” Labor Notes, June.
— 2006. “Batay Ouvriye’s Smoking Gun: The $100,000 NED Grant” January 10. No longer available.
— 2005. “Supporting a Leftist Opposition to Lavalas [in Haiti]: The AFL-CIO’s Solidarity Center and the Batay Ouvriye.” November 18. No longer available.
Sprague, Jeb and Joe Emersberger. 2006. “$449,965 in NED/State Department Funding for ACILS ‘Solidarity Center’ Program with Batay Ouvriye.” Z Net, September 30. No longer available.
Stoner, John C. 2013. “‘We will Follow a Nationalist Policy, but We Will Never Be Neutral: American Labor and Neutralism in Cold War Africa, 1957-1962” in Waters and Van Goethem, eds.: 237-251.
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Central Labor Councils
Acuff, Stuart. 1999. “Expanded Roles for the Central Labor Council: The View from Atlanta” in Nissen, ed.: 133-142.
Blake, Marshall, Jerry Butkiewicz, Jim Cavanaugh, Miguel Contreras, Jeffrey Crosby, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkin, John Goldstein, Shar Knutson, Leslie Moody, V. Daniel Radford, John Ryan, and Steve Williamson. 2004. “An Open Letter: Building Powerful Local Labor Movements.” (The document referred to by Kelber, 2004.)
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Eimer, Stuart. 1999. “From ‘Business Unionism’ to ‘Social Movement Unionism’: The Case of the AFL-CIO Milwaukee County Labor Council.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer: 63-81.
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Kriesky, Jill. 2001. “Structural Change in the AFL-CIO: A Regional Study of Union Cities’ Impact” in Turner, Katz and Hurd: 129-154.
Ness, Immanuel. 1998. “The Road to Union Cities: Labor Seeks to Transform the Culture and Structure of Central Labor Councils.” Working USA, November-December.
Community Organizing/Organizations
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Childs, John Brown. 1990. “Coalitions and the Spirit of Mutuality” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 234-244.
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Richards, Barbara. 1990. “The Community-Labor Alliance of New Haven” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 70-92.
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Simmons, Louise. 1990. “Organization and Leadership Models in Labor-Community Coalitions” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 229-233.
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Young, Iris. 1997. “The Complexities of Coalition.” Dissent, Winter: 64-69.
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Electoral Politics
Beachler, Donald W. 2001. “Labor’s Triumphs and Frustrations: New Labor and Electoral Politics in the 2000 Election.” Working USA, Vol. 5, No. 1, Summer: 103-123.
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Chang, Tracy F.H. 2003. ‘Electoral Activities of Southern Local Unions in the 2000 Election.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1, Spring: 53-81.
Cooke, Shamus. 2013. “Bad Romance: Labor, Obama and the Democrats.” Counterpunch, March 7.
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Scipes, Kim.
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Global Labor Solidarity, both From the Grassroots and From Formal Organizations
NEW BOOK: Building Global Labor Solidarity: Lessons from the Philippines, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, and the United States by Kim Scipes (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, August 2020). This is a compilation of articles I have written on the subject over the years 1985-2020, grounded in my work on the KMU Labor Center of the Philippines. Includes articles published in obscure journals, now dead journals, only on the internet, and some never published at all.
NEW BOOK: Building Global Labor Solidarity in a Time of Accelerating Globalization, ed. by Kim Scipes (2016). Published by Haymarket Books in Chicago, and available at This is a book unlike any other to date, and I argue that there is a lot to be learned from it. It includes chapters by (in alphabetical order) David Bacon, Bruno Dobrusin, Jenny Jungehuelsing, Katherine Nastovski, Timothy Ryan, Kim Scipes and Michael Zweig.
Special issues of journals on this subject:
“Global Labor Solidarity. “Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 17, No. 2, June 2014, edited by Kim Scipes.
“Labor Internationalism,” Social Science History, Vol. 27, No. 4, Winter 2003, edited by Michael P. Hanagan.
“New Labor Internationalism.” Antipode, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2001, edited by Peter Waterman and Jane Wills.
Individual items:
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Labor Communications
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Labor Education
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Labor Revitalization
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Hill, Herbert. 2002. “Race and the Steelworkers Union: White Privilege and Black Struggles.” New Politics, Vol. 8, No. 4 (New Series), Winter: 174-207.
Hope, John II. 1956. Equality of Opportunity: A Union Approach to Fair Employment. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press.
Horowitz, Roger.
— 1997a. “Negro and White: Unite and Fight!” A Social History of Industrial Unionism in Meatpacking, 1930-90. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
— 1997b. “This Community of Our Union: Shopfloor Power and Social Unionism in the Postwar UPWA” in Stromquist and Bergman, eds.: 96-127.
Kelley, Robin D.G. 1994. Race Rebels: Culture, Politics and the Black Working Class. New York: The Free Press.
Korstad, Robert Rodgers. 2003. Civil Rights Unionism: Tobacco Workers and the Struggle for Democracy in the Mid-Twentieth Century South. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press.
La Luz, Jose and Paula Finn. 1998. “Getting Serious About Inclusion: A Comprehensive Approach” in Mantsios, ed.: 171-184.
MacLean, Nancy. 1999. “The Hidden History of Affirmative Action: Working Women’s Struggles in the 1970s and the Gender of Class.” Feminist Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1: 43-78.
Needleman, Ruth. 2003. Black Freedom Fighters in Steel: The Struggle for Democratic Unionism. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
Nelson, Bruce.
— 1996. “Class, Race, and Democracy in the CIO: The ‘New’ Labor History Meets the ‘Wages of Whiteness.’” International Review of Social History, Vol. 41, Part III, December: 351-374.
— 2001. Divided We Stand: American Workers and the Struggle for Black Equality. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Ness, Immanuel. 2001. “Fighting Racism and Union-Busting in South Carolina: Interview with Ken Riley.” Working USA, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall: 119-131.
Scipes, Kim.
— 2003. “Trade Union Development and Racial Oppression in Chicago’s Steel and Meatpacking Industries, 1933-1955.” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago. (Available from UMI Dissertation Services through ProQuest,, under author’s full name, Steven R. “Kim” Scipes.)
— 2017. “Review: Black Subjugation in America.” Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture. Vol. 16, Nos. 1-2 (Spring).
Steinberg, Stephen. 2001. “Race Relations: The Problem with the Wrong Name.” New Politics, Vol. 8, No. 2 (New Series), Winter: 57-61.
Street, Paul. 2000. “’ The Best Union Members’: Class, Race, Culture, and Black Worker Militancy in Chicago’s Stockyards During the 1930s.” Journal of American Ethnic History, Vol. 20, No. 1, Fall: 18-49.
Tchen, John Kuo Wei. 1990. “The Chinatown-Harlem Initiative: Building Multicultural Understanding in New York City” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 186-194.
Zeitlin, Maurice and L. Frank Weyher. 2001. “’ Black and White, Unite and Fight’: Interracial Working-Class Solidarity and Race Employment Equality.” American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 107, No. 2, September: 430-467.
Zieger, Robert H. 2004. “The Historiography of Race and Labor.” OAH Regional Meeting, July 9.
Shopfloor Organizing/Struggles
Downs, Steve and Tim Schermerhorn. 1999. “Hell on Wheels: Organizing Among New York City’s Subway and Bus Workers” in Tillman and Cummings, eds.: 167-190.
Hamper, Ben. 1991. Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line. New York: Warner Books.
Hickey, Rob. 2002. “Strategic Contract Campaigns at Multinational Corporations.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring: 71-92.
Levasque, Christian and Gregor Murray. 2002. “Local Versus Global: Activating Local Union Power in the Global Economy.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2, Fall: 39-66.
Parker, Mike. 1996. “Industrial Relations Myth and Shop-floor Reality: The ‘Team-Concept’ in the Auto Industry” in Nelson Lichtenstein and Howell John Harris, eds. Industrial Democracy in America: The Ambiguous Promise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shotwell, Greg. 2013. “Autoworkers Under the Gun: A Tall Order for a Tall Union Man.” Autoworkers Under the Gun, January 22.
Slaughter, Jane, ed. 2005. Troublemaker’s Handbook, 2nd Edition. Detroit: Labor Notes.
Specific Labor Organizations/Struggles
By Organization:
AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees)
LeBeau, Josephine and Kevin Lynch. 1998. “Successful Organizing at the Local Level: The Experience of AFSCME District Council 1707” in Mantsios, ed.: 104-118.
Worthen, Helena, Steve Edwards and Diane Stokes. 2002. “An Activist AFSCME Local Confronts Welfare Reform.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring: 25-44.
AFT (American Federation of Teachers)
Schulte, Elizabeth. 2012. “A Victory for Solidarity and Struggle.” Socialist Worker, September 20.
Sustar, Lee. 2013. “Another AFT Surrender to Education ‘Reform.’” Socialist Worker, August 21.
CWA (Communications Workers of America)
Cohen, Larry and Steve Early. 1999. “Defending Workers’ Rights in the Global Economy: The CWA Experience” in Nissen, ed.: 143-164.
Early, Steve. 2011.” Big Organizing Challenge Remains after Temporary Truce at Verizon.” Labor Notes, August 23.
Nack, David and Jimmy Tarlau. 2005. “The Communications Workers of America Experience With ‘Open-Source’ Unionism.” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society. Vol. 8, December: 721-732.
Nissen, Bruce. 2001. “Building a Minority Union: The CWA Experience at NCR.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 25, No. 4, Winter: 34-55.
Nissen, Bruce and Seth Rosen. 1999. “The CWA Model of Membership-based Organizing.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 24: 73-88.
IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers)
Lewis, Janet and Bill Mirand. 1998. “Creating an Organizing Culture in Today’s Building and Construction Trades: A Case Study of IBEW Local 46” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 297-308.
IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters)
Brenner, Aaron. “Rank and File Teamster Movements in Comparative Perspective” in Perusek and Worcester, eds.: 110-139.
Bruno, Robert. 2003. Reforming the Chicago Teamsters: The Story of Local 705. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
LaBotz, Dan. 1990. Teamsters for a Democratic Union: Rank and File Rebellion. New York: Verso.
Ryan, Charlotte. 2004. “It takes a Movement to Raise an Issue: Media Lessons from the 1997 UPS Strike.” Critical Sociology, Vol.30, No. 2: 483-511.
Tillman, Ray M. 1999. “Reform Movements in the Teamsters and United Auto Workers” in Tillman and Cummings, eds.: 137-166.
Witt, Matt and Rand Wilson. 1998. “Part-Time America Won’t Work: The Teamsters’ Fight for Good Jobs at UPS” in Mort, ed.: 179-188.
ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union)
Bacon, David. 2003. “Dockworkers’ Contract Postpones Crucial Jurisdiction Questions.” Labor Notes, February: 1.
Wellman, David. 1995. The Union Makes Us Strong: Radical Unionism on the San Francisco Waterfront. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Jobs with Justice
Banks, Andrew. 1990. “Jobs with Justice: Florida’s Fight Against Worker Abuse” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 25-37.
National Union of Health Workers (NUHW)
See also SEIU, below.
Early, Steve.
— 2011. The Civil Wars in US Labor: Birth of a New Workers’ Movement or Death Throes of the Old? New York and London: Verso.
— 2011. “Kaiser Election Results KOed: Judge Orders Rematch Between SEIU and NUHW.” Working in these Times, July 21.
SEIU (Service Employees International Union)
Benson, Herman.
— 2009. “Hybrid Unionism: Dead End or Fertile Future?” Dissent Magazine, Winter.
— 2009. “Herman Benson Responds to Gerry Hudson and Tom DeBruin.” Dissent Magazine.
Delp, Linda and Katie Quan. 2002. “Homecare Worker Organizing in California: An Analysis of a Successful Strategy.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring: 1-24.
Early, Steve.
— 2008. “A Purple Uprising in Oakland.” Counterpunch, April 4.
— 2008. “The Purple Punch-Out in Dearborn.” Counterpunch, April 18.
— 2008. “SEIU Condemnation of Dissidents Has Long History in Labor.” Labor Notes, May 27.
— 2009. “And Who Decides the Fate of UHW?” Counterpunch, January 6.
— 2009. “Employee Free Choice at Work: Check out of Stern’s Hotel California.” Counterpunch, February 4.
— 2010. “SEIU’s Mega-Local Meltdown: Size Matters, But Members Matter More.” Working in these Times, March 1.
— 2011. The Civil Wars in US Labor: Birth of a New Workers’ Movement or Death Throes of the Old? New York and London: Verso.
— 2011. “Kaiser Election Results KOed: Judge Orders Rematch Between SEIU and NUHW.” Working in these Times, July 21.
Educators. 2008. “Open Letter to Andy Stern about Actions Against UHW” [United Healthcare Workers]. This letter was written in response to concerns about the threat of trusteeship to the third largest “local” of SEIU, and the letter was also published in The New York Times on May 1: A-9.
Hudson, Gerry and Tom DeBruin. 2009. “A Response to Herman Benson’s Hybrid Unionism.”
Johnston, Paul. 1994. Success While Others Fail: Social Movement Unionism and the Public Workforce. Ithaca: ILR Press.
Kaplan, Esther. 2008. “Labor’s Growing Pains.” The Nation, May 29.
Lichtenstein, Nelson. 2008. “The Battle for Labor’s Future: the SEIU’s Andy Stern has an ambitious plan. Not everyone is on board.” Los Angeles Times, May 22.
Moberg, David. 2008. “SEIU Is the Nation’s Fastest Growing Union–But at What Cost?” In These Times, April 9.
Pringle, Paul. 2009. “SEIU Borrows Business’ Anti-union Tactics to Fend Off a Rival.” Los Angeles Times, June 24.
Rosado Marzan, Cesar F. 2009. “Pirates of the Caribbean: SEIU’s Failed Bid in Puerto Rico.” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 12, June: 235-247.
Shaw, Randy. 2010. “SEIU’s Post-Andy Stern Future” by Randy Shaw. Beyond Chron, April 14.
Winslow, Cal. 2009. “Eyewitness in Oakland: Stern’s Gang Seizes UHW Union Hall.” Counterpunch, February 2.
Waldinger, Roger, Chris Erickson, Ruth Milkman, Daniel J.B. Mitchell, Abel Valenzuela, Kent Wong and Maurice Zeitlin. 1998. “Helots No More: A Case Study of the Justice for Janitors Campaign in Los Angeles” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 102-120.
Williams, Jane. 1999. “Restructuring Labor’s Identity: The Justice for Janitors Campaign in Washington, D.C.” in Tillman and Cummings, eds.: 203-218.
Babson, Steve. 1996. “UAW, Lean Production, and Labor-Management Relations at Auto Alliance” in Clark and Yanarella, eds.: 81-100.
Barnard, John. 2004. American Vanguard: The United Auto Workers During the Reuther Years, 1935-1970. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Cohen, Isaac. 2003. “The Caterpillar Labor Dispute and the UAW, 1991-1998. Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, Winter: 77-100.
Gibson, Rich. 2006. “The Torment and Demise of the United Auto Workers Union as Performed by the Auto Bosses, the Labor Leaders, Counterfeit Radicals, Fictional Revolutionaries, and All Those Who Know They Are Not Innocent Either.” Cultural Logic.
Lichtenstein, Nelson. 1995. Walter Reuther: The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Tillman, Ray M. 1999. “Reform Movements in the Teamsters and United Auto Workers” in Tillman and Cummings, eds.: 137-166.
UFCW (United Food & Commercial Workers)
Alexander, Courtney. 2002. “Rise to Power: The Recent History of the Culinary Union in Las Vegas” in Hal K. Rothman and Mike Davis, eds. The Grit Beneath the Glitter: Tales from the Real Los Vegas. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Lund, John and Christopher Wright. 2003. “Building Union Power Through the Supply Chain: Mapping Opportunities and Jurisdictional Boundaries in Grocery Distribution.’ Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, Winter: 59-76.
Morrissey, Marietta and Barbara Thomas Coventry. 1996. “Divided Against Itself: Local vs. International Union Interests in a Toledo Supermarket Strike.” Critical Sociology, Vol. 22, No. 1: 753-72.
Rachleff, Peter.
— 1990. “Supporting the Hormel Strikers” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 57-69.
— 1993. Hard Pressed in the Heartland: The Hormel Strike and the Future of the Labor Movement. Boston: South End Press.
UFW (United Farm Workers)
Bardacke, Frank. 2011. Trampling Out the Vintage: Cesar Chavez and the Two Souls of the United Farm Workers. NY: Verso.
Ganz, Marshall. 2009. Why David Sometimes Wins: Leadership, Organization, and Strategy in the California Farm Worker Movement. NY: Oxford University Press.
Pawel, Miriam. 2009. The Union of Their Dreams: Power, Hope and Struggle in César Chavez’s Farm Worker Movement. NY: Bloomsbury Press.
Shields, Randy. 2008. Beyond the Fields: Cesar Chavez, the UFW and the Struggle for Justice in the 21st Century. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Abowd, Paul. 2009. “UNITED WHERE? SEIU Offers a Hans as UNITE HERE Power Struggle Goes Public.” Labor Notes, February 9.
Greenhouse, Steven. 2009. “Two Unions in Marriage Now Face Divorce Talks.” New York Times, February 8.
Juravich, Tom and Jeff Hilgert. 1999. “UNITE’s Victory at Richmark: Community-Based Union Organizing in Communities of Color.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 24: 27-41.
Mishak, Michael. 2009. “Big Union Reels as Card-Check Fight Looms: Culinary Leader in Vegas Calls Parent Union Chief’s Actions ‘Undemocratic’.” Las Vegas Sun, January 29.
Russo, Monica. 1993. “This World Called Miami: ACTWU Approaches Union-Building in a Multicultural Framework.” Labor Research Review, Vol. 20: 36-49.
Brown, Edwin and Tracy F.H. Chang. 2004. “PACE International Union v. Imrey Group: An Organizing Campaign Case Study.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, Spring: 21-43.
Fonow, Mary Margaret. 2003. Union Women: Forging Feminism in the United Steelworkers of America. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.
Hickey, Rob. 2004. “Preserving the Pattern: Membership Mobilization and Union Revitalization at PACE Local 4-227.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, Spring: 1-20.
Juravich, Tom and Kate Bronfenbrenner. 1999. Ravenswood: The Steelworkers’ Victory and the Revival of American Labor. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Kingsolver, Barbara. 1983. Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983.Ithaca: ILR Press.
Murray, Gregor. 1998. “Steeling for Change: Organization and Organizing in Two USWA Districts in Canada” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 320-338.
Nyden, Philip W. 1984. Steelworkers Rank-and-File: The Political Economy of a Union Reform Movement. South Hadley, MA: Bergin & Garvey.
Authors (alphabetically):
Alexander, Courtney. 2002. “Rise to Power: The Recent History of the Culinary Union in Las Vegas” in Hal K. Rothman and Mike Davis, eds. The Grit Beneath the Glitter: Tales from the Real Los Vegas. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Bacon, David. 2003. “Dockworkers’ Contract Postpones Crucial Jurisdiction Questions.” Labor Notes, February: 1.
Banks, Andrew. 1990. “Jobs with Justice: Florida’s Fight Against Worker Abuse” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 25-37.
Barnard, John. 2004. American Vanguard: The United Auto Workers During the Reuther Years, 1935-1970. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Bolsman, Chris. 2007. “Trade Union Internationalism and Solidarity in the Struggle Against Apartheid: A Case Study of Volkswagen.” Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, No. 23/24 (Spring/Autumn): 103-124.
Brenner, Aaron. “Rank and File Teamster Movements in Comparative Perspective” in Perusek and Worcester, eds.: 110-139.
Brown, Edwin and Tracy F.H. Chang. 2004. “PACE International Union v. Imrey Group: An Organizing Campaign Case Study.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, Spring: 21-43.
Bruno, Robert. 2003. Reforming the Chicago Teamsters: The Story of Local 705. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
Bussell, Robert. 2003. “Taking On ‘Big Chicken’: The Delmarva Poultry Justice Alliance.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer: 1-24.
Cameron, Cindia. 1990. “Noon at 9 to 5: Reflections on a Decade of Organizing” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 177-185.
Cohen, Isaac. 2003. “The Caterpillar Labor Dispute and the UAW, 1991-1998. Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, Winter: 77-100.
Cohen, Larry and Steve Early. 1999. “Defending Workers’ Rights in the Global Economy: The CWA Experience” in Nissen, ed.: 143-164.
Condit, Brian, Tom Davis, Jeff Grabelsky and Fred Kotler. 1998. “Construction Organizing: A Case of Success” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 309-319.
Delp, Linda and Katie Quan. 2002. “Homecare Worker Organizing in California: An Analysis of a Successful Strategy.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring: 1-24.
Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. 2002. “Don’t Mourn, Organize: Joe Hill’s Children.” [A review of from ACT-UP to the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Ear of Globalization, ed. by Benjamin Shepard and Ronald Hayduk]. Monthly Review, Vol. 54, No. 7, December: 58-63.
Gibson, Rich. 2006. “The Torment and Demise of the United Auto Workers Union as Performed by the Auto Bosses, the Labor Leaders, Counterfeit Radicals, Fictional Revolutionaries, and All Those Who Know They Are Not Innocent Either.” Cultural Logic.
Glenn, David. 1998. “Fast Track Derailed” in Mort, ed.: 189-200.
Guiland, Stephanie and Julie Allen, eds. 2000. Voices from the WTO: An Anthology of Writings by the People Who Shut Down the World Trade Organization in Seattle, 1999. Olympia, WA: The Evergreen State College.
Hickey, Rob. 2004. “Preserving the Pattern: Membership Mobilization and Union Revitalization at PACE Local 4-227.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, Spring: 1-20.
Johnston, Paul.
— 1994. Success While Others Fail: Social Movement Unionism and the Public Workforce. Ithaca: ILR Press.
— 2004. “Outflanking Power, Reframing Unionism: The Basic Strike of 1999-2001.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4, Winter: 1-24.
Juravich, Tom and Kate Bronfenbrenner.
— 1998. “Preparing for the Worst: Organizing and Staying Organized in the Public Sector” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 261-282.
— 1999. Ravenswood: The Steelworkers’ Victory and the Revival of American Labor. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Juravich, Tom and Jeff Hilgert. 1999. “UNITE’s Victory at Richmark: Community-Based Union Organizing in Communities of Color.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 24: 27-41.
Kingsolver, Barbara. 1983. Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983.Ithaca: ILR Press.
LaBotz, Dan. 1990. Teamsters for a Democratic Union: Rank and File Rebellion. New York: Verso.
Lafer, Gordon. 2003. “Graduate Student Unions: Organizing in a Changed Academic Economy.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer: 25-42.
LeBeau, Josephine and Kevin Lynch. 1998. “Successful Organizing at the Local Level: The Experience of AFSCME District Council 1707” in Mantsios, ed.: 104-118.
Lewis, Janet and Bill Mirand. 1998. “Creating an Organizing Culture in Today’s Building and Construction Trades: A Case Study of IBEW Local 46” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 297-308.
Lichtenstein, Nelson. 1995. Walter Reuther: The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Moberg, David.
— 2007. “Has the Change Led to Wins? Not yet, but organizers from the seven unions that split from the AFL-CIO have big plans.” In These Times, October 24.
— 2008. “SEIU Is the Nation’s Fastest Growing Union–But at What Cost?” In These Times, April 9.
Morrissey, Marietta and Barbara Thomas Coventry. 1996. “Divided Against Itself: Local vs. International Union Interests in a Toledo Supermarket Strike.” Critical Sociology, Vol. 22, No. 1: 753-72.
Murray, Gregor. 1998. “Steeling for Change: Organization and Organizing in Two USWA Districts in Canada” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 320-338.
Nack, David and Jimmy Tarlau. 2005. “The Communications Workers of America Experience With ‘Open-Source’ Unionism.” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society. Vol. 8, December: 721-732.
Nissen, Bruce.
— 1998. “Fighting the Union in a ‘Union Friendly’ Company: The AT&T/NCR Case.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, Fall: 3-33.
— 2001. “Building a Minority Union: The CWA Experience at NCR.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 25, No. 4, Winter: 34-55.
Nissen, Bruce and Seth Rosen. 1999. “The CWA Model of Membership-based Organizing.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 24: 73-88.
Nyden, Philip W. 1984. Steelworkers Rank-and-File: The Political Economy of a Union Reform Movement. South Hadley, MA: Bergin & Garvey.
Peters, Ronald and Theresa Merrill. 1998. “Clergy and Religious Persons’ Roles in Organizing at O’Hare Airport and St. Joseph’s Medical Center” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 164-178.
Rachleff, Peter.
— 1990. “Supporting the Hormel Strikers” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 57-69.
— 1993. Hard Pressed in the Heartland: The Hormel Strike and the Future of the Labor Movement. Boston: South End Press.
Russo, Monica. 1993. “This World Called Miami: ACTWU Approaches Union-Building in a Multicultural Framework.” Labor Research Review, Vol. 20: 36-49.
Ryan, Charlotte. 2004. “It takes a Movement to Raise an Issue: Media Lessons from the 1997 UPS Strike.” Critical Sociology, Vol.30, No. 2: 483-511.
Sciacchitano, Katherine. 1998. “Finding the Community in the Union and the Union in the Community: The First-Contract Campaign at Steeltech” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 150-163.
Scipes, Kim. 2012. “A Look Back in the Mirror at the Wisconsin Uprising: A Review Essay of It Started in Wisconsin: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Labor Protest, ed. by Mari Jo Buhle and Paul Buhle; Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics of Protest, from Madison to Wall Street by John Nichols; and Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back, ed. by Michael D. Yates.” Z Net, July 18. [Reprinted from 2012.]
Shepard, Benjamin and Ronald Hayduk, eds. 2002. From ACT-UP to the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Era of Globalization. London and New York: Verso.
Silverman, Victor. 2006. “Green Unions in a Grey World: International Labor Environmentalism at the UN.” Organization and the Environment, Vol. 19, No. 2, June: 191-213.
Tillman, Ray M. 1999. “Reform Movements in the Teamsters and United Auto Workers” in Tillman and Cummings, eds.: 137-166.
Waldinger, Roger, Chris Erickson, Ruth Milkman, Daniel J.B. Mitchell, Abel Valenzuela, Kent Wong and Maurice Zeitlin. 1998. “Helots No More: A Case Study of the Justice for Janitors Campaign in Los Angeles” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 102-120.
Weikle, Roger D., Hoyt N. Wheeler, and John A. McClendon. 1998. “A Comparative Case Study of Union Organizing Success and Failure: Implications for Practical Strategies” in Bronfenbrenner, et. al., eds.: 197-212.
Williams, Jane. 1999. “Restructuring Labor’s Identity: The Justice for Janitors Campaign in Washington, D.C.” in Tillman and Cummings, eds.: 203-218.
Witt, Matt and Rand Wilson. 1998. “Part-Time America Won’t Work: The Teamsters’ Fight for Good Jobs at UPS” in Mort, ed.: 179-188.
Worthen, Helena and Joe Berry. 2002. “Bargaining for ‘Quality’ in Higher Education: A Case Study from the City Colleges of Chicago.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, Fall: 1-23.
Worthen, Helena, Steve Edwards and Diane Stokes. 2002. “An Activist AFSCME Local Confronts Welfare Reform.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring: 25-44.
Madison, Wisconsin (2011)
Buhle, Mari Jo and Paul Buhle, eds. 2011. It Started in Wisconsin: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Labor Protest. Introduction by John Nichols, and Afterward by Michael Moore. London and New York: Verso. This includes a chapter by Dr. Scipes: “Wisconsin and US Labor”: 149-158.
Nichols, John. 2012. Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics of Protest, from Madison to Wall Street. New York: Nation Books.
Scipes, Kim. 2012. “A Look Back in the Mirror at the Wisconsin Uprising: A Review Essay of It Started in Wisconsin: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Labor Protest, ed. by Mari Jo Buhle and Paul Buhle; Uprising: How Wisconsin Renewed the Politics of Protest, From Madison to Wall Street by John Nichols; and Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back, ed. by Michael D. Yates.” ZNet, July 18. [Originally published in 2012 but republished in 2017.]
Yates, Michael D., ed. 2012. Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Women Workers
Brenner, Johanna.
— 1998. “On Class and Gender in U.S. Labor History.” Monthly Review, Vol. 50, No. 6, November.
— 2000. Women and the Politics of Class. New York: Monthly Review.
Cameron, Cindia. 1990. “Noon at 9 to 5: Reflections on a Decade of Organizing” in Brecher and Costello, eds.: 177-185.
Chang, Grace. 2004. “From the Third World to the ‘Third World Within’: Asian Women Workers Fighting Globalization” in Gonzales, et al., eds.:217-234.
Cobble, Dorothy Sue. 2004. The Other Women’s Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
Fonow, Mary Margaret. 2003. Union Women: Forging Feminism in the United Steelworkers of America. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.
Franzway, Suzanne, Suzanne. 2000. “Women Working in a Greedy Institution: Commitment and Emotional Labour in the Labor Movement.” Gender, Work and Organization, Vol. 7, No. 4: 258-268.
Kaminski, Michelle. 2003. “Teaching Leadership to Union Women: The Use of Stories.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 3, Fall: 1-32.
Hart, Peter D. Associates. 1998. “Working Women’s View of the Economy, Unions, and Public Policy” in Mort, ed.: 69-88.
Hoerr, John. 1997. We Can’t Eat Prestige: The Women Who Organized Harvard. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
MacLean, Nancy. 1999. “The Hidden History of Affirmative Action: Working Women’s Struggles in the 1970s and the Gender of Class.” Feminist Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1: 43-78.
Milkman, Ruth. 1987. Gender at Work: The Dynamics of Job Segregation by Sex During World War II. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Needleman, Ruth. 1998. “Women Workers: Strategies for Inclusion and Rebuilding Unionism” in Mantsios, ed.: 151-170.
Nussbaum, Karen. 1998. “Women in Labor: Always the Bridesmaid?” in Mort, ed.: 55-68.
Polishuk, Sandy. 2003. Sticking to the Union: An Oral History of the Life and Times of Julia Ruuttlia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Roth, Silke. 2003. Building Movement Bridges: The Coalition of Labor Union Women. Westport, CT and London: Praeger.
Salzinger, Leslie. 2003. Genders in Production: Making Workers in Mexico’s Global Factories. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. [Looks at the role of gender in four Juarez factories.]
Scipes, Kim. 1996. Chapter 7, “Organization in Bataan” in Kim Scipes, 1996, KMU: Building Genuine Trade Unionism in the Philippines, 1980-1994. Quezon City, Metro Manila: New Day Publishers. [This looks at women workers in the first export processing in the Philippines who, in 1982, led the first general strike in any EPZ in the world.]
Shire, Karen. 2002. “Class and Gender in the Industrial Borderland: Lee’s Feminist Theory of Production Politics.” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer: 51-60.
Simmons, Louise. 2002-03. “Labor-Welfare Linkages and the Imperative of Organizing Low-Wage Women Workers.” Working USA, Vol. 6, No. 3, Winter: 18-34.
Appelbaum, Eileen, Annette Bernhardt, and Richard J. Murnane, eds. 2003. Low-Wage America: How Employers Are Reshaping Opportunity in the Workplace. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Baumol, William J., Alan S. Blinder, and Edward N. Wolff, eds. 2003. Downsizing in America: Reality Causes, and Consequences. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Beeghley, Leonard. 2005. The Structure of Stratification in the United States, 4th Ed. Boston: Pearson.
Bina, Cyrus, Laurie Clements and Chuck Davis, eds. 1996. Beyond Survival: Wage Labor in Late Twentieth Century. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
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