Yu Ouyang, Ph.D.
Interim Department Chair, History, Philosophy, Political Science and Economics | Interim Department Chair, English and World Languages
Associate Professor

Yu Ouyang’s teaching responsibilities include introductory and upper-level courses in American politics and quantitative methodology.
Research Overview
Ouyang’s research focuses on executive power and actions. His Ph.D. dissertation examines how, why and the extent to which presidents issue unilateral directives such as executive orders to make public policy. In addition, his research also examines how presidents manage the bureaucracy through presidential appointments and the importance of social media and Twitter in presidential communications.
As a first generation student myself, I love helping students find and reach their true potential. Critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and planning and research are all vital career skills that a degree in Political Science will help develop. It is a very versatile degree, preparing students for any career path they wish to pursue.
Select Publications
Ouyang, Yu. “Checking Executive Power: A Simulation Model of Unilateral Executive Behavior.” Congress & the Presidency. Forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1080/07343469.2019.1569735
Ouyang, Yu, and Michael A. Morgan. 2019. “How Presidents Utilize Their Emergency Powers.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 49 (3): 718-732. https://doi.org/10.1111/psq.12588
Ouyang, Yu, Evan T. Haglund, and Richard W. Waterman. 2017. “The Missing Element: Examining the Loyalty-Competence Nexus in Presidential Appointments.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 47 (1): 62-91. https://doi.org/10.1111/psq.12346
Teaching Focus
Ouyang’s teaching focuses on courses in American politics, public policy and research methodology. He is committed to excellence in teaching. By fostering a healthy and supportive learning environment, students can think critically by asking focused questions, by thoroughly scrutinizing potential explanations and by systematically evaluating evidence on important topics in U.S. politics

Lionhearted Leaders: Yu Ouyang
PNW Professor of Political Science Yu Ouyang shares more about his goals and research in American Presidential Politics.