Wubeshet Woldemariam, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

Wubeshet Woldemariam is an assistant professor of civil engineering in the mechanical and civil engineering department. His research and teaching focus on transportation and infrastructure planning.
Select Publications
Koohfar, S., Woldemariam. W., Kumar, A. Prediction of Electric Vehicles Charging Demand: A Transformer-Based Deep Learning Approach, Sustainability, 15(3), 2023. DOI:10.3390/su15032105
Why I became an engineer…
I wanted to become an engineer because I wanted to solve complex, real-world problems. And finding optimal solutions when resources are limited is a real challenge. There are a lot of things you have to consider in your decisions and so finding that optimal solution is sometimes not easy but it’s always exciting.
Research Overview
Areas of Research Interest
- Research on smart cities
- Research on connected and autonomous vehicles and their interaction with the built environment
- Infrastructure design
- Transportation sustainability
- Infrastructure network performance analysis
- Traffic engineering
- Pavement systems engineering
Recent Publications
- Woldemariam, W. A framework for Transportation Infrastructure Cost Prediction: A Support Vector Regression Approach, Transportation Letters, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2021.1985895.
- Woldemariam, W. Prioritization of Low-Volume Road Projects Considering Project Cost and Network Accessibility: An Incremental Benefit–Cost Analysis Framework. Sustainability, 13, 13434, 2021.
- Woldemariam, W. Goal Programming Framework for Prioritization of Low-Volume Road Projects Considering Network Accessibility and Stakeholders’ Preferences. Transportation Research Record, 2675(3), 249–262, 2021.
- Miralinaghi, M., Woldemariam, W., Abraham, D., Chen, S., Labi, S., Chen, Z. Network-Level Scheduling of Construction Projects Considering User and Business Impacts. Comput Aided Civ Inf., 18 – 00, 2020.

Lionhearted Leader: Wubeshet Woldemariam
Wubeshet Woldemariam’s research on smart cities focuses on developing useful decision-making frameworks and tools to address transportation problems and realize sustainable and equitable transportation.