Thomas F. Brady, Ph.D.
Professor, Operations Management

I currently serve as Professor, Operations Management and teach courses in Operations Management, Quality Management and Statistics.
Research Overview
My research focus lies in the system improvement area where I apply tools of computer simulation and heuristic optimization to business and service institutions to improve business performance. I am also active in applying data analytics in the sports field, particularly baseball.
I enjoy playing the guitar and currently own 31 guitars. I am also a big Chicago Cubs fan and have every Topps baseball card of Cubs players that have been issued since 1952.
Select Publications
“Streaking versus Consistency: Which is Better” 30th Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, May 2019
Teaching Focus
- Operations Management
- Quality Management
- Statistics
Previous Roles
At PNW, I previously served as Dean of Engineering and Technology. Prior to PNW, I was an Executive Director of a research center at the main campus, a systems engineer at Pritsker Corporation and an operations research engineer at Bethlehem Steel Corporation.