Serdar Turedi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Business Analytics
Business Analytics Program Coordinator

Serdar Turedi is an assistant professor of business analytics at Purdue University Northwest. He currently serves as the program coordinator for the business analytics major.
Research Overview
Serdar Turedi specializes in advanced statistical techniques such as partial least squares (PLS-SEM) and his research focuses on understanding the business value of IT. His research has been published in highly regarded academic journals such as Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS). Turedi currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Business Analytics
Select Publications
Turedi, S. (2019). The Interactive Effect of Board Monitoring and Chief Information Officer Presence on Information Technology Investment.
Information Systems Management, 1-11. Turedi, S., & Ekebas-Turedi, C. (2019). “I’ll use IT the way I feel like it”–The influence of user emotions on ERP usage.
Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 28(2), 109-139. Turedi, S., & Zhu, H. (2019).
Teaching Focus
Turedi teaches managerial statistics and decision making in undergraduate and graduate programs. He believes in experiential learning and aims to expand students’ knowledge and develop strong critical thinking and analytic skills through class discussions, hands-on activities and assignments.