Nicholas E. Ernst, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Nicholas Ernst


Nicholas Ernst’s research and teaching focus on organic chemistry, environmental chemistry and supramolecular chemistry.

Research Overview

Nicholas’ research group is currently investigating cotton textile industrial waste water valorization. They are taking waste water from the scouring step of textile production, isolating organic macromolecules like tannins, and finding uses in for these waste materials. This work is in collaboration with the USDA ARS in New Orleans.

I love fantasy books, video games, table-top RPGs, and I think of chemistry as a real-life potion brewing.

Select Publications

Teaching Focus

Nicholas is currently focused on teaching General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry with a desire to take on environmental chemistry.

Previous Roles

Nicholas was a full-time custodian while working towards his B.S. in chemistry at PNW.


Nicholas Ernst


(219) 989-2282

Office Location:

Hammond Campus, GYTE 268


  • Ph.D. Chemistry, Tulane University
  • B.S. Chemistry, Purdue University Calumet

Areas of Expertise

  • International Currency
  • Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology
  • Machine Learning
  • Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Organic Materials Chemistry
  • Nano-Technology
  • Protein Chemistry
  • Thermodynamics of solubility

Credentials, Accreditations & Awards

  • Doctoral Fellowship, State of LA, and Southern Regional Education Board of Regents
  • Undergraduate Award, ACS Division of Organic Chemistry