Niaz Latif, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | Executive Director: Roberts Impact Lab; Commercialization and Manufacturing Excellence Center; Society of Innovators

Niaz Latif is Associate Vice Chancellor for Commercialization and Research at Purdue University Northwest and Executive Director of the Commercialization and Manufacturing Excellence Center (CMEC).
Previous Roles
- Dean, College of Technology, PNW
- Associate Vice Chancellor Research and Graduate Studies, PNW
- Assistant Dean, College of Technology, Purdue University-West Lafayette (PU-WL)
- Head, Industrial Technology, College of Technology, PU-WL
- 2022 Lilly Endowment, Inc., Indiana Youth Programs on Campus Program at PNW and PUFW, Principal Investigator, $586,538
- 2022 Lilly Endowment, Inc., Indiana Youth Programs on Planning Grant, Principal Investigator, $30,000
- 2021 EDA, Project: TRAVERSE, Co-PI, $726,3892019 US Department of Commerce grant(2 yr. grant, 2019-2021, #ED19HDQ0200062) Principal Investigator, $386,316
- 2013 US Department of Labor (USDOL) grant(4 yr. grant 2013-17, # 13120726),Principal Investigator, $2,741,491
- 2013: National Science Foundation (NSF) ATE grant (3 yr. grant 2013-16, # DUE-1304391), Co-Principal Investigator, $764,765 (Purdue Northwest share is $121,998)
- 2010: National Science Foundation (NSF) ATE grant (3 yr. grant 2010-14, # DUE-1003668), Principal Investigator, $613,862