Michael W. Pelter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry

Michael Pelter is an associate professor of chemistry. His areas of expertise include organic, polymer and computational chemistry and chemical education. He has been at PNW since 1991.
Research Overview
The main emphasis of Pelter’s current work is to develop activities designed to aid in the visualization of organic molecules. His current projects involve the visualization of stereoisomers in molecules with an axis of chirality. He is also applying this methodology to octahedral organometallic complexes. Calculations are run on a Linux cluster at PUWL using Gaussian16 computational software.
I have been brewing my own beer for 30 years and am a certified beer judge in the Beer Judge Certification Program.
Select Publications
W. Pelter, L. S. W. Pelter, P. I. Dinga, N. E. Ernst, and M. L. Schultz. “Computational Investigation of Isotopic Labeling: A Pandemic Inspired Activity” J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 3677–3682.
W. Pelter*, P. Dinga, A. Sayeed, J. Dockery, L. S. W. Pelter, “Computational Activity to Visualize Stereoisomers in Octahedral Tris (bidentate ligand) Transition Metal Complexes” Abstracts of Papers, ACS Spring 2023 American Chemical Society National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN (March 2023)
Nalbone, David P.; Ashoori, Minoo; Fasanya, Bankole K.; Pelter, Michael W.; and Rengstorf, Adam (2023) “Salient Factors in Predicting Student Success, Including Course Modality,” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Vol. 17: No. 1, Article 11.
Teaching Focus
Pelter has adapted his teaching methods to include more guided-inquiry. This method seeks to increase student engagement in the classroom by having students work in self-managed teams to analyze data and draw conclusions. This reflects the attitude that the focus in the classroom should be on learning, not teaching. This learning method has led to increased student success.
Previous Roles
Post-Doctoral and Additional Studies:
• Philipps-Universität Marburg
• Colorado State University
• Siebel Institute of Technology
• Rice University
• University of Nebraska-Lincoln