Michael R. Lynn, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Arts and Humanities

Professor of History

Michael Lynn


Michael Lynn is a professor of History in the Department of History. His research and teaching focus on the social and cultural history of Europe, especially between 1400 and 1800.

Research Overview

Lynn’s research analyzes the relationship between science and magic in seventeenth and eighteenth-century France. He has published articles on chiromancy (palm reading) and spontaneous human combustion and is working on the history of tarot cards, vampirism and ventriloquism.

Select Publications

  • Popular Science and Public Opinion in Eighteenth-Century France (2006)
  • The Sublime Invention: Ballooning in Europe, 1783-1820 (2010)
  • Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Enlightenment, editor (2022)
Michael Lynn


(219) 785-5380


Office Location:

Hammond, CLO 217A
Westville, Tech 327


  • Ph.D. – History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.A. – History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • B.A., B.S. – History and Mathematics, Pacific Lutheran University

Areas of Expertise

  • Early Modern Europe
  • Early Modern France, 1400-1800
  • History of Science Enlightenment Social and Cultural History