Melanie M Walski, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Elementary and Early Literacy
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Melanie Walski is an Assistant Professor at PNW, teaching courses to prepare educators to be effective, caring and critically aware of the needs and demands of elementary education.
Research Overview
My research is focused on the intersection of reading policy and practice and how teachers come to understand and implement effective reading instruction.
Along with my academic interests I'm also a flying trapeze enthusiast, a novice ceramicist and cyclist. In addition to these hobbies, my family and I are currently working on visiting all of the National Parks in the U.S.
Select Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Walski, M.M. (2020). Leveled text: How and When Teachers Should Use Them. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 48(2), 41-46.
Walski, M.M., & Koss, M.D. (2020). Who Do Children See?: Diversity of Main Characters in in Leveled Texts. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 48(3), 21-29.
Walski, M.M., Smith, P., Johns, J.L., Berglund, R.L. (2020). Fluency: Questions, answers, and evidence-based strategies. Kendall-Hunt: Dubuque, IA.
Teaching Focus
My teaching focuses on preparing effective educators in the area of early and elementary reading with an emphasis on content knowledge, skills, and pedagogy.
Previous Roles
Before joining the faculty at PNW, Walski was on the faculty at NIU, served as a literacy coach for a public school district in IL, and taught elementary grades in Los Angeles, CA.
Best Piece of Advice I’d Give to PNW Students…
Learning takes time. You won’t know everything when you start out, but as long you remain curious and vulnerable to growth, you will amaze yourself with what you can do.