Lizhe Tan, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Lizhe Tan is a professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He teaches a variety of electrical engineering courses. His current research focuses on digital signal processing applications with machine learning algorithms, fractional-order control systems and computer vision applications for robotics and measurements.
Research Overview
Tan’s research areas include digital and adaptive signal processing, control systems applications and robotics, active noise control, computer vision and machine learning. He has over one hundred publications including refereed journal papers, refereed conference papers and research book chapters, three software titles, one granted US patent and four textbooks.
I am passionate about mathematics and physics and I like the challenges to create solutions to engineering problems.
Select Publications
- Lizhe Tan, Jean Jiang, Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals, Applications and Deep Learning. Fourth Edition, Elsevier Publishing/Academic Press, 2025.
- X. Guo, J. Jiang, L. Tan, “Distribution-based determination of sparse secondary path for active noise control,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol 71, no 9, pp. 3583-3587, July 2024.
- X. Liu, J. Centeno, J. Alvarado, L. Tan, “One dimensional convolutional neural networks using sparse wavelet decomposition for bearing fault diagnosis,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 86998-87007, August 2022.
- A. Lendek, L. Tan, “Mitigation of derivative kick using time-varying fractional-order PID control,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 55974-55987, April 2021.
- X. Peng, J. Jiang, L. Tan, J. Hou, “2-D bi-level block coding for color image compression and transmission with bit-error awareness,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 110093-110102, June 2020.
- J. Jiang, V. Vijayarajan, L. Tan, “Channel sparsity aware function expansion filters using the RLS algorithm for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 118305-118314, July 2020.
Teaching Focus
Professor Lizhe Tan current teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels is focused on the signals and systems, analog and digital control systems, and digital signal processing with machine learning, including robotics and computer vision. He has supervised many students for their senior design projects and Master thesis research.
Previous Roles
- Purdue University North Central, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
- DeVry University, Senior Professor, Professor and Associate Professor
- The University of New Mexico, Research Associate Industrial Positions, Principal Engineer, Senior Software Engineer
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