Lee Michael Johnson, Ph.D.

Professor of Criminal Justice


Mike Johnson is a Professor of Criminal Jusice and former chair of the department of Behavioral Sciences. His scholarly expertise is in criminology and criminal justice. He joined PNW in 2019.

Research Overview

Johnson has researched and published journal articles and book chapters on topics in victimization and fear of crime, juvenile delinquency and justice, corrections, policing and perceptions of criminal justice system effectiveness.

Select Publications

Johnson, Lee M., Kim DeTardo-Bora & Fran Reddington. 2020. Juvenile Delinquency and Justice in the United States. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Daigle, Leah, Andia Azimi, Katelyn Hancock, and Lee M. Johnson. 2024. Does College Matter? Exploring College-level Factors Related to Victimization Risk for U.S. and Canadian College Students. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 68(5), 488-522.

Johnson, Lee M., Danielle Watson & Nathan W. Pino. 2023. Policing in Trinidad & Tobago: Officers’ Experiences with Stress. The Social Science Journal 60(3): 432-446.


(219) 989-2936


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  • Ph.D. – Sociology, Iowa State University, 2001
  • B.A. – Sociology & Psychology, St. Ambrose University, 1996
  • A.A. – Social Work, Scott Community College, 1993

Areas of Expertise

  • Juvenile Delinquency and Justice
  • Victimology
  • Corrections
  • Criminal Justice System Effectiveness
  • Crime and Social Inequality

Curriculum Vitae