Kristin Burton, DBA

Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship

Kristin Burton


Kristin Burton is focused on strategies for increasing economic development through entrepreneurship and building networks that support early start-up firms.

Research Overview

Burton’s research evaluates business incubators and their contributions to the production and acceleration of sustainable businesses.

I want to make contributions that are impactful! I believe the skills and ideas taught in entrepreneurship classes can be used in any career path. Exposure to these concepts early allows you to become a creative, resourceful problem solver!

Teaching Focus

Burton’s goal as an entrepreneurship professor is to familiarize students with innovative concepts and ideas and provide new insights and technical resources to help them creatively solve societal problems.

PNW Lion Statue

A hands-on approach to entrepreneurship with Kristin Burton

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of the community. It’s important to make sure they survive.

Meet Professor Burton

Kristin Burton


(219) 989-2440

Office Location:

Hammond, Anderson Building 323


  • D.B.A, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
  • M.S. in Accounting, Roosevelt University
  • MBA, Illinois Institute of Technology
  • B.S., Jacksonville State University

Areas of Expertise

  • Ecosystem Builder
  • Business Incubation
  • Strategic Management
  • Growth Through Innovation