Hairong Zhao, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science; Graduate Advisor

Hairong (Helen) Zhao is a full time professor in computer science. Besides teaching and research, she also serves as the graduate advisor in computer science.
Research Overview
Her interdisciplinary research uses methods from computer science, mathematics and statistics to arrive at optimal or good decisions in complex problems. Her research goal is to help decision-makers to make better decisions. Her research has many applications, such as distribution of goods/resources, inventory control, manpower/resource allocation, manufacturing, production process control, etc.
See Hairong Zhao’s Personal Faculty Website
Select Publications
Y. Huo and H. Zhao, “Two Machine Scheduling Subject to Arbitrary Machine Availability Constraints,” Omega, 76, 128-136, 2018.
N. Hall, Y. Huo, B. Li, M. Pinedo, H. Zhao, In memoriam: Dr. Joseph Leung, Journal of Scheduling 21(6): 579-580, 2018
H. Zhao, “Maximizing the Total Number of on Time jobs on Identical Machines”, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Application, 2019.