Ericka Taylor-Joseph

Academic and Student Success Advisor

Ericka Taylor Joseph


Ericka has worked at PNW since 2019 and currently advises for Professional Nursing and Accelerated BSN. She enjoys advising because she loves being a guide for students as they go through their academic journeys. She feels it is such an honor to get to be a part of that.

Ericka said, “I love working at PNW, especially in the College of Nursing because we are like a family. I really enjoy the people I get to work with every day.”

Make an advising appointment with Ericka


  • Reading
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Playing games with family and friends (She is SUPER competitive!)

Fun Fact

Ericka’s internship in college was at Walt Disney World!

Ericka Taylor Joseph


(219) 785-5439

Office Location:

Make an Appointment
Westville, Tech 367


  • Psychology, BA – Purdue University