David Feikes, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics

David Feikes


David Feikes teaches mathematics courses for elementary teachers, intermediate and college algebra. He works with local schools and with schools in Belize providing professional development for teachers and activities for students to learn mathematics.

He also developed the Conceptual Algebra Readiness for Everyone (CARE) project, Math Recovery Project, Thinking With Algebra (TWA), and College Algebra Project (CAP). These projects have been funded by state and National Science Foundation grants.

He also teaches mathematics once every two weeks to the residents of Sharing Meadows, a residential facility for adults with intellectual disabilities.

Research Overview

His current research interests include: algebra readiness and how to provide professional development to help teachers prepare students conceptually for algebra; how to improve mathematics education in developing countries; the qualities and characteristics that make for an outstanding teacher of mathematics; and the nature and role of algebraic structure in the teaching and learning of algebra.

I am truly blessed to be mentally stimulated every day and simply love teaching. The Westville Campus is my home and I hope to continue teaching here until I am not physically able. I am passionate about the teaching and learning of mathematics and I am so proud of the many students I have taught over the past thirty years!

Select Publications

Connecting Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, (CMET). Feikes, D., Schwingendorf, K., & Gregg, J. (2009). Addison Wesley, Boston, MA.

Eisenhauer, M. J., & Feikes, D. (2009). Dolls, Blocks & Puzzles: Playing with Mathematical Understandings. Young Children, 64(3), 18-25.

Feikes, D., Walker, W. S., III., McGathey, N., & Kafle, B. (2022). Algebra readiness and algebraic structure as foundational ideas for algebraic learning. In W. S. Walker, III, L. A. Bryan, S. S. Guzey, & E. Suazo-Flores (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh annual Indiana STEM Education Conference. West Lafayette, IN.

Feikes, D., Walker, W. S., III., Miller, M., & Assandri, L. (2022). The role of social and emotional learning in the Math Recovery Project. In W. S. Walker, III, L. A. Bryan, S. S. Guzey, & E. Suazo-Flores (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh annual Indiana STEM Education Conference. West Lafayette, IN.

Feikes, D., Walker, W. S., III., & Sorge, B. H. (2021). Characteristics of two outstanding elementary teachers of mathematics: Implications for teacher education. In D. Olanoff, K. Johnson, & S. M. Spitzer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1484-1488). Philadelphia, PA.

Teaching Focus

Feikes is a passionate teacher who is focused on children’s learning of mathematics. His courses focus on mathematics and how children learn and think about mathematics. He has written a book about how children learn mathematics and has 61 videos about how children learn mathematics with over 20,000 views at cmlvideos.com.

Previous Roles

Feikes was a high school mathematics teacher for five years. He served as the interim chair of the department of education from 2013 to 2016.

David Feikes


(219) 785-5489


Office Location:

Westville Campus, TECH 285


  • Ph.D. – Mathematics Education, Purdue University
  • M.S. – Education, Purdue University North Central
  • B.S. – Mathematics Education, Ball State University

Areas of Expertise

  • Mathematics Education
  • Algebra Readiness
  • How Students Learn Mathematics
  • Math Education in Belize

Credentials, Accreditations & Awards