Dan S. Wilbur, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication
Associate Professor of Health Studies

Dr. Wilbur is an Associate Professor of Communication and of Health Studies, He also serves as a Faculty Fellow in Student Affairs.
Research Overview
Dr. Wilbur’s research examines the Intersections of organizational power, gender, and identity issues and includes improving aviation workers’ safety behaviors, re-presenting the lived experiences of physicians and healthcare workers, and identifying multigenerational differences in the nursing workforce.
Select Publications
Wilbur, D. S. (2018). Studying organizational communication: The communicative constitution of organizations. In D. M. Dunn & L. J. Goodnight (Eds.), Communication: Embracing difference 4e 2018 custom version. Routledge: New York.
Christo-Baker, E. A. & Wilbur, D. S. (2017). Gender, Authentic Leadership, and Communication. In C. M. Cunningham, H. M. Crandall, & A. M. Dare (Eds.), Gender, Communication, and the Leadership Gap, Women and Leadership. Volume 6 in the International Leadership Association Series, Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice.
IAP: Charlotte, NC. Buzzanell, P. M. & Wilbur, D. S. (2012). Taking a Feminist Lens to Organizational Culture. In M. Marhiori (Ed.), Faces of Organizational Culture and Communication, Vol. 3. Difusao Editora: São Paulo, Brazil.
Teaching Focus
Students First! It’s always about our students.
Previous Roles
Dean of Bayan College, Muscat, Oman (Purdue Northwest Affiliate) Founding Chair of the Purdue Northwest Faculty Senate Communication 114 Basic Course Director, Purdue Northwest Editorial Assistant: Greene, J. O. (Ed.). Human Communication Research (Journal)