Chandramouli Viswanathan Chandramouli, Ph.D.

Department Chair, Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Professor, Construction Engineering and Management Technology

Chandra Chandramouli


Chandra is a Professor and Chair in the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department and serves as Interim Chair for the Construction Science and Organizational Leadership Department. His research and teaching focus is Hydraulics, Drainage, surveying & GIS.

Research Overview

My main research focus is in Water Resources and Water Quality modeling to examine watershed environmental impacts. I use tools such as GIS and Artificial Intelligence in flood plain modeling and analysis, watershed hydraulics & drainage, climate change impacts on reservoir operations.

I Love Yoga and Meditation

Select Publications

K. Sharma, C. V. Chandramouli, X.Wang, J. Moreland, C. Zhou, Interactive Septic System Model for Education and Outreach Activities, ASCE EWRI Congress 2019, Pittsburgh, OH.

C. V. Chandramouli, A.Galarza, E. Laviolatte, S.Pollard, K.Tracy, Evaluating the new high flow channel performance in Little Calumet River System, Northwest Indiana, ASCE EWRI Congress 2019, Pittsburgh, OH.

N Al Aamery, JF Fox, M Snyder, CV Chandramouli, (2018), Variance analysis of forecasted streamflow maxima in a wet temperate climate, Journal of Hydrology 560, 364-381.

Chandramouli, C.V., Buddaraju, S., Kaoukis, N., (2017) Finding landcover change impacts on low flow regimes to help watershed management, Journal of Water and Climate Change, IWA Publishing, 9(1), 196-206.

Chandramouli, C.V., Kaoukis, N., Karim, M., Dorworth L, (2017) “Uses of Precipitation Based Climate Indices in Drought Characterization”, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 22 (8).

Teaching Focus

My teaching focus is on hydrology and hydraulics involving storm sewer and sanitary sewer design & construction. I also teach introductory surveying and Geographic Information system (GIS) courses and using them in different applications.

Previous Roles

Member of Leadership Team, Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department, PNW 2018-2019.

Civil Engineering Program Co-Ordinator, MCE Department, PNW 2008-2019.

Scheduling Co-Ordinator, MCE Department, PNW 2017-2019 Faculty Fellow to VCAA – Fall 2016.

Chandra Chandramouli


(219) 989-2332
(219) 989 8184

Office Location:

Hammond, Powers 211D


  • PhD – Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
  • M.E. – Civil Engineering, Annamalai University, India
  • B.E. – Civil Engineering, Annamalai University, India

Areas of Expertise

  • Water Resources and Water Quality
  • Modeling Flood Plain
  • Analysis Climate change impacts on Reservoir operations
  • Artificial Intelligence applications

Credentials, Accreditations & Awards

  • National Merit Scholarship, Government of India
  • Post Doctoral Research Fellow – University of Kentucky
  • Professional Engineer – Ohio State
  • Outstanding Teacher Award, Calumet Campus, 2016
  • Teaching Incentive Award, 2018

Curriculum Vitae